People hate as they love, unreasonably. -William Makepeace Thackeray, novelist (1811-1863)
[Oh My Darling – All-girl Winnipeg quartet gets the party started with old-time-y fiddle tunes drawing on multiple cultural influences (Métis, Appalachian, French). Alternately toe-tappy fun and enthralling melancholy. They don’t mind sharing the stage, either.]
Hello again, Anne! Perhaps you should be my coach for next year's Granfondo as you seem to know precisely what helped my performance: reliable bike and great Okanagan wines!
[Brasstronaut – We had to give at least one tip of the hat to a Vancouver band, and that plug goes to Brasstronaut. There are plenty of worthy local acts playing the three-day festival (including Pacifika, Fish and Bird, The Nautical Miles, and Jenny Ritter), but this sextet wins for its unclassifiable blend of rock, pop and jazz. Also, Brasstronaut’s second album, Mean Sun, was a critics’ fave.]
Not sure about the stamina of a "much younger man", however. We are off to the Vancouver Folk Fest this weekend. [As "Elders", our tickets for all three days cost only $70, half regular price!] Corinne celebrates her 67th birthday on Saturday. [As a "much younger man", I don't turn 67 until December of this year!]
In the past, when her birthday has fallen on one of the days of the Festival, I take advantage of the tradition, during Main Stage evening performances, which has MC announcing people's birthdays. Always fun to listen for Corinne's name along with the names of other friends, of course. Paul and Joan Whitney are regular attendees and we often sit together, at various venues, over the course of the weekend. [Great Lake Swimmers – Toronto indie-rock band revolving around the songs of frontman Tony Dekker. Literate and wistful. The group’s most recent album was New Wild Everything in 2012; the last time they appeared at the Vancouver Folk Music Festival was five years ago.]
Must away as I've scads of things to do to get ready for the weekend. Not only will it be a busy, full one, as I'm sure you can imagine, but Monday will be our last "packing" day as we are leaving for Winnipeg early on Tuesday morning. Large Durston family gathering there to celebrate Corinne's parent's 69th wedding anniversary. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
[Alejandro Escovedo and the Sensitive Boys – Former-punk-rocker-turned-roots-rock survivor. Writes some of the best rock ‘n’ roll songs you’ve never heard. Austin-based, and muy caliente.]
Pics: A few more snaps from week in Paradise! Winery near Cawston; Grass fire near Dominion Astrophysical Radio Observatory, bit north of Oliver, on Monday, July 7th. I was driving the cycling route, at the time.
Peter's garden. Peter's wonderful potatoe salad, made from his own freshly dug spuds! Cabernet Franc from Stag's Hollow I'd picked up after my training ride on Tuesday, July 8th. Malt on the patio after dinner that evening. Dinner, (with our lovely waitress), at the Heritage Inn, Naramata, Thursday evening. Dinner, Friday evening. Corinne drove up with friends, Michele and Wayne, earlier that day. [Alejandra Ribera – Divides her time between Montreal and Paris, sings in English French and Spanish. Released an acclaimed album, La Boca, earlier this year. Also won a Socan Songwriting Award.]
Dear Honorable Dr. Aliyu Mai-Bornu Alhaji! I apologize, and sincerely so, for not replying sooner. Car trouble but only cost $877 so I'm able to pay the $5 World Cup Draw fee now! Will call to arrange money transfer. Cheers, Last Place Patriçio! Pic: Hootch by Millionaires. Grogg really won the World Cup Draw!!!!
Hello Birthday People and World Cup Draw Winners!
Happy Belated Birthdays to both Marilyn and Jake! Hip Hip Hooray! For They Are Jolly Good Fellows!!!! Thanks for snaps of weekend. Truly wish we could have joined the festivities. I'm sure it was a blast. Looks like it. Thanks for kind words on my GF effort, Big Al. Will call before we hit the road. Fondestos and Cheers, Last Place, (WCD), Patriçio, as Admiral Barnacle would have it!Pic: Chloë popped by on Wednesday evening to collect our inflatable mattresses. She is off to Saturna, with friends, for weekend.
Hi Leighton! Thanks for your kind words about my Granfondo showing. Funnily enough, with pretty strong head wind, althought I was certainly perspiring, and profusely so, I benefited from the constant evaporation. Consequently, as you observed, I was almost dry as a bone at the end, thanks to self-drying properties of my riding shirt. Still needed to re-hydrate so five cases of local production, muled back to Vancouver!!! Take care of yourself. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Busy times…ride well and enjoy! Leighton

I think we should get dad the Steerable Rolling Seat with Tool Tray to use in the garden or outside in general. It is from Lee Valley, 98$
If you've ever had to crouch for long periods in the
garden, you will appreciate the value of a rolling seat. This one has
the added convenience of steering to maneuver around the garden. It is adjustable in height and the seat swivels 360 degrees
Full description can be seen on the Lee Valley site - gardening- carts and wagons
Pat perfect!! Hello, one and all! I see that there is a Lee Valley store on
Ellis. Perhaps someone, (basically a Peggster!), should place an order,
for Deluxe Steerable, (This model comes with a holder for rum!), to
ensure it is available for celebration, if everyone agrees on this gift.
Family Dunn/Durston vote YES! In your court now, Pemmican Society
People! Cheers, Patrizzio "Off to the Vancouver Folk Fest to see Oh My Darling!"
Pat, I did look up the results on the site, largely to see the times of our age groups. Some very good older cyclists it seems in both the 60-69 and next 10 year category. I didn't notice anybody in the 80 plus!
Very good pictures- maybe the shorts should be framed. Corinne would love that in the living room. Took me a while to recognize Sara in the picture. West Point Cycles must have had numerous riders involved who had purchased bikes from them.
I wasn't aware of your vehicular problems and sorry to hear that. Not just the expense but the inconvenience and uncertainty of it on the highway. As you say, you should now be in good shape for the drive east.
It was really pleasant sat in the Carter's back garden last night and both Sylvia and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Not sure of you travel plans but we'll try and assemble the same group in August some time if possible. Ray
Let us know when you are coming through so we can be ready by the way I received correspondence between you and Melody from chapel lawn. Dallas
Hello Flood Ravaged People! Great good news that you are likely to be in the house you actually live in when we visit! I apologize for not replying sooner.
Monday to pack as we are leaving for Winnipeg early on Tuesday morning. Durston family gathering to celebrate Cora Lee's parent's 69th wedding anniversary, on Saturday, at Falcon, day after Mom's memorial service at Chapel Lawn.
We will probably be pulling into driveway at the farm on Thursday, July 24th, around 6:00 pm. (We will be driving from Medicine Hat that day.) Don't worry about being home. Just leave the door open and a couple of bottles of wine on the table. We are used to helping ourselves!
With respect to staying in Winnipeg, are you planning to stay overnight? Longer? Talked to very close family friend, Vera Keys, a few days ago and she said people are welcome to stay with her as she has three free bedrooms. She lives on Aldine Street, in St James, not far from Ness. Anyway, let me know if you'd like to stay there if you haven't other arrangements for staying in city. Vera is a lovely, lovely person and she and her husband, (now deceased), Merv, were in Favourable Lake with my Mom and Dad, so our families go a long way back. Her family is from Portage, farmers as well. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly.
Trust all goes well with everyone. Fondestos from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Errando rides:Pat, I did look up the results on the site, largely to see the times of our age groups. Some very good older cyclists it seems in both the 60-69 and next 10 year category. I didn't notice anybody in the 80 plus!
Very good pictures- maybe the shorts should be framed. Corinne would love that in the living room. Took me a while to recognize Sara in the picture. West Point Cycles must have had numerous riders involved who had purchased bikes from them.
I wasn't aware of your vehicular problems and sorry to hear that. Not just the expense but the inconvenience and uncertainty of it on the highway. As you say, you should now be in good shape for the drive east.
It was really pleasant sat in the Carter's back garden last night and both Sylvia and I thoroughly enjoyed ourselves. Not sure of you travel plans but we'll try and assemble the same group in August some time if possible. Ray
Let us know when you are coming through so we can be ready by the way I received correspondence between you and Melody from chapel lawn. Dallas
Hello Flood Ravaged People! Great good news that you are likely to be in the house you actually live in when we visit! I apologize for not replying sooner.
Monday to pack as we are leaving for Winnipeg early on Tuesday morning. Durston family gathering to celebrate Cora Lee's parent's 69th wedding anniversary, on Saturday, at Falcon, day after Mom's memorial service at Chapel Lawn.
We will probably be pulling into driveway at the farm on Thursday, July 24th, around 6:00 pm. (We will be driving from Medicine Hat that day.) Don't worry about being home. Just leave the door open and a couple of bottles of wine on the table. We are used to helping ourselves!
With respect to staying in Winnipeg, are you planning to stay overnight? Longer? Talked to very close family friend, Vera Keys, a few days ago and she said people are welcome to stay with her as she has three free bedrooms. She lives on Aldine Street, in St James, not far from Ness. Anyway, let me know if you'd like to stay there if you haven't other arrangements for staying in city. Vera is a lovely, lovely person and she and her husband, (now deceased), Merv, were in Favourable Lake with my Mom and Dad, so our families go a long way back. Her family is from Portage, farmers as well. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly.
Trust all goes well with everyone. Fondestos from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Best Buy and then home to walk to GI for compost run and Circle Craft purchase. Back to drop off CL at FF. Then dropped of dry cleaning, (Good Morning Cleaners are moving to Jericho Village while we are in Winnipeg!), then across street to say hello to gang at West Point. Then to Young Brothers for some fruit and vegetables. Home to prepare wine list and pack snacks for the evening. S/F drove but I biked. Stats for rides: 20.57 km over 1:08'39 for an AVG of 18.0 km/hr.
Folk Fest Wine List:
Blue Water Bottle: 2008 Canta Perdices, Duero, Tempranillo, 14%
Green Water Bottle: 2012 Las Moras, Reserve Tannat, Cuyo, Argentina, 14%
Westpoint Cycles Water Bottle: 2012 Hillside Gewürztraminer, 13.4%
Axel Merckz Water Bottle: 2013 Wild Goose Pinot Blanc, Mystic River Vineyard, 13.5 %
Hi Everyone, There are a couple of concerts upcoming at St James Hall under the auspices of the Rogue Folk Club which the Whitney's are planning on attending if anyone might be interested in joining in:
- Thurs July 31 - Colleen Rennison & Steve Dawson
- Friday Sept 5th - Eliza Gilkyson (a personal favorite who is also at the Folk Fest this weekend).
Details here:
And yes Liisa, the July concert is the day before the wedding in the same location. I suggested to the to-be wedded that they may want to consider sending all of the out-of-towners to it so they could check out the place in advance. Cheers....Paul & Joan I've booked tix for both. Lynn
- Thurs July 31 - Colleen Rennison & Steve Dawson
- Friday Sept 5th - Eliza Gilkyson (a personal favorite who is also at the Folk Fest this weekend).
Details here:
And yes Liisa, the July concert is the day before the wedding in the same location. I suggested to the to-be wedded that they may want to consider sending all of the out-of-towners to it so they could check out the place in advance. Cheers....Paul & Joan I've booked tix for both. Lynn
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