Language is fossil poetry. -Ralph Waldo Emerson, writer and philosopher (1803-1882)
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Sydney House! |
We returned from Southampton on Thursday. We went up to look after the wee one for a week. He is now out of his plaster but is still not fully mobile so Marnie was reluctant to send him to nursery straight away. It was no chore for us since he is great fun although exhausting for us oldies!
Gudrun and Steve also just returned from a week in Poole with Tanya, Charles and the boys. We managed to hook up with them yesterday in Falmouth for a walk and then lunch at the beach cafe. Good to catch up on all their news. They are off to Switzerland for a holiday at the beginning of August. I believe that the company that Charles works for have a chalet in the hills not far from Geneva so they managed to rent it for a few weeks. It was Margaret's birthday the week before last, she is a spritely 74, so we all took her out for lunch to celebrate. Had a good time as we always do when we manage to get together.
We return to Southampton again week after next since it is Marnies birthday and Ant want to take her away for the weekend. Marnie recently returned from France where she had taken some of her students for a conference. She has just had her first education paper published which she is pleased about. It's not part of her PhD but if you have any chance of becoming a Professor at universities over here you not only have to have a Doctorate but also published papers in your field of expertise. I honestly don't know where she finds the time to cram everything in. I feel exhausted just thinking about it!
Spuddy continues to thrive and sleeps most of the day in the garden. He comes alive at night when it is cooler but of late have decided he wants our undivided attention in the wee hours of the morning! Not a recipe for a good nights sleep!
Between the painting and keeping up with the garden we have managed to get in some decent walks. It was supposed to be heavy showers today but in fact it turned out to be quite sunny and warm so we went for a lovely walk around Crantock and Polly Joke. Stopped into Pigsty Bar (great name eh) on the cliffs for a coffee and muffin during the walk so managed to put back any calories we lost!
I now have to get on the computer to sort out some parking at Bristol airport for our trip to Italy in a few weeks. At least our hotel is all booked. We are staying at the Grand Hotel Aminta in Sorrento. The room overlooks the bay of Naples so the views are quite stunning. I also have to sort out some accommodation while we are in Vancouver in September so will have a look to see what is available to rent. Krissy and Mark now have a lodger. They rented the spare room to their friend Dave, (Chloe knows him), and kicked us out! That's gratitude for you!! I understand from Krissy that all the renovations to their co-op is finished and looks very posh. They still have the landscaping to do but that is on hold since the co-op ran out of money. Mark said he is volunteering for the landscape committee. I don't think he knows the difference between a weed and a flower so his input should be interesting!
The Tour de France starts next month. The Grand Depart starts off in Yorkshire this year. Looking forward to all the action! Hope all is well with you both. All good wishes, Derek
Hi Shewa and Eyobt!
Glad you made it home safely! Thanks for letting us know. As well, thank you both for your delicious contributions to wonderful evening. I hope you don't mind, Shewa, but I fried your leftover salad yesterday morning, for breakfast! It was fantastic! I added some Chorizo sausages and with all the tasty cherry tomatoes, [I removed the mandarin orange wedges and ate them while concoction was cooking!], I couldn't have been happier!
Such a hearty meal set me up for a wonderful ride at 9:00 am, shortly after I polished everything off! Again, a wonderful, wonderful evening. F/S mentioned how much they had enjoyed meeting you both. Thanks again, Eyob, for simply terrific bottle of Kentucky Sour Mash! Have never seen that brand before so it was a pure delight! Very kind and generous of you, of course. Fondestos from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Raymondo and non-Elder Sylvia! Sorry you won't consider joining us Raymond. You could cycle down to Jericho and listen/watch through fence along ocean side for nothing!
Will be in touch about next Saturday's ride but I understand that you'll be even more of a one-man tutor show for duration of strike. Thanks for tip on poppies. Might try to interest Sarge in a ride out to Steveston later today to see them.Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pics: Hastings Park Headgear and friends.
Oh so true So funny!
group of chaps, all aged 40, discussed where they should meet for
lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at Wetherspoons in
because the waitresses had big breasts and wore mini-skirts.
Ten years later, at age 50, the friends once again discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at Wetherspoons in Uxbridge because the food and service was good and the beer was excellent.
Ten years later, at age 60, the friends again discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at Wetherspoons in Uxbridge because they could dine in peace and quiet and it was good value for money.
Ten years later, at age 70, the friends discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at Wetherspoons in Uxbridge because the restaurant was wheelchair accessible and had a toilet for the disabled.
Ten years later, at age 80, the friends discussed where they should meet for lunch. Finally it was agreed that they would meet at Wetherspoons in Uxbridge because they had never been there before.
Hello Scaffold People!
Have you finished painting or simply forgotten that it needed to be done! Quite enjoyed your Uxbridge joke!
Picked up a copy as Erickson is a fascinating character. He has done a number of very interesting commissions here in Burnaby/Vancouver: Simon Fraser campus, Law Courts downtown and Museum of Anthropolgy at UBC, to name a few.
Friday morning enjoyed breakfast with Goils at Yolks, in the former, iconic “Brave Bull House of Steaks” at the corner of East Hastings and Clark, in East Vancouver, not all that far from Chloë's place. Afterwards, Chloë went off to work and we took Marlo to have a pedicure near our place. Once she was beautified she walked back to the Islay Inn and Cora Lee drove her to hotel where AGM was to be held. After saying goodbye, (We'll see here in little more than a month when we drive to Winnipeg.), I suited up and went for a ride out to UBC. Your joke reminded me of an incident I witnessed just as I was starting climb of UBC Foreshore Hill. There is a small parking near the bottom of the hill with concrete dividers next to roadway. A short distance before this I was passed by a rider who wished me "Good Morning!" Since it was after twelve, I replied, "You really must be enjoying your outing as it is afternoon, already!" He laughed and said that in fact he wasn't as he was in training and sped off.
Shortly thereafter, about 50 km ahead of me, a large black Lab lept over the barrier and almost knocked the rider down. Somehow he remained upright but the dog kept barking and jumping on him and the bike. Finally, the owner, on the other side of the low wall, managed to control the dog. Why the pooch wasn't on a leash I don't know but given the situation, (Riders whiz down this hill and there are often plenty of children in this lot as it is near a path to beach.), it was terribly irresponsible. [A few weeks ago another dog owner, coming out of the woods near here, on another path, stopped right smack dab in the middle of the road to unleash her dog! Both Whirlygig and I were going at a fair clip, [I usually manage to hit 50+km higher up on the descent.], so we had to brake more quickly than we would have liked in order to avoid the owner who was seemingly having trouble releasing the leash from the collar. Why she would choose to do this in the middle of a busy roadway is anyone's guess. I think it was because she is nothing but a very, very dim dimwit!
Anyway, I asked the assaultee if her was okay as I rode past and he said he thought, when first pounced upon, that his day was over. Nevertheless, he son passed me agian and I asked him if he was training for a Granfondo. He shook his head, saying, "I'm training for Old Age. I'm 70!" What a great line! He certianly didn't look his age. His thighs and legs were massive, like giant oaks! Near the top of the hill he passed me, coming the other way and we waved, thumbs up. I imagine he was doing a series of so-called "repeats". I have done the same, at various times, and will probably do more as part of my "official training"!
That night we had invited friends, Janet and Eyob/Shewa, for a bbq and The Freeloaders showed up as well. What else is new! Grand time. Cora Lee did turkey burgers on grill and green beans with Pesto, on the stove top, along with fresh corn-on-the-cob. Shewa contributed a lovely mixed salad and Janet brought an incredible gluten-free, dairy-free Lemon Coconut Tart!
Lots of wine, both white and red, so everyone was well served. In addition, Eyob presented me with a simply terrific bottle of Kentucky Sour Mash! Had never seen that brand before so it was a pure delight! Of course The Lads had to have small samples just to make sure it made the grade!
After race was over I drove over to Giorgio's and had a wonderful snort of Bowmore, with him. [I had wanted to drop off some books for him for his trip north!] Doesn't get much better. Sitting on porch in late afternoon sun, sipping nectar and joshing! Not a care in the world!
As well, is brother Carlos, (Charlie's office won five entry tickets to Whistler Granfondo in some Bike to Work competition this past March/April), asked me if I wanted to join ride. Nobody else in office is interested, apparently. He and Giorgio will do ride. I'm pretty sure I'd like to try this event so we plan to talk seriously when Giggster is back from Whitehorse at month's end.
Back home to find Cora Lee back from track, poorer in pocket, but richer in spirit! Friends Yda, Arnie, Laura and Kaslo dropped in around 9:00 pm that evening. Wonderful visit as we'd not seen Laura in some time and Y/A in years! Yda had her right hip replaced but a month ago and is doing very well with recuperation process. Laura brought us all some lovely gifts. I received a natty bow tie from one of her film shoots, worn by Brad Pitt! I spit on Hallmark, Ayn's cable channel!
Must away as time to suit up for a ride. Robo Man was out to Steveston earlier this week and he said poppies by the dedicated bike path on Railway were simply stunning. Might try to interest Sarge in a ride out there to see them. In part to avoid having to help The Cruel Task Mistress power-wash the patio deck!
Chloë will stay for dinner, (salmon steaks), after her shift at GIB and then we'll all watch latest Game of Thrones episode. Fondestos from the Drill Sargeant,["Mary Martin"/Cora Lee. (She just had her hair cut and she looks like MM as Peter Pan or Nellie in)], to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Nesting Autumn! Tacofino; Yolk's
Just pressed send on my email to you and your latest popped into my mailbox! Sydney House looks simply wonderful, as does everyone else in gorgeous snaps of gathering, walks and doll-house living! Congratulations on your return to retirement living!
Not sure if you didn't receive or read, (Cora Lee claims that nobody can be bothered to read my "longish" messages! I don't really consider them "longish" do you?), email in which we had invited you to stay with us, aeons ago, as soon as we knew you were returning to Vancouver! You said, at the time, that you felt Krissy would be devastated if you didn't stay with her and Mark, if I recall correctly. (How well, in fact, do you know ungrateful children?) At any rate, offer still stands, although rent has gone up considerably!!!
Of course, we'd both be more than delighted to have you stay so please don't think about anywhere else, unless you absolutely desire to be on your own. It's most likely that you can stay at The Annexe but certainly in our guest bedroom if you are willing to pay Cora Lee an exorbitant rate for the use of her "office"! Anyway, you are most welcome and we'd love to have support, scheming on how best to cut ties to limpet-like daughters!
Just looking at the calendar and the speed at which time seems to be flying by, you'll be here before you know it! Better send along your flight information and arrival time on the off-chance that Krissy/Mark will be too busy at some concert or pub crawl, with Chloë, to worry about something as trifling as collecting parents! "Actually, you don't really need to visit, Dad/Mom. Just send along your Visa/Mastercard/Amex card number and expiry date. Love, your Dutiful Daughter______/Son______!" Just check appropriate box and fill in name!
Kids today! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio "Curmudgeon" Dunn!
Hi Patrick! Many thanks for the offer. It's very generous of you both. As long as you are sure we won't be in the way! I will check our piggy bank to see if we have any loose change for the rent!
Because you are such a hard core cyclist now I will have to get going on these Cornish hills to build up my stamina. Maybe if we do a couple of rides together you could invite one of your less skilled cyclist friends along so that I won't feel like a total amateur!
I will send you our arrival date over the next couple of days but we can take a cab from the airport. Best wishes Derek
Just spending a pj day lolling around the condo, a very modern space two blocks away from my birth hospital. Now isn't that a disjointed info packed statement. I don't have to say much more.
Last night we went to a club to hear my nephew's band (Sussex) play. Great musicians! I am not used to be up that late ! My musician/ songwriter brother brought along one of his previous music managers to hear them and even though the event at the Brass Monkey was only Sussex' 8th gig I believe he is thinking of hiring them for a summer party .
Dow's Lake condo |
Pat, It looks like a good year for you to do the Whistler event. You have a good base already and probably all you need is a bit of extra hill interval work to enable you to climb the long ascents enroute. Ray
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