So long as you have food in your mouth, you have solved all questions for the time being. -Franz Kafka, novelist (1883-1924)
shoot, I was looking forward to this Sunday! I actually finished the book too I am open to either or at the moment VL
![]() |
Lincoln, the autodidact
Photo: US Mint
noun: A self-taught person.
From Greek autodidaktos (self-taught), from autos (self) + didaktos (taught). Earliest documented use: 1534.
From this far ahead of time, I say both days fine with me too. Moe
At the moment both dates are open for me. best wishes Misha
At the moment both dates are open for me. best wishes Misha
Please, Sir, September 28th is best for me. Could I have some more, malt that is, as I spit on gruel? Cheers, Oliver!
Either would be fine for me. Thanks, ds
George, so far both dates are fine with me. As this is the first I've read about the new Galiano address, I have to ask if it is attached to a house, or will you be dwelling in a tent until you build something? Guy
Rhoda Maccormick
Hi I am visiting Dinao in Switzerland, and she is possibly looking some place in Vancouver, any ideas? On another note, we walked the Camino for 7 days and there were lots of bikers. Maybe you would want to bike from St. John Pied de Port to Santiago de Compostella?
- Patrick James Dunn Hello Ski and Dinao!
Sounds like a great trip! Guess one would need a mountain bike, however. With respect to Vancouver, what does "some place" mean? When? Where? How much rent? Just Dinao? For how long? Any details? Cheers, Patrizzio!
Just had an invitation to join friend, Stefano, in Europe, in early September. Unfortunately, already committed to dates in question. Hope he will be able to find someone as I don't think any of my friends are free for the times in question.
At any rate, just wanted to send along recipe for Avocado Egg Salad I had intended to attach to last message but forgot to do so! Cora Lee is off doing The Stork with Agneta at Yoga in the Park. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patricio, I need help! I need a travelling companion! Plans I had to travel in September with a mate in Europe have fallen over because he has committed to old friends in trouble.
I have plans to drive from Barcelona to Central Italy and would dearly love someone to come along to share transport and accommodation and good times.
I am ticketed to arrive in Barcelona on 5 September
2014; ideally someone would join me on or around that date. I plan to
hire a car and drive east through southern Spain, then on to Italy. I
plan to attend an Italian Language school
from mid-September, more than likely near Amalfi Coast. So, the travel
component will be 8-12 days, depending on what we agree. Beyond these,
my dates (and route, etc.) are flexible. I depart Rome for Vancouver 7
October 2014.
I travel for interest and edification. I’m not a place scorer, but enjoy sights. I don’t travel 5-star, but not in backpackers either. I like comfort, and find it best to stay close to town – parking considered! As you know I have travelled for more than 40 years, and am pretty reasonable and companionable. If you know anyone who could join me, please get back soon. It should go without saying that if you could join me i'd love it best. Stephen
Dear SOS, (Save Our Stefano)! Thanks for the simply wonderful invitation. Almost cannot imagine a more thrilling prospect. Other things being equal, I'd dearly love to join you, Stefano but with Whistler Granfondo, (September 6th), Cornish couple, Gayle/Derek, arriving, (September 16th, for two weeks and staying at The Annexe), and house/cat sitting at Madroña Manor, (September 13th-18th), I'm already committed for dates you suggest.
Another real drag is the fact that Tina/Trevor, friends from Adealide, have rented the same house in Neffiés I rented last September. We would have been welcome to stop there, I know, but three hours from Barcelona! (I'm sure you'd be welcome so let me know if you'd like me to contact them. Well worth a day or so in area. Longer if it suits.) Hope you will be able to find someone as I don't think any of our friends are free for the times in question, but I will ask, nonetheless.
At any rate, am genuinely disappointed at missed On-the-Road opportunity. Selfish, I know, but wish that things didn't always seem to happen at the same time. Cora Lee is off doing The Stork with Agneta at Yoga in the Park. Thanks again for thinking of me. I'll certainly be in touch if I hear of a possible travelling companion. Buona Fortuna! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Pat, Nice offer but September is taken. Yellowstone NP is tugging us away to all it's gei splendours and beauty.
Stephen sounds like a curious and passionate traveller. Hope he finds his travel mate. Wow, Italian language school on the Amalfi coast sounds wonderful.
I didn't want to copy Stephen after his request not follow up with multiple addressing. You can forward this to him for what it is worth. I wish him well. bob Meant to correct geothermal, though spellcheck, but the email zoomed off to the Island Inn.
Hi Geothermal Man! Thanks for speedy reply. Much appreciated. Have forwarded your Euro-regrets to Stefano. On another matter, I have two bottles of Tequila in malt cabinet, ready and waiting. Sadly, already opened by juice-head dolts in my Non-Readers Book Club. Still plenty left, however, so come on over and eat a scorpion or two! Unfortunately, probably have to wait until September as chock-a-block until then. See you in September! Cheers, Patrizzio!
P, thank you both for your patience with scheduling this dinner for the homeless -- formerly of Kits. We look forward to hanging with you -- a welcome respite from the frenzy.
As you will have noticed I have postponed the NRBC gathering. Without that restriction on our schedule, what time would be most suitable for you and Corinne for dinner? As I said I can be there around 5:30 however if we planned for 6:30 it would allow me to stay and have a beer with the lads. Either way is fine. W
Dear Homeless People! Having dinner at 6:30 pm is fine with us if it will allow you, Beer Guzzler, to make your goodbyes with The Breakfast Club. Timing is for you, large cardboard box dwellers, to determine, so enjoy your last few snorts of Night Train! The Less Selfish Sisterhood, (Is that an oxymoron?), are welcome to arrive earlier, should that suit their marginalized needs. Just let us know so that we can erect a tarp on the patio along with a few soiled blankets/dirty sleeping bags and flea-bitten dogs. We thought you would all be more comfortable, eating Al fresco, given that this is now your norm. In fact, I'm working on having a large dumpster brought to the grassy area off the patio. That way we won't even have to worry about providing a sustainable meal. Cafeteria style dining at its finest!
Noticed the steely, "Don't mess with me" authority in your last NRBC missive: "will be postponed"! From replies to date, non-readers seem rather intimidated, cudgeled into subservience! Nice work on the sheep!!!
Let us know what time to open the rusty, dented cans of beans! Cheers, Mean Streets Dunn on behalf of Soup Kitchen Cora Lee!
Hi Pat, hope you and Corinne are well. I have to admit I'm a bit
disappointed this week's meeting is cancelled. Either way, if you are
going to be home this Sunday, I would like to come by to drop something
off for you guys sometime in the late afternoon/early
evening. If you're not home that day no worries, I can always come by
some other day Take care,
Hi Vittorio! Grand to hear you have read book, to no avail it seems! Yes, we will be home Sunday, late afternoon/early evening, so please pop by anytime. Great to catch up. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi, Patrick and Corinne: Finally acknowledging this message on which you copied me. I was down
the proverbial rabbit-hole for much of June. In addition to wrapping up
at Central, we had a visit from Sandy, and she and Karen and I went
over to Pacific Rim for our first ever sisters-bonding
trip! The weather was splendid and we had a really nice time. The
rest of Sandy's family arrived about a week later, and there was a big
family gathering at Greg and Lenore's home in Deep Cove on June 21st . .
. see photo!
I started at Dunbar yesterday . . . had a send-off party at the Children's Library last Wednesday. I made it conditional on being allowed to bring ALL of the baking, including chocolate mice and hedgehog sugar cookies. This added to my general busy-ness, but I'm happy I managed it, since baking and me sort of go together! See other photo!
Hope you had an absolutely outstanding Canada Day. It was such a terrific day. We missed you of course, but nonetheless had a lovely evening in Mum's beautiful backyard. Coincidentally, it was my 56th annual chronological milestone that very day as well!
Let's get together soon for another natter about India -- and pictures too. Meanwhile, I hope you are having and continue to have a lovely summer. Love, Janet
I started at Dunbar yesterday . . . had a send-off party at the Children's Library last Wednesday. I made it conditional on being allowed to bring ALL of the baking, including chocolate mice and hedgehog sugar cookies. This added to my general busy-ness, but I'm happy I managed it, since baking and me sort of go together! See other photo!
Hope you had an absolutely outstanding Canada Day. It was such a terrific day. We missed you of course, but nonetheless had a lovely evening in Mum's beautiful backyard. Coincidentally, it was my 56th annual chronological milestone that very day as well!
Let's get together soon for another natter about India -- and pictures too. Meanwhile, I hope you are having and continue to have a lovely summer. Love, Janet
Hi Head of Dunbar!
Congratulations! Bravo! Wish I'd been invited to Children's Library send-off! Your baking looked divine!!! Great to see assembled family as well. Sorry we couldn't have been there either. Belated Birthday wishes, Edging Towards Retirement Girl!!! So much happening, no wonder you are were down the rabbit-hole!
Unfortunately, India natter will probably have to wait until September as we are rabbit-holing ourselves till then! Thanks again for summer wishes. Same to you, of course. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Folks: The arduous task of constructing the raised bed gardens on the mountainside has been completed—180 cinder blocks and 13 cubic yards of triple-mix soil carted up the hill by yours truly.
As this is our first garden out West, we will have to adjust to the growing times here. The tomato, eggplant and pepper plants (planted as seedlings) already bear fruit whereby in Ontario we would have to wait at least until mid-August to witness the same amount of growth.
Anything that we planted from seed (beans, cucumbers, zucchini, etc.) appears to be growing at the same rate if not a bit slower than what we have been accustomed to seeing.
Dear Constant Gardener et all Congratulations on your herculean efforts. Well Done! Bravo! Very impressive. Machu Picchu in nothing compared to Nanaimo Garden With a View! However, I note the mule deer in one of the photographs and can only imagine poor thing is exhausted after being forced to haul all 180 cinder blocks and 13 cubic yards of triple mix up the steep slope while you sipped, arduously raiding your elbow, I might add, G/T's in the shade!
When is your first Sativa, (or is it Indica), crop to flower? Have you adjusted growing times for these varietals? Sarge is keen to know. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Congratulations! Bravo! Wish I'd been invited to Children's Library send-off! Your baking looked divine!!! Great to see assembled family as well. Sorry we couldn't have been there either. Belated Birthday wishes, Edging Towards Retirement Girl!!! So much happening, no wonder you are were down the rabbit-hole!
Unfortunately, India natter will probably have to wait until September as we are rabbit-holing ourselves till then! Thanks again for summer wishes. Same to you, of course. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Folks: The arduous task of constructing the raised bed gardens on the mountainside has been completed—180 cinder blocks and 13 cubic yards of triple-mix soil carted up the hill by yours truly.
As this is our first garden out West, we will have to adjust to the growing times here. The tomato, eggplant and pepper plants (planted as seedlings) already bear fruit whereby in Ontario we would have to wait at least until mid-August to witness the same amount of growth.
Anything that we planted from seed (beans, cucumbers, zucchini, etc.) appears to be growing at the same rate if not a bit slower than what we have been accustomed to seeing.
Dear Constant Gardener et all Congratulations on your herculean efforts. Well Done! Bravo! Very impressive. Machu Picchu in nothing compared to Nanaimo Garden With a View! However, I note the mule deer in one of the photographs and can only imagine poor thing is exhausted after being forced to haul all 180 cinder blocks and 13 cubic yards of triple mix up the steep slope while you sipped, arduously raiding your elbow, I might add, G/T's in the shade!
When is your first Sativa, (or is it Indica), crop to flower? Have you adjusted growing times for these varietals? Sarge is keen to know. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Patricio,
Sounds like Stephen would be good to travel with; hope he finds someone to go with.cheers, Bill.
Thanks for speedy reply, with respect to Stefano. Your own trip sounds wonderful. Cheers, Patrizzio!
I saw your message to Pat and I am glad you had a nice time Tuesday.........Pat is off with her sisters to San Diego and I am here in 105 degree weather a few days ago. I will have fun by myself since I know how to cook. We bottle next week so it will be fun..........mention to your wife I am waiting patiently for her recommendations on books.........have fun........Dave
Hi Sweltering Man! Have forwarded your message to Cora Lee so I'm sure she'll send you a list, forthwith! Have you tried any recipes from Cioppino's? Cora Lee is off doing The Stork with Agneta at Yoga in the Park. I'll walk her to her iPad minute she walks in door. Cheers, Patrizzio!
P: Thanks for quick reply, I'm sure sorry we can't travel too. I heard from Francesca also - they're committed. Thanks for forwarding email from Bob, he sounds an all round good bloke. Would like the Tina/Trevor contact if you can forward this to them I'd appreciate it. See y'all in October. Love. S
Loved your photos. Thanks for the invitation but we'll stay at the best western in North Vancouver with the pool. When we are featured on the centerfold of Sports illustrated, I'll let you know and autograph a copy for you. Marilyn
Hi Digitale! Would that be the Swimsuit Edition as you plan on staying at Best Western with pool! Truly sorry we won't connect. Perhaps in the fall. I'm hoping to take a quick trip south with Sarge and Whirlygig, probably in late September. Fondestos to you and Fingare. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hello! Damian and Corben are so happy that you have supported their Earth
Ranger cause. Today, Damian's official card arrived so he feels quite
important. We have had a number of discussions regarding why it is
important to protect wildlife over the past few weeks.
Damian even asked why Earth Rangers wants kids to fundraise. So we
discussed the importance of good habits that last a lifetime. Deep
topics for July 3!
Attached are photos of the boys from the last week at school and July 2 at Sun Peaks.
We are going up to the mountain on July 4 and return Sunday for a birthday party at the movie theatre. We had a nice weekend in Merritt recently too, and Kim's boys, Mathias and Ronan, managed to get Damian and Corben confident enough to ride down hills, along dirt trails and try starting out without me holding the bike seats. We are taking the bikes to the mountain for the weekend so hopefully we will continue the curve of success.
July 1 was beautiful at Sun Peaks too, and we were in the outdoor pool from 3-5pm. They are now playing in our neighbour's yard. Their granddaughter is over and it is 26 degrees with a nice breeze. Yesterday, there was no breeze and it was 36 degrees in Kamloops when we came back from the 26 degree weather in the mountains!
Waterski camp begins on Monday for two evenings. Hopefully the boys will enjoy it!
The school year ended with teachers being on strike. It appears there are a number of road blocks ahead and I don't think there will be a contract by September 1. I imagine we will be on strike for the first two weeks of September.... But as the BCTF says.... We must remain positive!
Thank you again for supporting the boys with their fundraising for MS, Heart & Stroke, and Earth Rangers. They are learning a lot with these initiatives.
Hi Ariane! Thanks for the newsy update and wonderful snaps! Lads look terrific. Take care of yourselves and perhaps we'll see you next time we are passing through Kamloops. Fondestos from Cora Lee to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Attached are photos of the boys from the last week at school and July 2 at Sun Peaks.
We are going up to the mountain on July 4 and return Sunday for a birthday party at the movie theatre. We had a nice weekend in Merritt recently too, and Kim's boys, Mathias and Ronan, managed to get Damian and Corben confident enough to ride down hills, along dirt trails and try starting out without me holding the bike seats. We are taking the bikes to the mountain for the weekend so hopefully we will continue the curve of success.
July 1 was beautiful at Sun Peaks too, and we were in the outdoor pool from 3-5pm. They are now playing in our neighbour's yard. Their granddaughter is over and it is 26 degrees with a nice breeze. Yesterday, there was no breeze and it was 36 degrees in Kamloops when we came back from the 26 degree weather in the mountains!
Waterski camp begins on Monday for two evenings. Hopefully the boys will enjoy it!
The school year ended with teachers being on strike. It appears there are a number of road blocks ahead and I don't think there will be a contract by September 1. I imagine we will be on strike for the first two weeks of September.... But as the BCTF says.... We must remain positive!
Thank you again for supporting the boys with their fundraising for MS, Heart & Stroke, and Earth Rangers. They are learning a lot with these initiatives.
Hi Ariane! Thanks for the newsy update and wonderful snaps! Lads look terrific. Take care of yourselves and perhaps we'll see you next time we are passing through Kamloops. Fondestos from Cora Lee to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Ayn! Thanks for sending the
readings. Like them very, very much. Just a small point but have Los
Horridos decided which part of their poem each will read? Perhaps an
indication of voice change just so that I can let Karen know.
Just back from seeing, SAGRADA
Arguably the most popular building site in the world, the Sagrada Familia cathedral in Barcelona is still a work in progress, 125 years after the first stones were laid. Designed by the controversial Catalan genius Antonio Gaudi, the Sagrada is a testament to Faith ... Faith in God, in the natural forms that so inspired the architect, and also in man, for Gaudi always knew this work would have to be completed long after his lifetime.
and The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz:
As a teenager, Aaron Swartz took the Internet community by storm with capabilities, intellect and understanding that matched its most seasoned members. He helped found or develop countless household-name technologies and companies—including Reddit—in the time it takes most people to finish college.
Aaron was a pioneer in Internet activism, and stood at the forefront of the SOPA and PIPA victories. He looked towards a limitless future—but his life took a dramatic turn. In 2011 and 2012, he was indicted by prosecutors who charged him with a staggering number of felonies. Aaron found himself facing 35 years in prison, and at the age of 26 was found dead in his apartment, from an apparent suicide. As we hear from those closest to Aaron, this incredibly inspirational and moving story shows how one of the most promising minds of a generation found himself staring down a government prosecuting him under the very laws he was fighting against.
at Vancity. Chloë had come by for a quick dinner so after we ate she dropped me off at the theatre and then went to see Maya and David! (I'll let her tell you how the evening went!) Could go on for ages about both films but both were simply marvellous documentaries, for different reasons, of course. Gaudi's creation is stunning and the fact that it is still very much a work in progress makes it even more fascinating. Aaron Schwartz's story is also an incredible one but much, much more disturbing in the sense that it illustrates just how fragile the freedom we take for granted is both so fragile and illusory. At any rate, certainly well worth seeing if the chance presents itself. Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Arguably the most popular building site in the world, the Sagrada Familia cathedral in Barcelona is still a work in progress, 125 years after the first stones were laid. Designed by the controversial Catalan genius Antonio Gaudi, the Sagrada is a testament to Faith ... Faith in God, in the natural forms that so inspired the architect, and also in man, for Gaudi always knew this work would have to be completed long after his lifetime.
and The Internet's Own Boy: The Story of Aaron Swartz:
As a teenager, Aaron Swartz took the Internet community by storm with capabilities, intellect and understanding that matched its most seasoned members. He helped found or develop countless household-name technologies and companies—including Reddit—in the time it takes most people to finish college.
Aaron was a pioneer in Internet activism, and stood at the forefront of the SOPA and PIPA victories. He looked towards a limitless future—but his life took a dramatic turn. In 2011 and 2012, he was indicted by prosecutors who charged him with a staggering number of felonies. Aaron found himself facing 35 years in prison, and at the age of 26 was found dead in his apartment, from an apparent suicide. As we hear from those closest to Aaron, this incredibly inspirational and moving story shows how one of the most promising minds of a generation found himself staring down a government prosecuting him under the very laws he was fighting against.
at Vancity. Chloë had come by for a quick dinner so after we ate she dropped me off at the theatre and then went to see Maya and David! (I'll let her tell you how the evening went!) Could go on for ages about both films but both were simply marvellous documentaries, for different reasons, of course. Gaudi's creation is stunning and the fact that it is still very much a work in progress makes it even more fascinating. Aaron Schwartz's story is also an incredible one but much, much more disturbing in the sense that it illustrates just how fragile the freedom we take for granted is both so fragile and illusory. At any rate, certainly well worth seeing if the chance presents itself. Love and Cheers, Dad/Patrizzio!
Didn't leave the Heartbleed Terrace until just before 3:00 pm and headed for UBC. My back was a bit sore, on the left side, so I'd done some pelvic thrusts and stomach crunches before setting out. (Used to do these very regularly when swimming but have not so, foolishly, I admit, Dear Reader!, since I started to ride in earnest. Note to self: continue this very helpful regimen!) Once I was actually on the bike, I felt fine so was pleased that this was the case. Proceeded out along Spanish Banks and then decided I'd stay on the flats, opting to leave the climb of the Foreshore Hill for another day. Did about 25 parking lot loops and then headed back towards home with just over 41 km on the clock so I knew I'd have my benchmark distance by the time I was back at The Islay Inn. Stats for ride:
Home by 5:11 pm and jumped in the shower right away as I wanted to soak my back under a hot stream of water. Felt pretty good so, again, I was pleased. Just as I was toweling off, Chloë arrived and we enjoyed dinner together: some tasty honey/garlci sausages and overleft avocado/egg salad. She was off to see Maya at 7:00 pm so she dropped me off at Vancity before heading there. Once last film was over I walked back home over the Granville Street Bridge, enjoying the lovely evening.
Back at the Islay Inn to find Coriandre watching Vera, one we'd seen! (I suspect Cora Lee snoozed through much of it when we first watched episode in question!) Since I knew I'd seen it, I brushed and flossed and went straight to bed to read Joseph Kanon's Istanbul Passage. Kanon is also the author of The Good German, a book I liked very much, the film, not at all! At any rate, I can hardly wait to pick it up, am enjoying it so much!
No I have not tried a recipe. I did contact Dino, the owner and he told me the waiter that served us was his son. I had said he was a keeper. He said "enjoy the book".
Steak tonight, sausage tomorrow and lamb Saturday and of course pizza Sunday........too bad you aren't here...........Dave
Hello Pat,
Any social encounters will have to be post-seismic indeed, after
all the toil and trouble of getting to Yellowstone on that long U-Haul
Trail. First Oliver and his family are coming on July 28, for 16 days . I
will escort them to Kaslo and then they are
on their own with my camping equipment. You realize that you and
Corinne were the architects of my going on the West Coast Trial with
him. Who would have thought that the hike would have taken us this far?
Anna and i are going for a week on Hornby Island in
mid August, where she is threatening me with a cultish-flavoured green
diet. I think i might become a project in the weight-and-see department.
Also, Ellie and i are going to Mt St Helens to camp, next Wednesday. By
Friday we will be in Portland for the Urban
Sketchers Meetup. Have no idea what could be in store – all part of
keeping busy you know. Just kidding. I have my eyes on a liquor store up
in the Northeast of the city which carries artisanal Mescal (as made
all in one village) too. Rarely take alcohol all
that seriously but i have bee in my bonnet on this one.
The attached watercolour sketch is from last week, when Ellie and I
camped near Lillooet. Saw oodles of sublime scenery when not snoring
amongst the pines.
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