The test of a democracy is not the magnificence of buildings or the
speed of automobiles or the efficiency of air transportation, but rather
the care given to the welfare of all the people. -Helen Adams Keller,
lecturer and author (1880-1968)
I am back from our visit to Millbrae and the condo where Kate lives. We had a nice dinner with Kate celebrating her 29th birthday and then out to lunch yesterday on the foggy beach in San Francisco to celebrate my sister Lynda's 70th. My Mother of 92 paid for the lunch even though she is counting here pennies. I don't argue about who pays but as you know I offer to pay first, especially when someone like you has offered us a nice place to stay...............Thanks again............Dave
Dear UBC Parking: I would like to request, Option A, a continuation of my present pass which provides unlimited parking. Thanks very much. Cheers, Patrick Dunn.
Hi Admiral Barnacle/FIFA World Cup Pool Meister!
As I mentioned on the phone, I have really been enjoying watching the World Cup so thanks for doing the pool! In between watching the fabulous play, I have managed to log some good training rides so am pleased about that as the Penticton Granfondo, (160 km), Sunday, July 13th, is fast approaching!
Just one more thing before I bring this brief missive to a close! You will be delighted to hear this, just in from Whistler Wonder Woman, aka Sara:
Coach's Corner:
Hey Pat, Nice that you had a Personal Best average speed on our ride! It was a good ride, thanks.
I think that you mentioned riding on Saturday but it's not a go for me. But thanks. When are you heading up to Penticiton? See you soon. Sara
Obviously, my Burning Ground fetish has become a cause célèbre with friends and family! Was wondering if you might share some of your World Cup Pool administrative fee skimmings to help me seek treatment? In answer to WWW's question, I'm probably heading to Naramata on Monday, July 7th or Tuesday, July 8th. Hope we can connect before then. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hello again, Admiral Barnacle! Forgot to attach my pool picks but I also wanted to attach a picture of The Dreaded Burning Ground! I trust you will be a tad more sympathetic now that you know the full extent of the aweful truth! Cheers, Il Conduttore, now riding with asbestos-lined cycling shoes!
Eureka................. Or, you are faster (on average) than you think!!
Furthermore, Dipsy-Doodling is an art in and of itself. Challenging, physically and intellectually, a cycling chess game where one must out-think one's adversaries, whether traffic lights or crazed motorists, inattentive pedestirans or yappy, small dogs, dangerous big ones and Sunday cyclists! However, being the inordinately flexible individual that you know me to be, I will probably try what you suggest, at some point in the not too, too distant future and will have my people report the results to your people!
I'm planning to head to Naramata any day after Sunday, July 6th. Before then, would be delighted if we can arrange a ride although you
may not know it yet, but I took your bike from Westpoint today! Had
taken mine in yesterday and the "Nice Sara" told me yours was in as
well. Close to $300 later , (Rear bearings, new front tire, etc. Imagine
what the wear would have been if I had been stopping and starting all
the time!), managed to pry it out of hock! Since you weren't able to
ride on Saturday and forecast calls for showers I'd rather ride your
bike than get mine begrimed! If you won't ride with me, you won't ride
with anyone!!!
Hi Colin and Jo-Anne! Quite enjoyed the French breathalyzer joke and Internet dating spoof, as well as some of those fascinating facts! Have you seen this clip:
Thank you, as well, Jo-Anne, for the lovely card which just arrived today! I see it was dated May 20th so I don't know where it has been hiding if it was mailed on or around that date! Better late than never. Was probably lost at the new Canada Post facility by YVR. I ride by it fairly regularly. Guess I'll stop in and complain next time I head out to Iona!
Love to get together with you but as events are unfolding it will probably have to be in September as next two weeks are chock-a-block already and we leave for Manitoba on July 22nd, not to be back until late August. Bit sorry to be leaving, inasmuch as just heard today that weather, for Vancouver, over the summer, is to be warmer and drier than in past years. Well, we have a bumper crop of mosquitoes to look forward to in Winnipeg and at Falcon Lake so who can complain! Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Colin and Yu Mi! Delighted that you were able to attend bbq.
Terrific to meet Wesley and chuffed that he found my vinyl interesting.
Sorry that you felt a tad "green around the gills", Colin, on Friday
morning. You should have stopped by, en route to work, for a snort or
two to get you through the introduction of the speaker! Hair of the dog and all that! Fondestos to you three from Cora Lee.
Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Wildlife Man and Marilyn! Quite enjoyed your more than entertaining saga. Felt I was almost on safari in Africa, what with all the birds and beasts of prey stalking you, Alfred, aka Great White Hunter! (Coincidentally, have you seen the Orca clip? [Above]) Once my extended chortling finally subsided, (my stomach still hurts from laughing so much!), your crowbatics reminded me of Cora Lee's headgear, a number of years ago. She took to wearing her bicycle helmet when working in the garden area off our deck as the crows there had a nest in one of the large maples alongside the path. Poor Maggie was dive-bombed countless times as well but we couldn't find a helmet small enough for her!
Would be delighted if we can arrange a ride. Not sure if you are even in town this weekend but Saturday looks a bit iffy, weather wise. Sunday hope to ride with Robo Man so we could arrange to meet at CSTB or Boundary and do a Queensborough Loop, or some-such, if that might be of interest.
If weekend doesn't suit your busy schedule, weather this coming week looks pretty good so let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Bike Maintenance 101! Jon and Izzy Stardust et al!
Dear Patrick and Corinne: Thank you so very much for your hospitality!! I so appreciate it. The lovely meal, fine wine, wonderful conversation. It was so special to catch with you both and Chloe. And that handsome Spainard....Oh la la! Good thing I am totally smitten with my Powell River guy or I’d want to hide in his suitcase. Cheers Izzy Stardust
Isabelle Southcott, Powell River Living Magazine, "Celebrating the best of Powell River"
Hi Izzy Stardust, et al! Glad to hear you made it safely home! Knew you would but pleased you were able to catch an early ferry. Made things easier, I'm sure, to be home in good time. Was planning to drop you a line and send along some snaps when your message arrived!
Thank you for the thank yous! We certainly enjoyed the overnight visit. It was wonderful to see you and Alejandro again. He is certainly a fine young man, as Mom used to say about Grogg, if you can believe it! True about Alex, however, and I'm sure you are very proud of him.
Terrific to meet Paolo, as well, of course. Trust all goes well with his visit. Don't hesitate to let us know about staying over, should this need be the case, when they fly back to Italy. When is this likely to be? You might have to arrange something with Flamin'/Sarge if after July 22nd as we are off to Winnipeg on that date. I'm sure they would be more than happy to accommodate lads. Just need a bit of warning, etc. Let me know what you think, as soon as you've had time to think, and we'll plan accordingly.
Glad you were able to meet Jon/Gianni as he is a most interesting individual. Basque, however, not Spanish, darling!!! Cora Lee was devastated to learn of his imminent return to Bibao as she was trying to "hook" him up with Chloë so there wouldn't have been room in his suitcase for the two of you! Take care of yourself and watch out as we might just turn up on your doorstep one of these days! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: IIPL: Islay Inn Patio Living, a new, illustrated magazine celebrating the best of Granville Island!"
Hi again, Izzter!
Can't send more than 10 snapolas at one time and wanted to include one of Freeloader Sarge! Cheers, Patrizzio!
I would have liked having a hot Basque brother-in-law!
Party information and task list attached…Marlo
Hi Sergeant-Major Marlo et al! I thought Gavin was the one in the military! You make the pushy Drama Queen from Tinsel Town look like Pollyanna! Cheers, Patrizzio "Shivering in my regulation army boots" Dunn! Yes, Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir! Anything you say, Sir!!!!!!!
PS: Where do I obtain the chit for the hootch? from the quartermaster?
Hi Tinsel Town and Tall Cousins!
You just worry about discharging your MC duties on August 2nd and decorating club with Los Horridos and don't worry about No Stinkin' Hot Basques! Fondestos from a Relegated MC! Playa where are you when I really need you?
Nadienka Wyss
Back home to prepare a tomatoe/mozzarella/fresh basil salad while Cora Lee fried up some of the delicious sausages, not bbq'd and frozen, bought for Coffaro Farewell BBQ, along with a roasted cauliflower. Alles delicoso indeed. Had some Breyers Cadbury Caramilk ice-cream, overlefts from Coffaros as David had bought it when they were staying at l'Hermitage. I had it in my freshly brewed JJ Bean Railtown, "very dark, smoky, and roasty. Full-bodied with no acidity." For her part, Cora Lee had it straight up while we watched Piper and her inmate friends.
That being said, if this weekend doesn't suit your busy schedule, weather this coming
week looks pretty good so let me know what you think and we'll plan
accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: The Dreaded Burning Ground!
Hi Colin and Jo-Anne! Quite enjoyed the French breathalyzer joke and Internet dating spoof, as well as some of those fascinating facts! Have you seen this clip:
Thank you, as well, Jo-Anne, for the lovely card which just arrived today! I see it was dated May 20th so I don't know where it has been hiding if it was mailed on or around that date! Better late than never. Was probably lost at the new Canada Post facility by YVR. I ride by it fairly regularly. Guess I'll stop in and complain next time I head out to Iona!
Love to get together with you but as events are unfolding it will probably have to be in September as next two weeks are chock-a-block already and we leave for Manitoba on July 22nd, not to be back until late August. Bit sorry to be leaving, inasmuch as just heard today that weather, for Vancouver, over the summer, is to be warmer and drier than in past years. Well, we have a bumper crop of mosquitoes to look forward to in Winnipeg and at Falcon Lake so who can complain! Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Wildlife Man and Marilyn! Quite enjoyed your more than entertaining saga. Felt I was almost on safari in Africa, what with all the birds and beasts of prey stalking you, Alfred, aka Great White Hunter! (Coincidentally, have you seen the Orca clip? [Above]) Once my extended chortling finally subsided, (my stomach still hurts from laughing so much!), your crowbatics reminded me of Cora Lee's headgear, a number of years ago. She took to wearing her bicycle helmet when working in the garden area off our deck as the crows there had a nest in one of the large maples alongside the path. Poor Maggie was dive-bombed countless times as well but we couldn't find a helmet small enough for her!
Would be delighted if we can arrange a ride. Not sure if you are even in town this weekend but Saturday looks a bit iffy, weather wise. Sunday hope to ride with Robo Man so we could arrange to meet at CSTB or Boundary and do a Queensborough Loop, or some-such, if that might be of interest.
If weekend doesn't suit your busy schedule, weather this coming week looks pretty good so let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Bike Maintenance 101! Jon and Izzy Stardust et al!
Dear Patrick and Corinne: Thank you so very much for your hospitality!! I so appreciate it. The lovely meal, fine wine, wonderful conversation. It was so special to catch with you both and Chloe. And that handsome Spainard....Oh la la! Good thing I am totally smitten with my Powell River guy or I’d want to hide in his suitcase. Cheers Izzy Stardust
Isabelle Southcott, Powell River Living Magazine, "Celebrating the best of Powell River"
Hi Izzy Stardust, et al! Glad to hear you made it safely home! Knew you would but pleased you were able to catch an early ferry. Made things easier, I'm sure, to be home in good time. Was planning to drop you a line and send along some snaps when your message arrived!
Thank you for the thank yous! We certainly enjoyed the overnight visit. It was wonderful to see you and Alejandro again. He is certainly a fine young man, as Mom used to say about Grogg, if you can believe it! True about Alex, however, and I'm sure you are very proud of him.
Terrific to meet Paolo, as well, of course. Trust all goes well with his visit. Don't hesitate to let us know about staying over, should this need be the case, when they fly back to Italy. When is this likely to be? You might have to arrange something with Flamin'/Sarge if after July 22nd as we are off to Winnipeg on that date. I'm sure they would be more than happy to accommodate lads. Just need a bit of warning, etc. Let me know what you think, as soon as you've had time to think, and we'll plan accordingly.
Glad you were able to meet Jon/Gianni as he is a most interesting individual. Basque, however, not Spanish, darling!!! Cora Lee was devastated to learn of his imminent return to Bibao as she was trying to "hook" him up with Chloë so there wouldn't have been room in his suitcase for the two of you! Take care of yourself and watch out as we might just turn up on your doorstep one of these days! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: IIPL: Islay Inn Patio Living, a new, illustrated magazine celebrating the best of Granville Island!"

I would have liked having a hot Basque brother-in-law!
Party information and task list attached…Marlo
Hi Sergeant-Major Marlo et al! I thought Gavin was the one in the military! You make the pushy Drama Queen from Tinsel Town look like Pollyanna! Cheers, Patrizzio "Shivering in my regulation army boots" Dunn! Yes, Siiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir! Anything you say, Sir!!!!!!!
PS: Where do I obtain the chit for the hootch? from the quartermaster?
Hi Tinsel Town and Tall Cousins!
You just worry about discharging your MC duties on August 2nd and decorating club with Los Horridos and don't worry about No Stinkin' Hot Basques! Fondestos from a Relegated MC! Playa where are you when I really need you?
Nadienka Wyss
Jerks stay Jerks. Even if they win. Patrick James Dunn Soccer or Love?
- Nadienka Wyss haha neither! I just had to post something like that for once.. just once but I find there's something true about that quote
- Nadienka Wyss do you watch the soccer games dear host "fati"?
- Patrick James Dunn Yes, indeed! Furthermore I'm hootin' and hollerin' words of encouragement for Team Switzerland! Go Swiss, Go!!!
- Patrick James Dunn Forgot to correct you: "Quotation" not "quote"! Former is a noun, latter a verb. You need to return to Vancouver for further ESL lessons, Dear Host Daughter!
- Nadienka Wyss Dearest of all Host Fathers, as I must say that the fact that I was living with you for five month, chose your single malt and got spoiled with your delicious cooking skills, does not say that we have a formal relationship. Therefore, I stay with "quote" not only because it's less formal but because it is shorter too
- Nadienka Wyss But I could actually use some Canadian influences since lately I've been taught Irish rather than Canadian-English
- Patrick James Dunn Corrections: five months; was spoiled; does not imply; will continue to use, (pig-hardheadedly and incorrectly); but also...since; too is unnecessary. The Irish speak well. There are lazy people everywhere! Cheers!
Nadienka Wyss Well your words only hurt my ego. At least I have some english skills and as I can see you still haven't broken your habit. How I miss the cruelest of all cruel host fathers.
Back home to prepare a tomatoe/mozzarella/fresh basil salad while Cora Lee fried up some of the delicious sausages, not bbq'd and frozen, bought for Coffaro Farewell BBQ, along with a roasted cauliflower. Alles delicoso indeed. Had some Breyers Cadbury Caramilk ice-cream, overlefts from Coffaros as David had bought it when they were staying at l'Hermitage. I had it in my freshly brewed JJ Bean Railtown, "very dark, smoky, and roasty. Full-bodied with no acidity." For her part, Cora Lee had it straight up while we watched Piper and her inmate friends.
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