The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made
for humans any more than black people were made for whites or women for
men. -Alice Walker, poet and novelist (b. 1944)
Hi Raymond!
Just discovered who was shot in yesterday's frightening episode in Yaletown, around 11:00 am. Paul Dragan, owner of Reckless, was hit in the back at the Starbucks across from the bike shop on Davie. You probably know he is in stable but critical condition, after surgery. By chance, a former emergency room doctor attended Paul, bleeding profusely on sidewalk, until paramedics arrived. Corinne had mentioned, last evening, that there was a police incident near Science World yesterday and I made a flippant remark about being glad I had cycled out to UBC instead of to Stanley Park, not realizing just how serious things happened to be! This was where police caught suspect/shooter, who made his getaway on a bike! Not sure of motive but is seems that Paul may simply have been in the wrong place at the wrong time, "collateral damage", as much as I abhor such phrasing.
At any rate, terribly disturbing, of course, for many reasons, not the least of which is that I know Paul, as a customer, from my dealings with Reckless over the years. Sylvia will have a much better sense of recovery process timeline but I'm sure it will be a fair bit before Paul is back to the point where he can begin to resume some semblance of normal activity, undergo physio, etc. "What if?" also comes to mind as I'm sure you might have already imagined, given that we ride this route so often. Anyway, plan to pop in to Reckless, close to us, later today and drop off a card for Paul. Perhaps you are wise to eschew riding for gardening although The Sisterhood may well be at risk with their lattes!
With respect to bike maintenance, I continue to be pleased with service from Westpoint. Sara, Tim, Andrea, and others, regularly give me a discount, on both major/minor items and often waive labour, or much of it, for both large and small repairs, depending on history of part, repairs required, etc. I have often, (unfortunately!), had a flat changed right away, when simply walking in door, even though I know they are busy. I've always felt that the parts they replace need replacement. In fact, I'm planning to take Trek there in a week or so as I want to have an overhaul and buy a new front tire, (original, 2012!), prior to Penticton Granfondo. Maybe we can barter for a bigger discount with three bikes! Talk soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
![]() |
Ploutos with his mother
noun: 1. Rule by the wealthy. 2. A wealthy ruling class.
The Greek biographer Plutarch (c. 46-120
CE) has no connection with this word. Rather, it's Ploutos, the god of
riches in Greek mythology. The word (and its synonym
plutocracy and the word
plutolatry) are derived from Greek pluto- (wealth) + archos (ruler), from arkhein (to rule). Earliest documented use: 1643.
Hi Whitehorse Bound People! Trust all goes well with trip. Not sure what news you have heard, since leaving Vancouver but see your move to Galiano in a new light! Fondestos to one and all. Travel safely and enjoy your snorts at day's end. Cheers, Il Conduttore! Pics: Newspaper coverage of Paul's shooting!
Hi Tinsel Town et al! Had sent the above out to a few friends an hour or so ago. Just back from Reckless, dropping off aforementioned get well card. Learned from Larry, manager of store on Fir/1st, that Paul is now in an induced coma. Also, he was shot in the stomach, (not his back as first reports seemed to indicate), twice. His condition is very serious, as you can imagine, but Larry said he is expected to survive.
When I asked another employee, (Larry was taking a call from Pakistan from someone there inquiring about Paul.), if Paul was an innocent bystander, he said he couldn't talk about incident. This response and the two shots to Paul's stomach lead me to believe that he was, in fact, targeted. If this is the case, (and it may well not be so, mistaken identity, etc.), the mystery deepens. Larry also mentioned that it will take Paul two or three months to recover. Whether that means leaving the hospital then or earlier, I simply don't know. Not particularly important, one way or another, as he is alive. Nonetheless, many lives have been changed and probably not for the better.
Fondestos to one and all. Take care of each other and enjoy your hootch of choice at day's end. Cheers, Patrizzio/Il Condutore!
Errando stats, to Reckless, Cheap Thrills, Lotto tickets adn home again:
2:38 km over o:15'02 for an AVG of 9.5 km/hr
That's not gangster activity...two shots to the gut...that's personal.
Hi Gangsta Expert! Think you are right on the money! Love, Dad!
Hi Giorgio, Raymondo and Sylvia! Latest update on Paul. Enjoy your kale at day's end. Cheers, Patrizzio/Il Condutore!
Hi Patrick I heard on the news last night, (Global), that the shooter had been identified as a 61 year old former ( disgruntled) employee. The police will be asking the staff not to say any more so they don't mess up the investigation and subsequent charges this guy will face. Just FYI!! Sylvia
Hi Sylvia! Thanks for update. Coincidentally, I bumped into a neighbour just as I was leaving building for my ride out to UBC. He told me about the obviously disgruntled employee! I thought that the employees were told not to say anything, imagining this "gag" order was meant for the press but it makes more sense that police would insist on silence until investigation is complete.
Just as I was finishing sentence above, Cora Lee called, from "her office", where she was watching the news and we watched latest report on shooting. According to reporter covering story, Paul lost 80% of his blood, part of one of his lungs and perhaps more worrying, bullet damage to two vertebrae, Th10 being one that I caught.
In same clip, younger brother of shooter was interviewed and he said that his brother, (shooter), told him not to be surprised if he ended up in jail in the next little while. Sibling stated his older brother had a violent temper and had to leave the house where they were living together, as a result of conflict with another man living there. As well, it seems that Paul appears to have been their landlord, at least this is what I inferred from what the younger brother said. Both Corinne and I heard him tell the reporter that he hoped Paul made a full recovery and wished him well. He went on to say that he only knew Paul slightly because he was his landlord. Another complicating wrinkle perhaps?
Anyway, can only hope that Paul will pull through with as little permanent injury as possible. Sombre Cheers, Patrizzio!
We're leaving in just an hour or so, gradually making our way up north. We'll have our "computer on the road," so you can still reach us at the same address. I have your telephone number and we will call you when we get to Vancouver.
Cheers 'til then! Pat
Hi Tesla People!
Just a quick note to wish you well on your trip North! Trust everything unfolds as planned. Fondestos to you two voyagers from Cora Lee. Travel safely and enjoy your wine at day's end. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Patrizio--You are welcome to arrive whenever. The calendar is clear and the guest room is ready from Monday, July 7 onwards. I appreciate your wanting to eat in on the night before the big ride--that is probably wise! We can do a big blow-out on Friday after Corinne, Michelle and Wayne arrive and have something more modest in appreciation of the riders' sensibilities on Saturday night. We can sort out what once you are here. Those who are so inclined can accompany me to the Farmers' Market in Penticton on Saturday morning where we can get some lovely things for dinner and also stop off at the butcher, fishmonger, or whatever …. This leaves Sunday for a possible dinner out (after the riders have returned triumphant … and had a nap) or another dinner chez nous. If you want to bring steaks or something else for one of these meals that would be much appreciated but it is not required. God knows, the free-loading Lighthalls "owe" you a few meals!
I will be in another mode for awhile as I get ready for my "spa adventure" with old pal Cherie Oke in Duncan and a short visit with Barb Strachan (a.k.a. the videographer) in Victoria. I'll be home on the 28th just in time to say hello and good-bye to Petey who leaves for Chile on the 29th. I'll collect him in Kelowna on July 5th. We have an art gallery event that same day, which should be a test of P's staying power. Cheers for now, Lynnie
Hello to my Favourite Naramatians or should I say, Jet Setters!
If it's Sunday, it must be Chile! Thank you again, Lynne, for offering such unbridled hospitality. We'll "toss" things around here, regarding foodstuffs and such, and let you know what The Babes have decreed! Fondestos to you both. Take care of each other and enjoy your hootch of choice at day's end. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Suspect was shot and then apprehended at Science World, after being chased along Seawall from Davie! Who needs Breaking Bad?
Pat, Thanks for the bike information. I'll try and get in there tomorrow with both bikes and still have one to ride. I'd like to ride tomorrow but there isn't enough hours in the day. We should try for Friday if you're available, although the forecast doesn't look promising. Ray
Hi Raymond! Hope things turn out as expected with bike maintenance. Forecast I just consulted doesn't look too, too bad, mainly cloudy, on Friday, so let me know if you've time for an outing. (Saturday looks like wettest day of weekend bu that might change, of course.) As I mentioned in last message, had a pretty good ride out to UBC this afternoon. Decided to go for 7 repeats of Foreshore Hill and didn't find regimen overly taxing so I'm hoping my endurance/stamina are building. Stats for ride:
Thanks for getting me thinking about hill climbs again. As well, much more preferable a route than Seawall/Stanley Park now that there are so many people to contend with. Will be in touch. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi that is an incredible story. Is Reckless the bike store where I had your bike fixed near your house? Your conclusion about Paul's shooting is very intriguing that there may be more to the story. Wow, hard to believe there is such violence in your eon backyard.
I am busy planning an aids fundraiser at our house Friday night. Not sure how many people are coming probably 45 to 50, could be more!
I will let you know how it turns out. I have 3 separate bands performing - should be fun. Say hi to everyone for me! Ski
Hi Ski! Yes, Reckless is the other store owned by Paul, where you took my bike to have spoke replaced. Other store is across the street from Starbucks, at the foot of Davie, just up from the Aquabus stop. Cora Lee is out for the evening, celebrating Agneta's 64th birthday with The Goils at Granville Island Hotel. Three of us had a congratulatory drink here before they toddled off to dinner. Buona Fortuna with your AIDS Fundraiser! Stay in touch. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Karen! Trust you are well. As you may already know, if you have read your latest email from me, I have been in touch with Melody Brown at Chapel Lawn and as far as I know, service is set for Friday, August 1st. Not sure of exact time, as of this writing, but I assume she will let me know/confirm, in the next little while. Of course, I'll let you know as soon as I know.
I will also be in touch with you, regarding some of the details of service, once family and friends I've contacted have had a chance to think about whether they wish to read, speak, etc. Thank you again for conducting the funeral/memorial service. I know Clara and Dusty couldn't think more highly of you as is certainly the case with both Corinne and I. Fondestos, Patrizzio!
Hi Goils! I have been in touch with Chapel Lawn and Karen Toole, minister who will conduct Mom's Memorial service, on Friday, August 1st. As far as the memorial ceremony is concerned, a very simple one is what we have in mind. I'm wondering if either of you, Chloë and Ayn, and Los Horridos, of course, would like to read something, (a poem, short passage of scripture, or the like), or say something, as part of service. I plan to say a few words and/or read something. All of the above would be woven into program as Karen would outline/organize it.
Let me know what you think. If you wish to participate and already have something you'd like to read/say that is certainly fine. If you want Nana or I to suggest something, we are pleased to do that as well. Really just need to know who to include so that we can finalize program for service. Love Dad/Patrizzio!
Hello Country and City Cousins! Trust everyone is well. Just wanted to let you know that I have been in touch with Chapel Lawn and Karen Toole, minister who will conduct Mom's Memorial service, on Friday, August 1st, around noon. Not sure of exact time, as of this writing, but I assume Chapel Lawn will let me know/confirm, in the next little while. Of course, I'll let you know as soon as I know.
Of course we'd like you to attend ceremony but understand if you are unable to do so. We've chosen this date as Ayn and Los Horridos will be in Winnipeg as they are flying up from LA to Fargo, (Cheaper on Allegiant, then driving a rental car to Falcon), for Corinne's parent's 69th wedding anniversary, that weekend. We plan to have a gathering for lunch afterwards but have not yet finalized those details.
At any rate, look forward to seeing everyone, one way or another, in a month or so. We will drive and plan to leave Vancouver on July 22nd. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pat, I'm kicking myself for mentioning the hill training. Now I'll be struggling up the hills even if it's only once, trying to keep up. Cypress Bowl repetitions next? Let's look at Friday then for a ride. Ray
Hi all, As I said previously we are going to have a BBQ so we will provide burgers and chicken burgers. If I could get 3 volunteers to bring different salads and some other volunteers to bring some appies that would be amazing!!! Please bring your own booze and we will provide drinks for the non drinkers and kids!!! Can't wait to see you all!!
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