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Shun Li and the Poet |
I imagine you are already strutting the fairways. I was up at 5:35 am, well-rested, after a fairly boisterous evening, so in spite of burning the proverbial candle at both ends, I will be away today. Hoping for a 9:00 am, post-rush hour departure. Will send a note just before I leave to give you a better idea of my eventual ETA.
Grand night last night. Weather cleared up and we spent most of evening on patio so that was pleasant in itself. Not sure if you have met Sylvia and Ray Banks, or Victor, one of the so-called Swedish Twins. Rest are Usual Suspects! Soon as I send a few more messages I'm off to pack bikes. I'm bringing up those belonging to the Freeloading Sutherlands, (If it's not food and drink, it's muleage, dontcha know!), as although they won't be Fondoing, (Fonduing, more likely. Hold the cheese!), they plan to ride "recreationally", of all things! Probably even stop for a latte!!! Fondestos to Chuckwagon Lady. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Galiano Bound Boychik! Very kind words. Glad you had a good send-off but I think you are "touched" in the head, leaving the Kilkomen and the Grappa. Sorry that we didn't get around to toasting your Dad. Next visit! I also discovered a mini-bottle in book bag. I'll stuff it into the side pocket of my camel pack for a "boost" at the bottom of Fairview Mountain, come event day!
I imagine you are already wrapping the Czechoslovakian crystal and silverware not already surreptitiously pilfered by the hoi aristoi, now living it up in more than high-end style , in Wesbrook Village. When do they take possession of the Lexus? Will send a couple of smoke signals from the Hope/Princeton to give you a better idea of my progress towards my Destiny!
Grand night last night, so thank you all for finding the time in your crazy schedules to be able to come over. GranFondestos to one and all. Cheers, A Bereft Il Conduttore, but with a Fuller Malt Cabinet Patrizzio! Talk soon. Take care of each other!
Good Morning Everyone! Thanks to everyone for coming to give Whirlygig such a grand send-off! Wonderful salad, Sylvia and Raymondo. Thanks for terrific Sake, Vittorino. GranFondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
I was up at 5:30 am and due to Sleeping Beauty, I had to be quiet as a mouse. After I carefully put away dished from night before I answered a few messages and then set about packing up car with all the items that were available, either on the patio, (cycling shoes, runners, helmet, gloves), in the living room, (a selection of CD's), or stored in the laundry room, (chain cleaner, chain oil, and the like.), so that by about 6:45 am I had quite a bit of my cycling gear packed and stowed.
Once this was done I set about making myself a substantial breakfast, (fried oniones, overleft rice and the remainder of Flamn's delicious saladin. By the time this mélange was piping hot I, Coriandre was up so I took my plate into the bedroom and ate as I made the bed. Needed it to fold what I was taking on trip. Spent the next half an hour packing clothes, both cycling wear and social attire. Bags packed, I loaded them into Titanium Green and it was about 9:30 am by this time. Dom Jugos phoned shortly thereafter, (Cora Lee had departed a few minutes earlier, collected by Chloë, as they were off to levitate at Yoga in the Park with Guru Agneta.), to see when I might be on the road, in order to better plan his day.
Hi Wonder Woman!
Thanks for thanks! Great to have you both, if only for you fabulous dessert! David seems to have had a great time and has said he already misses Vancouver. Thinks he'll make trip an annual one so pleased they both enjoyed visit.
In fact, I left on Monday. We hosted a farewell party for Whirlygig. Only time we could squeeze in with his move and my coming to Naramata. Left about 11:00 am and drove straight to Clos du Soleil and then Orofino, out of Cawston, as I wanted to scope toughest, arguably, part of ride, which involves the climb out of Oliver up Fairrview Mountain on Whitelake Road, coming out on Hwy 97 just south of Kaladen. From there it is about 20 km back to Penticton, with only one long, gradual hill to climb before whoooooooooshing down into Penticton for finish! At least that is the theory!
I thought that I could cut cross-country, once I left Keremeos, as I didn't want to go there via Osoyoos. However, I didn't take White Lake Road as appeared not to be paved, contary to what lady in Keremeos Info Centre had said. I later learned that I could have taken Twin Lakes Road to connect to spot I was aiming for but as things turned out route I took was probably for the best anyway. I ended going on 3A to Hwy 97 and from there I knew exactly where I was. On my way towards Oliver, now on White Lake Rd, going south, I came across two huge, brown plumes of smoke, a raging fire in the grasslands near the Dominion Radio Astrophysical Observatory, I learned later. In fact, if I had taken Twin Lakes Road I wouldn't have been able to get through as it was closed, emergency vehicles, etc. At any rate I proceeded all the way into Oliver, noting the terrain, as best I could. Even found a place to park, at the bottom of Fiarview Road,a s I planned to ride this section the next day.
Originally, I had hoped to ride the relatively short, but quite steep section, near Fairview Cellars, (fab wine!), up Old Golf Course Road to where it intersects with Fairview Road and then Willowbrook Rd which takes one north to eventually connect with White Lake Rd and then home! However, time was running out as I'd told Peter I'd be at their place by 7:00 pm at latest. Delayed departure from Vancouver, two stops for absolutely necessary wine tasting and "lost" time getting to Oliver meant that this was probably not going to happen. Nevertheless, was still very pleased at taking a closer look at the terrain in question as I knew it would better prepare me for next day's ride.
Left Oliver around 6:00 pm and drove over route I was planning to ride, to take another, even closer look at hills and flatter sections. Pleased to note that an extremely rough section, fairly steep descent back onto Hwy 97, had been completely resurfaced since I was last over this section. Once back on Hwy 97 it was smooth sailing into Penticton and then I was soon making my way along Narmata Rd to enter the gate code, (meant to keep out the voracious deer!), at #3755 to descend driveway between the vines planted on either side. Fond greetings all around and then Peter helped me unload my car. Once that was done I took a quick shower, changed and came downstiars for a glass of wine before dinner: sausages on the bbq with fresh beets and their greens and spuds from Peter's wonderful garden. A tasty Pinot from Blue Grouse, on VI, and life was prety damn good! Fresh raspberries, again from Garden of Petros, with vanilla ice-cream for dessert, topped with the Diplomatico, Reserva Exclusivo Rum, Venezuela, that I'd brought for Dom Pedro. Lynne even shared the chocolados I'd brought for her, from ChocolaTas on GI. A few snorts of single malt, for the lads, and we then all drifted to our appointed beds! Rough training regimen so I'm not sure if I'll be able to maintain such pace throughout the coming week!
Up reasonably early next morning. Wonderful sleep as it is so pleasantly cool during the night that one can leave all the screened windows wide open. Java, yogurt topped with more raspberries and three pieces of toast and I was way to Oliver, Jugos Dom Atacama, (Peter was just back from Chile, mine consultant that he is!), to one of his weekly golf games. Drove out of Penticton on Hwy 97 to OK Falls and thence to Oliver, parking in my chosen spot just before 9:00 am. By the time I'd unloaded my Trek and changed into my cycling shoes I decided I'd use the washroom at the gas station around the corner. Once my bladder was on empty I headed up Fairview Road at about 9:10 am. Made for Sumac St, taking a left as this would take me to bottom of Old Golf Course Rd and the ascent of Everest had begun!
Hi Coriandre and Paprika, So Bruno and I are coming to Manitoba for one week. Hopefully we can see you. I think Bruno has a friend he also wants to see that has a place at Falcon Lake. I don't have all the details yet, but we should be there from around July 21st to July 28th. Talk soon, Carol xoxo
That's great look forward to a visit with you both. Corinne
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