Life is an adventure in forgiveness. -Norman Cousins, author and editor
The current format of the tournament involves 32 teams competing for the title at venues within the host nation(s) over a period of about a month; this phase is often called the World Cup Finals. A qualification phase, which currently takes place over the preceding three years, is used to determine which teams qualify for the tournament together with the host nation(s). The 19 World Cup tournaments have been won by eight different national teams. Brazil have won five times, and they are the only team to have played in every tournament (Brazil automatically qualified for the 2014 tournament, as the host nation).
The other World Cup winners are Italy, with four titles; West Germany, with three titles; Argentina and inaugural winners Uruguay, with two titles each; and England, France, and Spain, with one title each.
The World Cup is the most widely viewed and followed sporting event in the world, exceeding even the Olympic Games; the cumulative audience of all matches of the 2006 FIFA World Cup was estimated to be 26.29 billion with an estimated 715.1 million people watching the final match, a ninth of the entire population of the planet.
Plucking Twits Live! Thanks for the clip. Yes it does put a new slant on garage music. I think I would opt for this group over garage music any day!
You probably heard by now of Krissy's latest catastrophe! Matt and Krissy driving to the kitchen in Piggy van and some nig nog decided to cut across several lanes of traffic and plower into the front of them. Of course Krissy was not wearing her seat belt at the time so hit the windshield and smashing it, and hit the dash board with her leg and stomach. Matt had his seat belt on thank goodness. Both taken to the hospital where Krissy had X-rays and a cat scan. She was very fortunate to end up with bruising and concussion. Could have been much much worse. Matt just suffered bruising. Somehow the van is still drivable, albeit with a smashed windscreen. So they decided to open today at the food fest at Olympic Village! I think a lesson has been learned here regarding the importance of her wearing her seat belt when in the van. The vehicle goes in next Wednesday for repair so they will not be generating any income for the next week or so. I think Mark said he had some kind of insurance for loss of earnings so hope he can claim something off the insurance. The other party was at fault so his insurance should pay for the repair of the van.
we have had some terrific long walks over the last week. A few heavy rain showers over the last couple of days which the garden desperately needed but the weather looks promising again for the coming week.
Gayle has her hairdresser over tomorrow so Gayle, Audrey and Maur will be spending the morning having their hair "done". For my part I will take the opportunity to disappear on the bike to Perranporth via Mithian and St Agnes. A few gruelling hills to grapple with but, as you know, its impossible to avoid them here! The winds are supposed to be light which should help.
Regarding your invite to Nanaimo, we thought Sept 15th and 16th returning to the mainland on the 17th if that will be ok with you. We will take the float plane over from Canada Place. It lands in Nanaimo harbour which I hope will be OK for you regarding pick up. We may pop up to Nanoose Bay while there to say hello to friends Steve and Linda. This will depend on wether they are working or not. We are returning to the Island again at some point during our trip so we can always catch up with them then if those dates aren't suitable for them.
We are off to Southampton on Thursday for the weekend to look after Tris and will be returning on Monday. Best wishes to you all, Derek
Hi Gayle and Derek! When your message arrived I hadn't heard about the Piggy catastrophe! Must say that both Cora Lee and I are certainly relieved that it wasn't anymore serious than what you described. We were eating a lovely dinner: stir fried snow peas in peanut sauce, steamed quinoa and fried Tilapia, with a mixed green salad, watching Masterpiece Theatre, The Escape Artist, (In case you don't know it:
David Tennant (Doctor Who) stars as brilliant defense lawyer Will Burton, who has a storybook family and a potent nickname, “The Escape Artist,” for his ability to spring the obviously guilty. "Everybody deserves a defense," Burton boasts, but Liam Foyle (Toby Kebbell), a reclusive bird lover, is about to strain that assertion.
Foyle has been charged with a gruesome killing, leaving Will to search for a weak link in the seemingly ironclad evidence against Liam. In the ensuing legal battle, the wheels of justice turn much as Will anticipates. But then strange and disturbing things begin to happen. The tables are turned—and then turned again. Will finds himself fighting fervently for a new cause that may end his career or worse.
Written by David Wolstencroft (Spooks), this gripping legal thriller costars Sophie Okonedo (Hotel Rwanda) as the hero’s rival, along with a courtroom full of ambitious attorneys and one very unnerving defendant.)
when Chloë phoned, on her way to see Krissy and Mark. Of course, she was most upset for them. Anyway, trust all the insurance claims work out. Always something, I've come to accept. You think you are swinging the world by the tail when something comes out of the blue. Something that in your wildest dreams you probably would never have imagined had you been asked to prognosticate!
Well, in spite of these thunderbolts, (and needed rain), am glad you have been able to go on such lovely walks. Pictures are simply stunning. Sweet peas are gorgeous. Mention of Perranporth, Mithian and St Agnes brings back very fond cycling memories. Only managed two rides to Perranporth but did find on second outing that the hills were not as daunting. Once I'd ridden them I knew, more or less, what to expect. This is theory, anyway, behind me wanting to go up to Naramata before Penticton Granfondo so that I can "suss out" the parts of the 160 km route I've not yet ridden! With that in mind, as far as distance goes, I logged 120+ km today and am rather pleased with ride.
Robo Man and I had tentatively arranged to ride today but when I called nothing but voice mail. I didn't leave until 11:30 am, in part because I was watching Netherlands vs Mexico. Must say I have been quite enjoying the TV coverage. At any rate, I set out, making for UBC. AS a direct reuslt of last few lengthier rides, I knew that if I stitched Iona and Steveston together, approaching and returning via Marine, I'd have the distance I was aiming for. Pleased as punch that I reached a 24 km AVG by the time I was ready to cross CSTB to make for Iona.
Was worried, however, that the prevailing head wind would cut into this. As things transpired, wind, though quite brisk, was more of a cross wind, both ways, so I was actually able to log and keep a 24.1/24.2 km/hr AVG there and back to Templeton. Here I'd already decided I'd take a quick swing past YVR to loop back to Russ Baker Way and then I was well on the way to Steveston, although fighting the wind most of the way. Once in Steveston, I followed Dyke Rd all the way to No 3 Rd as I knew that the surface had just been resurfaced. Followed latter to Finn Rd and then made a right onto Garden City Rd as I needed about one kilometer to give me 75 km before heading back. Glad that I followed my nose as I discovered that this route takes one around Reagle Terminals on paved surface. Otherwise one needs to take a hard-packed earth trail which can be muddy, at times, particularly during the winter, as one would expect.
Pleased with both my discovery of a viable, alternate route and my registered distance I made for Railway with relish, knowing that the wind would be pushing me along. Literally sailed along, all the way to River Rd and then it was nothing but more smooth sailing to take me back to Russ Baker Way. By then I was almost on autopilot as I know this section "like the back of my hand", Dear Reader! In fact, it really is surprising how both muscle and mental memory take over and before I knew it I was back on Marine and puffing towards UBC. By this time I could feel the pace in my legs but nothing that seemed too, too disconcerting so was pleased about that.
By the time I was at the bottom of the Foreshore Hill I could tell that it must have rained quite heavily as the there were puddles everywhere and road surface was still wet, although not disconcertingly so. I had seen very, very black, ominous clouds over the North Shore and downtown when I was heading back from Iona and out to Steveston but I guess they disgorged their water content, fortunately for me, over city. (Back home Cora Lee informed me that rain at GI was torrential. Didn't last all that long but it poured so heavily that our building's downspouts were overflowing!) Another "benefit" for me was that rain had obviously driven people away from beaches along Spanish Banks, as well as driving sun-bathers from Kits Pool.
Pleased as punch if only because I've never logged such an AVG, 24.3 km/hr, over such distance, 123.09 km. Better yet, it was slightly higher than when I was out with Sara to record an AVG of 24.1 km/hr over 102.83 km. Of course, all of these stats depend on relative velocity of wind, direction, terrain, etc. Still, the fact that I was able to achieve this rate, by myself, without benefit of drafting, is certainly heartening, in light of the work that I know I have cut out for me with respect to the Penticton Granfondo.
Enough about my mania! Absolutely delighted that you'll be coming to Madroña Manor. Dates are fine. We can collect you from float plane dock in Nanaimo Harbour. When you first arrive you should try my Brodie and if you are comfortable on it, I'll take it over. Weather permitting, I'll ride to Nanaimo and Cora Lee will bring car, with bike, collect Gayle and bags, and we can ride back to Parksville, if that suits you. Shouldn't be difficult to have you visit your friends in Nanoose Bay on that trip but you can decide, closer to the time.
Back to cycling, you may well be aware of these links but friend in Yorkshire, Jim, and Raymondo, here, sent them along:
Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Last evening's bridge party. P/CL; Champagne Charlie, (host), The Penguin, O Susannah, (hostess), Gladys Knight and the Pips, (Birthday, 90th), Girl; deadly South African liqueur; mother and daughter.
Hello Sir James and Lady Patrizzia! Do apologize for not replying to both your lovely post cards, (Vietnam, Cambodia), and lengthy voice mail. No excuses but plenty of reasons, as I am wont to say! You sounded well, on recorded message, but I was sorry to learn about your "trapped nerve" and related pain, groin and elsewhere, as well as the as yet undiagnosed problem with vocal chords. Trust these matters will be resolved to the extent possible, quickly.
We have had an almost non-stop flurry of visitors, (Australia, Quebec, California, Powell River), ever since we returned from destination wedding in Playa del Carmen, in early May. Fondestos from Coriandre to you and Lady Patrizzia. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Bridge People! Thank you, first and foremost, O Susannah and Champagne Charlie, for the wonderful, wonderful evening, food and drink beyond compare! (Any Amarula left?) Thank you, as well, Penguin, for all the driving! Muchly appreciated. Goes without saying that the bridge prizes were exraordinary!!! Congratulations to all the players, partners and opponents alike. Happy Birthday, again, to Gladys Knight and her rock and roll entourage. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Wonderful night, bridge, dinner, photos. Patricio – I will continue to lead from singleton trumps! (hah) Charles G. said I could do that. It was a great way to start the long weekend Canada Day celebrations. Thanks for bringing your mum, Janet. She is quite a lady. Charlie
Thank you so much for the fun evening with delicious food and fabulous company. Ill bone up on my bridge for next time. I don't think the glasses are mine. Janet Ps. Darn my iCloud email. Not sure why emails from me use it. Please try to use my telus account.
Hi CG and iCloud Woman! Champagne Charlie is as stubborn as a proverbial mule. He's the one who needs to swot his bridge, not you, Penguin! I have a copy, (autographed, by me!), of Bridge for Dummies which I happy to lend!
Not sure about the eye glasses reference. If the pair is a red one, perhaps they belong to Cora Lee. Thanks again, one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Yes, red around the trim. We’re at Granville Island all the time. Next time we’re there we will let you know and drop off the glasses. Is that OK Corinne? Or do you need them sooner? Would say within a week or 2. Charlie Thanks that's fine, I have lots of other pairs. Corinne
Hi Pauline! Thank you for the lovely invitation. I see that Coriandre replied that all the dates you suggested are fine. Not quite true, from my point of view, however. I leave for Naramata, probably on Monday, July 7th, certainly on July 8th. (Cora Lee just walked in the door and "claims" she simply forgot about my early departure!) I'm going up to "train", basically to familiarize myself with Penticton Granfondo route. Event itself is on Sunday, July 13th. Cora Lee will drive up with Flamin' and Sarge on Friday, July 11th. We will be back in Vancouver on Monday, July 14th so 16th or 17th are best for us. Let us know which date you prefer and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Will try for the 17 th. pauline Hi again, Polly: 17th sounds terrific. Let us know when you know. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pat, Sorry I missed you this morning. Pete phoned just after 8 and I was on the road shortly thereafter for a ride to Steveston and through the trails on the mountain bikes. Bumped into an old teaching friend who was running in Steveston and training for the ironman. Stopped and chatted with her for a while. She had done a 170km ride yesterday in the Whistler area and was running for 2 hours this morning - definitely out of my league.
On Tuesday morning, I'm planning to ride to Deep Cove to meet Sylvia and her friend who are kayaking out there. I'll probably stop and chat with them, then either ride to her friend's place in N.Van or put the bike on the car to return. You might have other plans for Canada Day and you won't want to stop but if you want to do the Deep Cove leg with me, let me know. Not sure of the times at this point. Ray
Hi Raymond! First, thanks for Tour maps. I noticed you received Yorkshire Tour link from Jim as well! Sorry I missed you but glad you had a ride with Peter and met your Iron Woman friend. I'm impressed. Funnily enough, I went out to Steveston, myself, but about four or five hours after you.
I'm keen to ride to Deep Cove on Tuesday but it will depend on what time you plan to head out as our Canada Day bbq is set for 3:00 pm. Somewhere between 9:00 am-10:00 am would probably work. We'd need to work out route as well. Think Lions Gate might be best as work on Second Narrows complicates things. Anyway, let's chat tomorrow. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi James! First, thanks for the Yorkshire Tour link. I noticed Raymond was included. We have been talking about you, wondering how you and Chris have been, on our last few rides. Trust all goes well.
I'm keen to ride to Deep Cove on Tuesday with Raymond but I'd like to approach via Lions Gate as work on Second Narrows bike path complicates things. Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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Not that I want to be a god or a hero. Just to change into a tree, grow for ages, not hurt anyone. -Czeslaw Milosz, poet and novelist (1911-2004) |
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