Words are the small change of thought. -Jules Renard, writer (1864-1910)
Ayn P As
I pack for the Ivory Coast, in my head, I am thinking of the man who
raised me, despite all of my objections! Anyone who knows me well then
also knows that I can be a handful, but sooooo could he LOL!!! Luckily,
we had two far more loving people in the house, and extended family and
friends to referee...but in all seriousness, here's to the parents who
decide to take on horrid children they didn't create, but make their own
anyway...as he would say, likely standing on a chair...Hip Hip
Hooray!!! Happy Father's Days from Tinsel Town!! See you all in Falcon
Lake this summer xoxo —
- Ayn P I am not really going to the Ivory Coast...that was a soccer joke!!!
- Chloe Alexis Dunn Yeah I got that. But if you did I would come with.
- Patrick James Dunn I've just booked two, one way tickets for you Goils, on Allegiant, to La Côte d’Ivoire, with the fabulous sums of money I've already received for Father's Day! From the Mean Streets of Granville Island to the soccer pitches of Brazil, net-fulls of love to my adorably horrid children! Breaking Bad Poppa-San!!!
- Takagaki Toshiko
Hello, Patrick! How are you? Thank you for your easter card!! My mom says hello to you!
We have been doing fine. Believe all of you have been great!
Will you be in Vancouver toward the end of June or the beginning of July? And in September?
I'm planning to go to California around that time. And it would be great if I could visit you during the trip!
Please say hello to Corinne and Chloe for me! - Takagaki Toshiko
Dear my great Canadian Father, Patrick Happy Father's Day!! Wishing you all the best!!! Miss you!
Love and Hugs, Toshiko
- Patrick James Dunn
Hi Toshi! Thanks for the wonderful Father's Day wishes from my wonderful Japanese Host Daughter! Terrific that you are coming to California. We will be in Vancouver until July 6th. I am going up to Naramata the following week to train for the Granfondo race in Penticton. Cora Lee, Flamin' and Sarge will drive up on Friday.
We all return to Vancouver on Monday, July 14th. In city for Folk Fest the following weekend and then Coriandre and I drive to Winnipeg on July 22nd for Clara's/Dusty's 69th wedding anniversary.
We are back by August 19th as Ayn is flying into Bellingham next day. Four of us are going to Tofino for the weekend of 22nd/23rd/24th and then we are home then and until end of September. It would be more than wonderful to see you whenever you are able to "squeeze" in a visit. Obviously, more "windows" in late August or September. Let us know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Fondestos to both you and your lovely Mother! Cheers, Patrizzio! My Father's Day T-shirt and card!
Stats for today's ride:
Out to UBC for three Foreshore Hills and then some planned dipsy-doodles through campus to give me needed distance for a 60+km ride. Pleased with 23.2 km/hr AVG. Time to collect Coriandre so must away!
Hi Pat & Corinne - Isabelle and Alex will be picking up Paulo at 5pm on June 26 and thats too late to make a connection back to PR. She is wondering if they can stay with you for the night? Paulo is from Palermo and here for 3 weeks then Alex flies to Italy with him for the next 3. Thank you, Francesca
Hi Lurch and Groggage! Having Isabella, Alejandro and Paolo on the night of June 26th is just fine. Have Izzy phone or email, day of, or beforehand, about when they expect to arrive and we'll have a parking spot inside. They can decide who will sleep where, The Annexe or blow-up in guest room. I assume two in one spot, other in space not chosen by two. As well, couch is our living room is available, if needs be.
On another quid pro quo matter, Chloë is doing the Scotia Bank Charity Challenge on June 22nd, with Cora Lee and Flamin'. (I'm just a lowly sponsor! Zoe and Matt, Kathleen's/Stefano's daughter/son-in-law, are running the half-marathon.) If you would like to sponsor one, or all, of The Babes, for Aunt Leah's Place, you can find them under Charities at:
We are having a bbq for Pat/David Coffaro, (their winery is near Healdsburg), same night I gather you are having a huge gathering yourselves. John and David from Marquis are coming, Denise/Bill Gross, Elaine/Ted, Flash, Margot, Elise, (Super K is at a Michael Buble concert!), and untold numbers of Sutherland Freeloaders, so should be fun.
We are hoping we might see you in August, Friday 22nd, en route to Tofino, when Ayn is up. Will be in touch closer to date, of course, to make sure it is convenient for you.
Give us a shout if you have any questions about PR People's stay. Fondestos from Flamin', (She is freeloading as Sarge is in Ottawa!), Cora Lee and Chloë. She is making two dishes for Father's Day dinner, an avocado/egg salad concoction plus a roasted cauliflower smothered in garlic, capers, olives, thyme and rosemary while Cora Lee is doing a beer can chicken on the bbq. Dessert is a whole host of gluten-free delectable sweets from GI, again from Chloë. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Avery's 1st birthday, this past Friday.
Hi Pat and David! I assume all has gone well with your road trip north. Anticipating a phone call around noon, or earlier, omorrow, announcing you are ready to have us come and collect you at l'Hermitage. We can have a bite to eat here if you are peckish. If not, we'll commence with overview tour.
Had a fabulous Father's day meal this evening. Chloë prepared two dishes for dinner, an avocado/egg salad concoction plus a roasted cauliflower smothered in garlic, capers, olives, thyme and rosemary, while Cora Lee did a beer-can chicken on the bbq. Dessert was a whole host of gluten-free delectable sweets from GI, again courtesy of Chloë's pocketbook!
Will await your call domani. Fondestos from Flamin', (She was freeloading as Sarge is in Ottawa!), Chloë and Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: My Father's Day presents, a chic new Canada cycling T-shirt and a paper bicycle, (cut-out card), fabulous for international travel! Salad, chicken and cauliflower. Flamin' with "Badness" Molly Mop!
Chloe Alexis Dunn Happy Father's Day DaddiO!!! You are definetly in a class all on your own! But in saying that I love that about you, love my crazy D!!
- Ayn P That is so him....all day
- David Kessler Definitely in his own class-broke the mold!-and a stroke of luck for anyone to have as a dad....now about the outfit in this photo....
- Sylvie Roy Bonne fête des pères Patrick James Dunn ! xxx de Matane
- Patrick James Dunn Different music, I ride to a much different fashion designer, abandoned, with the shake of her head and a roll of her eyes, by Madame Coriandre, perchance?/Musique différente, je roule à un créateur de mode très différent, abandonné, avec le tremblement de la tête et un rouleau de ses yeux, par Mme Coriandre, peut-être?/Musica diversa, mi giro di un designer diverso molto di moda, abbandonato, con la scuotendo la testa e un rotolo di occhi, da Madame Coriandre, forse?/Modelling my latestt cycling gear for the Granfondos to come, both Penticton and Whistler! I spit on fashion advice!!!/Modélisation mon équipement de vélo de latestt pour les Granfondos à venir, à la fois Penticton et à Whistler! Je crache sur les conseils de mode!/Modellazione mia attrezzatura ciclismo latestt per le granfondo a venire, sia Penticton e Whistler! Io sputo su consigli di moda!
- Patrick James Dunn Hi Sylvane! Thanks for wishes. Had a grand visit with Carol a few weeks ago. We'd love to visit you both soon. Cheers!
- Colleen Teahan Waldron PRICELESS photo:)
- Patrick James Dunn For everything else there is The Bank of Dad card!
- Peter Edwards Ra hari papa o i Aotearoa
- Patrick James Dunn Mihi Pedrito! Taukiri e, te blancs sauvignon? Huakina, i te tokotoko me te whakahaere o te Islay Inn i Granville Island! Patrizzio! O toku Matua reira Day!
- Rae Tanner Still pondering the implications of young Ayn's do-it-yourself orthodontics! Love to all!
- Colleen Teahan Waldron Your words inspired me Ayn....I now realize that I have " taken on " your parents as My own too...( although they are not horrid ) Here's to ALL the amazing Dads out there...biological or otherwise xoxo
Patrick James Dunn Hello Simi Valley: Ayn's DIY ortho allowed her to create her own set of shark's teeth to enable her to survive in Tinsel Town! Hello Sunshine Valley: Does this mean that we now own half of cabin? Fondestos to ALL the Valley People!
Bella M. Mercado Wow!!!, what a sweet the two of you. Happy Fathers' Day Patrick.
Patrick James Dunn And another, more exciting chapter begins! Buona Fortuna Chitless One!
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