Your argument is sound, nothing but sound. -Benjamin Franklin
If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm. -Vince Lombardi
Learn some craft when young, that when old you may live without craft. -Anonymous
If you aren't fired with enthusiasm, you will be fired with enthusiasm. -Vince Lombardi
Learn some craft when young, that when old you may live without craft. -Anonymous
Hi VWF Potential Attendee and Mama's Boy!
Very pleased to learn that your celebratory birthday time, in spite of fog, in foggy San Francisco, was such a delight. [Personally, I simply love the sound of foghorns here, usually in the Fall/Winter.] Tell your Mom, David, to move to Canada, as country has done away with pennies so she won't have to bother counting them anymore! Of course, she'll probably always insist that merchants round-down. Those inveterate penny-pinchers are never satisfied!
Both Cora Lee and I do hope that you, Patrizzia, and Susie will join us at the Writers Fest, at some point. You already know some of the staff. David can stay in The Annexe and read, or tipple with Charles at Long Table. If he has enough Cucucmber Gin perhaps he'll even want to kayak with the Orcas.
Off to play bridge tonight with close friends. Gladys, mother of one of players, is celebrating her 90th and is still sharp as a tack. (I hope I'm partnered with her!) Always loads of fun. Cora Lee has already delivered invitations to everyone in building for Canada Day Block Fest, July 1st. I'll send your fond regards to "fussed" lady from building opposite. I'm sure we won't be nearly as loud without pushy Californians! Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: We enjoyed some of the Breyers Cadbury Caramilk last night, while watching a couple of episodes of Orange is the new Black. I assume you left this in our freezer. Thanks! Freeloaders in our own home. Never imagined it would happen. Pic: Granville Island, yesterday, in the drizzle!
Marlo Thanks for all the leg work and organizing. Pat Thanks for doing all this Mar, looking forward to seeing everybody!!
Hello Colonel Klink! Rest of foot soldiers are just afraid of you and don't want to be put on KP duty! Cheers, Sad Sack Dunn!

You haff relatives in ze old country, yes? Dummkopf! Jawohl, Mein Commandant, Jawohl! Not Yahoo you Kartoffelsalat, you. This is und Kriegsgefangenenlager not a website, Kohl Gehirn!
We need to add in bagels, cream cheese and lox for Sunday morning opening of Dad's art exhibit. We wan to invite the congregation to come and see the art work before church. Ayn and I will hang it on Thursday. Corinne So I think the men have demonstrated their inability to take thing seriously...well done
Dear Sisterhood! The Brotherhood takes seriously what needs to be taken seriously: shoes, hair, lattes, spas, pedicures and remembering anniversaries! Cheers, Patrizzio "On My Way to Target"!
I think that we should have mimosa's too, but some people think booze and church don't Not only does alcohol and church mix, it should be mandatory. Thanks Greg, if no one else agrees we can always hide our booze in tea cups! ;) The LA crew will be down for booze and God as well.... Amen
Hi Kjell! Trust you are now fully recovered or at least well on the way back to feeling like all is well. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: A friend happened to send along a series of snaps and I thought of you when I saw one of recycling! Pics: Dreaded Burning Ground! Recycling!
Spent an enjoyable morning watching the Netehrlands squeak by Mexico. Not only was I mesmerized by the wonderful play but was trying to out-wait the Rain Gods. Left home about noon as the forecast suggested that skies would be rain-free until about 3:00 pm. As things transpired, drizzle continued, with increasing intensity, all the way to Spanish Banks where I did my parking lot loops. Only good thing about wrong forecast was that the wind was behind me when I was heading to UBC so the precipitation wasn't quite as noticeable.
Once I'd logged close to 29 km on the flats below the Foreshore Hill I made the ascent and then headed for Dunbar, via Marine. Up 41st to climb Dunbar to 37th and then it was a pretty straight run to MacDonald. By this time things had dried up considerably so whizzing down hill from 33rd was sheer delight. Dipsy-doodled my way down MacDonald to take a short jog back onto Point Grey and then it was autopilot time. Stats for today's ride:
Quick shower and change and then we were ready to be collected by The Penguin and Gladys Knight and the Pips for bridge at the Pitchforks. Started play inside as it was still cool and chilly. We played four rounds and then winners, (Cora Lee and Gladys), took on Champagne and O Susannah while The penguin and I chatted. Next up I paired with GK and Janet and Coriande were partners. Break after that for a simply delicious dinner, (mixed green salad, succulent roasted chicken, tasty rice dish and grilled asparagus), outside on patio as sun had broken through and it was warm and sunny.
Once sun went down it started to cool off so we repaired back inside for dessert: fresh raspberries/blackberries, ice-cream and wonderful cookies. More bridge, with very tasty Amarula liqueur, from South Africa, to stimulate bidding! I was fussed with Champagne when he led trump as it forfeited my otherwise protected, winning King, and opponents made their contract when they should have been two down!. Nevertheless, the fabulous bridge prizes made up for blunder, a blunder, according to my perspective, but a strategy fiercely defended by perpetrator.
Great good fun and it was wonderful to see Gladys Knight again and to celebrate her 90th as well. The Penguin was very responsible and chauffeured her tipsy fares back to The Island Inn after we thanked our most hospitable and generous hosts. Had been a busy day for both of us so after we had brushed and flossed we went straight to bed like good little boys and girls!
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