There are stars whose radiance is visible on Earth though they have long
been extinct. There are people whose brilliance continues to light the
world though they are no longer among the living. These lights are
particularly bright when the night is dark. They
light the way for humankind. -Hannah Senesh, poet, playwright, and
paratrooper (1921-1944)
Wayne Sutherland 32 years ago today I married the girl of my dreams. It seems like just yesterday. I love her today tomorrow and always.
Patrick James Dunn Congratulations and Happy Anniversary to our Favourite Freeloaders. For They Are Jolly Good Fellows! Hip Hip Hooray!
Hello Anne! Trust you are well. Lynne passed along your good
wishes for the Granfondo event. Thank you for the 'best of luck"! Seems I
did have it, at least as far as I was concerned. I had a
wonderful, wonderful time, during the event itself, as well as over the
preceding days with Lynne and Peter, when I would treat myself to some
after riding various sections of the route, the better to familiarize
myself with course terrain, the better to familiarize my palette with
the terrific Okanagan wines! All the best, Patrick!
[Hot summer in BC!

David Kessler "Like" doesn't communicate the distress these images spawn...
Patrick James Dunn I'm sure they conjure up nightmarish memories of Berkeley Hills conflagration in 1991. Hard to believe it has been almost 23 years since you lost your home and virtually all of your possessions! Just posted another remarkable video. First Fire, now Water! Canada, Where the elements are not kinder of gentler!]
Chloe Alexis Dunn Kissy Seymour's eye
Krissy Seymour Kissy???
Chloe Alexis Dunn Well ok I forgot the r but they all know it's you!! Silly sausage.
Patrick James Dunn Love Kissy's freckles!!! Only the best people have them!
Pics: Ted Benson came up on Saturday for event. After finishing, with Corinne in Gyro Park.
Dear Pat: Congratulations on doing so well on your ride. And thanks for the photographs. It’s always nice to see pictures of Peter and Lynne in their house. And terrific pictures of you and Corinne.
I’m sure the imbibing of those great Okanagan wines helped your performance. Also, having a reliable bike. And having the stamina of a much younger man! Anne
Hi Leighton! Trust you are well. Peter passed along your email.
Thank you for your good wishes for the Granfondo event. Lovely to meet you. Trust our paths will cross again, in the not too, too distant future. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Lunch at PGC.
[Italy remembers cycling champion who helped save Jews from the Nazis. Gino Bartali saved hundreds of Jews by transporting counterfeit identity papers hidden in the frame of his bike.]
Hey Patrick; Thanks for the pic taken over lunch together a week ago. Pleased to hear you had such an awesome go at the Grandfondo the following Sunday ….in the shot of you and Corinne at the end of it all you look like you barely broke a sweat. Yes I concur with regard to developing ones palette to the local production I just said goodbye to a friend visiting from the Niagara area and we had been out tasting … she took a bottle back with her to share with some folk she knows in a winery back there so guess she liked our stuff well enough too.
Yes it was a pleasure meeting you too Patrick and I look forward to the next time we might get together. Best of luck with any other cycling you may be involved with this summer. Cheers Leighton
Ps: re Waterwheel Petit Verdot etc….. is this a wine a scotch a beer or some sort of strange amalgam? L
Hi WWW! Thanks for kind words on my
GF effort. Coming from a "vet" like you, they mean a great deal! Yes,
camel-back, with a malt infusion, works well! Very sorry to hear about
your Dad's pneumonia. Trust he is on the mend by now. Always a worry, of course.
for not replying sooner but when I say "No excuses, but plenty of
reasons", I'm actually telling the truth. Busy with Folk Fest this weekend. Unfortunately, weather
for Friday/Saturday doesn't look overly promising. Monday to pack as we
are leaving for Winnipeg early on Tuesday morning. Plan to drive to
Calgary to stay with close friend, Jan. She lives near Kensington Wine
Market so who could ask for more!
Off to ride to Iona/Steveston,
via Marine, shortly. One great thing about GF distance is now 100 km,
over mainly flat terrain, seems like a walk in the park! Will be in
touch while away, if not before. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Drop-off near Starting Chute E; GF groupie in Gyro Park after crossing
the Finish Line; GF Certificate; Westpoint reception at Poplar Grove,
Sunday evening; Fashion statement shorts; Manning Park Blues! She is Not Amused! Sorrow Drowning Time!
Hi Chloë! These are only AL related Christmas snaps I have. Hope
it might help. Lovely to see you, if briefly, last night. Hello to one
and all and trust Saturna is a blast. Take care of each other. Love,
Patrick, Thanks so much for coming. Great photos! Congratulations on a fantastic finish as well. It is such a fun event we enjoy the most out of all of the Fondo’s. We will be sure to get you an invite for next year. Have a fabulous time at Folk Fest. Cheers, Sara
Hi Raymond! [I sent this before we came for dinner. Files were too large, I gather!] Thanks for kind words on my GF effort. Coming from someone who knows what is involved they mean a great deal! Just need to convince you to be my domestique next time and and maybe we can give Axel a run for his money!
Will chat with Sylvia about where to meet, etc., at Folk Fest this weekend, tonight. Unfortunately, weather for Friday/Saturday doesn't look overly promising. Monday to pack as we are leaving for Winnipeg early on Tuesday morning. Plan to drive to Calgary to stay with close friend, Jan. She lives near Kensington Wine Market so who could ask for more!
Rode to Iona/Steveston, via Marine, around 11:00 am this morning. One great thing about GF distance is now 100 km, over mainly flat terrain, seems like a walk in the park! Stats for ride: Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello all! Well it was a small draw. Apparently only the most savvy of football fans dared to enter. There is only $100 in the pot, and it goes as follows.
Congratulations to Big Al Waldron (score 48pts) who had an almost perfect r16 entry missing only the 3rd place winner. That’s $60 to Al on condition he lends me his crustal ball for a day or so.
Second place went to John Alexander from Spruce Harbour (score 42pts), good for $30. A close third was your’s truly (score 40pts), for $10.
The dubious honour for a far, far last place was Patriçio (il Conductoré) Dunn, from the Island Inn & Bridge Club, with a mere 20 points.
One small glitch … In order to protect the integrity of the funds, I deposited the pot in the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), under the personal scrutiny of the chief accountant, the Honorable Dr. Aliyu Mai-Bornu Alhaji. Sadly I have just heard of the unexpected demise of Dr. Alhaji. His widow, the even more honorable Mrs. Aliyu Mai-Bornu Alhaji was forced to relocate somewhere in Argentina, but was unable to bring over her husband’s “golden parachute” of Thirty three million, three hundred thirty thousand ($33.33M) USD. She is now penny-less and requires aid in transferring these funds to her account in Argentina. She will pay generously for this help, to the tune of adding 4 zero’s to your winnings if she can process transactions through an intermediary account. If you would pass on all your accounting information (acc#s, passwords, pin codes), credit card info, photocopies of your passports, driver’s license, SIN, scans of your fingerprints and your DNA info, you will find the promised amounts appear in whatever bank account you designate. And of course you will be Blessed.
Those of you who do not wish to participate in this generous offer can collect your winnings when I see you next. cheers/bjp
Branko Peric [*] No habrá paz para los malvados [*]
Hi Patrick, Thank you very much for the lovely photographs from an awesome evening. It truly was a pleasure meeting you. Bruce and I just moved (June 27) from St. Albert, Alberta to Sidney BC and so happy to be on the island. We are kind of still getting ourselves settled in. I asked Bruce if he is related to Wayne Maunder and he says as far as he knows they are not related. Thank you again for sending us the photos and if you are in the Sidney area please do look us up. Regards, Marina
Hi Marina! Welcome to BC! You have been busy. Moving is never easy. Trust you are settling in. Not sure if you know about Shelter Point Distillery, north of Courtenay. Together with a number of friends/others, (20 +/-, in all), I have a share in a cask of malt. We take possession, (four or five bottles each, I believe, depending on strength decided upon. I prefer cask strength!), some time in 2016. Hope to visit site at some point before then. We have close friends in Victoria, Cadboro Bay, so when we stay with them next, will give you a shout beforehand and perhaps we can get together for a java or something stronger!
Thanks for follow-up on possible Maunder connection. Glad you enjoyed snaps. Take care of yourselves. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Paul and Corinne,As you may have heard, Sam Rothstein passed away last week. In his obituary his family asked for gifts in his honor to be directed to the Vancouver Public Library Foundation
We are keeping his family informed of donations and thanking donors on their behalf. We also offered to post a tribute on and they have accepted, and sent a copy of his eulogy in case we would like to use material from it in the tribute. I have drafted the tribute attached, and am looking for input from people who knew Sam. Shelagh suggested that you might be able to provide additional material and help with editing. I would love to include a quote and would appreciate if you can suggest the best person to provide this.
Thanks very much for considering. I will talk with Sandra about linking the tribute page to and the staff intranet. All the best, Jenny
Wayne Sutherland 32 years ago today I married the girl of my dreams. It seems like just yesterday. I love her today tomorrow and always.
Hello Anne! Trust you are well. Lynne passed along your good wishes for the Granfondo event. Thank you for the 'best of luck"! Seems I did have it, at least as far as I was concerned. I had a wonderful, wonderful time, during the event itself, as well as over the six preceding days with Lynne and Peter, when I would treat myself to some wine-tasting after riding various sections of the route, the better to familiarize myself with course terrain, the better to familiarize my palette with the terrific Okanagan wines! All the best, Patrick!
[Hot summer in BC!
David Kessler "Like" doesn't communicate the distress these images spawn...
Patrick James Dunn I'm sure they conjure up nightmarish memories of Berkeley Hills conflagration in 1991. Hard to believe it has been almost 23 years since you lost your home and virtually all of your possessions! Just posted another remarkable video. First Fire, now Water! Canada, Where the elements are not kinder of gentler!]
Chloe Alexis Dunn Kissy Seymour's eye
- Krissy Seymour Kissy???
- Chloe Alexis Dunn Well ok I forgot the r but they all know it's you!! Silly sausage.
- Patrick James Dunn Love Kissy's freckles!!! Only the best people have them!
Pics: Ted Benson came up on Saturday for event. After finishing, with Corinne in Gyro Park.
Dear Pat: Congratulations on doing so well on your ride. And thanks for the photographs. It’s always nice to see pictures of Peter and Lynne in their house. And terrific pictures of you and Corinne.
I’m sure the imbibing of those great Okanagan wines helped your performance. Also, having a reliable bike. And having the stamina of a much younger man! Anne
Hi Leighton! Trust you are well. Peter passed along your email. Thank you for your good wishes for the Granfondo event. Lovely to meet you. Trust our paths will cross again, in the not too, too distant future. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Lunch at PGC.
[Italy remembers cycling champion who helped save Jews from the Nazis. Gino Bartali saved hundreds of Jews by transporting counterfeit identity papers hidden in the frame of his bike.]
Hey Patrick; Thanks for the pic taken over lunch together a week ago. Pleased to hear you had such an awesome go at the Grandfondo the following Sunday ….in the shot of you and Corinne at the end of it all you look like you barely broke a sweat. Yes I concur with regard to developing ones palette to the local production I just said goodbye to a friend visiting from the Niagara area and we had been out tasting … she took a bottle back with her to share with some folk she knows in a winery back there so guess she liked our stuff well enough too.
Yes it was a pleasure meeting you too Patrick and I look forward to the next time we might get together. Best of luck with any other cycling you may be involved with this summer. Cheers Leighton
Ps: re Waterwheel Petit Verdot etc….. is this a wine a scotch a beer or some sort of strange amalgam? L
Hi WWW! Thanks for kind words on my GF effort. Coming from a "vet" like you, they mean a great deal! Yes, camel-back, with a malt infusion, works well! Very sorry to hear about your Dad's pneumonia. Trust he is on the mend by now. Always a worry, of course.
Apologize for not replying sooner but when I say "No excuses, but plenty of reasons", I'm actually telling the truth. Busy with Folk Fest this weekend. Unfortunately, weather for Friday/Saturday doesn't look overly promising. Monday to pack as we are leaving for Winnipeg early on Tuesday morning. Plan to drive to Calgary to stay with close friend, Jan. She lives near Kensington Wine Market so who could ask for more!
Off to ride to Iona/Steveston, via Marine, shortly. One great thing about GF distance is now 100 km, over mainly flat terrain, seems like a walk in the park! Will be in touch while away, if not before. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Drop-off near Starting Chute E; GF groupie in Gyro Park after crossing the Finish Line; GF Certificate; Westpoint reception at Poplar Grove, Sunday evening; Fashion statement shorts; Manning Park Blues! She is Not Amused! Sorrow Drowning Time!
Hi Chloë! These are only AL related Christmas snaps I have. Hope it might help. Lovely to see you, if briefly, last night. Hello to one and all and trust Saturna is a blast. Take care of each other. Love, Dad!
Patrick, Thanks so much for coming. Great photos! Congratulations on a fantastic finish as well. It is such a fun event we enjoy the most out of all of the Fondo’s. We will be sure to get you an invite for next year. Have a fabulous time at Folk Fest. Cheers, Sara
Hi Raymond! [I sent this before we came for dinner. Files were too large, I gather!] Thanks for kind words on my GF effort. Coming from someone who knows what is involved they mean a great deal! Just need to convince you to be my domestique next time and and maybe we can give Axel a run for his money!
Will chat with Sylvia about where to meet, etc., at Folk Fest this weekend, tonight. Unfortunately, weather for Friday/Saturday doesn't look overly promising. Monday to pack as we are leaving for Winnipeg early on Tuesday morning. Plan to drive to Calgary to stay with close friend, Jan. She lives near Kensington Wine Market so who could ask for more!
Rode to Iona/Steveston, via Marine, around 11:00 am this morning. One great thing about GF distance is now 100 km, over mainly flat terrain, seems like a walk in the park! Stats for ride: Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello all! Well it was a small draw. Apparently only the most savvy of football fans dared to enter. There is only $100 in the pot, and it goes as follows.
Congratulations to Big Al Waldron (score 48pts) who had an almost perfect r16 entry missing only the 3rd place winner. That’s $60 to Al on condition he lends me his crustal ball for a day or so.
Second place went to John Alexander from Spruce Harbour (score 42pts), good for $30. A close third was your’s truly (score 40pts), for $10.
The dubious honour for a far, far last place was Patriçio (il Conductoré) Dunn, from the Island Inn & Bridge Club, with a mere 20 points.
One small glitch … In order to protect the integrity of the funds, I deposited the pot in the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN), under the personal scrutiny of the chief accountant, the Honorable Dr. Aliyu Mai-Bornu Alhaji. Sadly I have just heard of the unexpected demise of Dr. Alhaji. His widow, the even more honorable Mrs. Aliyu Mai-Bornu Alhaji was forced to relocate somewhere in Argentina, but was unable to bring over her husband’s “golden parachute” of Thirty three million, three hundred thirty thousand ($33.33M) USD. She is now penny-less and requires aid in transferring these funds to her account in Argentina. She will pay generously for this help, to the tune of adding 4 zero’s to your winnings if she can process transactions through an intermediary account. If you would pass on all your accounting information (acc#s, passwords, pin codes), credit card info, photocopies of your passports, driver’s license, SIN, scans of your fingerprints and your DNA info, you will find the promised amounts appear in whatever bank account you designate. And of course you will be Blessed.
Those of you who do not wish to participate in this generous offer can collect your winnings when I see you next. cheers/bjp
Branko Peric [*] No habrá paz para los malvados [*]
Hi Patrick, Thank you very much for the lovely photographs from an awesome evening. It truly was a pleasure meeting you. Bruce and I just moved (June 27) from St. Albert, Alberta to Sidney BC and so happy to be on the island. We are kind of still getting ourselves settled in. I asked Bruce if he is related to Wayne Maunder and he says as far as he knows they are not related. Thank you again for sending us the photos and if you are in the Sidney area please do look us up. Regards, Marina
Hi Marina! Welcome to BC! You have been busy. Moving is never easy. Trust you are settling in. Not sure if you know about Shelter Point Distillery, north of Courtenay. Together with a number of friends/others, (20 +/-, in all), I have a share in a cask of malt. We take possession, (four or five bottles each, I believe, depending on strength decided upon. I prefer cask strength!), some time in 2016. Hope to visit site at some point before then. We have close friends in Victoria, Cadboro Bay, so when we stay with them next, will give you a shout beforehand and perhaps we can get together for a java or something stronger!
Thanks for follow-up on possible Maunder connection. Glad you enjoyed snaps. Take care of yourselves. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Paul and Corinne,As you may have heard, Sam Rothstein passed away last week. In his obituary his family asked for gifts in his honor to be directed to the Vancouver Public Library Foundation
We are keeping his family informed of donations and thanking donors on their behalf. We also offered to post a tribute on and they have accepted, and sent a copy of his eulogy in case we would like to use material from it in the tribute. I have drafted the tribute attached, and am looking for input from people who knew Sam. Shelagh suggested that you might be able to provide additional material and help with editing. I would love to include a quote and would appreciate if you can suggest the best person to provide this.
Thanks very much for considering. I will talk with Sandra about linking the tribute page to and the staff intranet. All the best, Jenny
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