Wednesday, 14 May 2014

38th Wedding Anniversary Blues: Wednesday, May 14th!

I'm sure that someday children in schools will study the history of the men who made war as you study an absurdity. They'll be shocked, just as today we're shocked with cannibalism. -Golda Meir, Israeli Prime Minister (1898-1978) 

Hi Lads and Calamity Ski!

As Whirlygig knows, after we left him at Prospect Point, Ski and I proceeded over Lions Gate and made for Spirit Trail. All went well until we made for the pedestrian/bike bridge over tracks at Mckay. I told Ski to gear down for climb but, of course, she didn't so had trouble with gears. Long and short of it was that the chain somehow jammed once she was over bridge, not far from Bodwell High School. 

I circled, hoping above all hope that she could right problem. Chain Gods smiled not upon me. however, and I was forced to touch The Dreaded Burnign Ground at 30 km, putting an end to the "official" ride! By this time she was a little grease monkey. Nevertheless, I was able to to fix problem by putting chain in a lower gear and we were back in business.

She did very well on re-ascent of LG although I had to circle, interminably, at Prospect Point, until she showed. Wanting a drink and a bathroom stop she put kick stand down and rushed off. As soon as she did the bike fell over onto the large rock near-bye. She wanted to come back but I said, "Just leave it! Go!" Once re-hydrated and bladder emptied, we took off. 

She fell behind immediately so I circled back and asked if she was okay. She said she was so I made for crest of hill and then decided to circle in the parking lot of the picnic area there. Continued to do so for about five minutes and couldn't believe she hadn't caught up. Wondered if I'd missed her when my back was to road so I took off down the hill. Wasn't sure if I'd find her at the bottom so went as far as turn-off to Lost Lagoon and came back towards the parking lot near Second Beach Concession and lo and behold she was coming towards me!

Apparently something was rubbing so she had stopped, shortly after leaving Prospect Point. Another "kind, concerned" rider stopped to offer assistance and determined that one brake pad was rubbing. 

Hearing this, I supposed fall had had something to do with this. Didn't seem like a big deal so we kept going. Returned via Burrard Bridge as it was shortly after 11:00 am by this time and Ski had to be downtown for a lunch date with  her sister Joan, at 12:30 pm. Once near Reckless I suggested she take bike in to have it looked at if they could do so quickly. I didn't want to accompany her as I'm still a bit sensitive about my Trek from Westpoint!

Anyway, I returned to the Heartbreak Terrace and a few minutes later Ski arrive, bike-less! Problem was a broken spoke! She left the Brodie there as gang said they could fix it in about half an hour. She had a quick shower, changed and then returned to Reckless as she wanted to ride downtown to meet her sister. All's well that ends well! 

Poor Ski, she had had a message from friend who was dog-sitting for her while she was away. (Her husband, Ron, is actually on St Martin at moment, teaching a course at the medical school there.) Friend lives in Halifax and so dog is not used to countryside's fauna thereabouts as Ron/Ski live on Cape Breton. Apparently the pooch chased a mother porcupine and animal climbed a tree to escape. Its baby wasn't so fortunate as pooch killed it, sustaining 12 quills in its tongue and 45 in face! $450 wildlife lesson later! Told her that she should have been glad she wasn't riding my high maintenance Trek to make her feel better! Stats for ride:

Anyway, I'm up for a ride today. Although it is our 38th wedding anniversary today, (We flew to Victoria, from Coal Harbour, on Friday May 14th, 1976. It was the last day of my final BC Teacher's Certificate practicum but I had made arrangements with my sponsor teachers and UBC supervisor to finish up on Thursday.), Cora Lee is off to her Elder Hostel Book Club this morning, so I'm free, temporarily! If either of you are interested, I'd like to hit Iona. If this works, I will probably go out via Marine so I could meet you at Cambie SkyTrain Bridge if you prefer Cypress. Let me know. Cheers, Porcupine Patrizzio!

Pic: Grease Monkey Forehead! New cycling syndrome!!!

P, Happy Anniversary. I have to pass on the ride today. Interested tomorrow if that works for you. W

Tomorrow is better for me also. Ray  

Hi Lads!

Since Giggage and Robo Man are not able to ride today, am wondering if the Burnaboids might be interested in joining us tomorrow. Perhaps a meet at Cambie SkyTrain Bridge, 10:30ish or so. Other suggestions for time/route welcome. Let us know and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrice et al, I'm out unfortunately as Mom is having hip replacement surgery tomorrow and I will be helping her get admitted etc. Thanks anyway and have a great day!

Would love to join you, but am committed to dissecting a salmon for a Grade 2 class at Windsor tomorrow ...8^) cheers, Mark

Hi Burnaboids, et al!

Sorry you two are otherwise committed. Please send along very best wishes to your Mom, Al, for hip surgery. Trust hip replacement will be as successful as ones both Raymond and I received. Buona Fortuna with salmon dissection, Surgeon Marcus! 

Was in your neck of the woods this afternoon as I rode out to UBC and then along Marine to CSTB. Then went with wind behind me to River Road and Westminster Hwy. 

More of a cross wind on return leg so I made better progress than I had feared. Sailed east along Kent and dedicated bike path once I was over CSTB and only had to ride as far as Burnaby Fraser Foreshore Park before I had distance I needed to give me my 100 km goal by time I was home. Again, head wind wasn't too, too bad on return along Kent and once I started up Cambie I made all the lights so I was able to maintain my 23 km AVG. Lost a bit on way down Cambie, having to dipsy doodle between Columbia and Yukon to cross Broadway but managed to gain it back once I was on home stretch, even pushing it to 23.1 km/hr when I pulled up at the Heartbreak Hotel!  Stats for ride:

Quite pleased as this is my first 100 km ride since being back from Mexico and highest AVG for that distance ever! I'll be able to toast the ride when we have Flamin' and Sarge up for a drink to celebrate our 38th anniversary with drink before Cora Lee and I head to Edibles, on GI, for dinner at 7:30 pm. Robo Man and Whirlissimo, let me know about ride tomorrow. Thanks and Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: I walked over to GI this morning and snapped chap painting lines at Water Park and then caught the newly hatched chicks! I was trying to get a close-up of one of them but was dissuaded by a parent getting ready to hiss, or worse, with a menacing extended neck

I was able to toast the ride when Flamin' and Sarge came up for a drink to celebrate our 38th anniversary. Michelle Lavigne, (another of the Great Ronaldo's paddlers!), and her husband, Doug, came as well. They just flew into town from Halifax as Michelle is attending a conference. The four of them left for Osoyoos for the weekend, staying at Spirit Ridge Vineyard and Resort until Monday. Nicole came upstairs as well. She was over to pick-up Molly to take care of her while her parents were away. Somehow she invited herself and Marvin to join gang in Okanagan, on Friday, so Cora Lee volunteered to dog-sit Molly!

Anyway, we were toasted, with Prosecco, by assembled company, on the occasion of our 38th wedding anniversary, [Another friend of ML, Colleen Fitzpatrick, was along as well. They knew each other back in Dartmouth and she now lives in Burnaby. She works for a non-profit, Leave a Legacy, so I have her email address for you, Chloë. Figure the more connections you have the better!], and had a most enjoyable time before Cora Lee and I headed to Edibles, on GI, for dinner at 7:30 pm.

It was such a lovely evening that we sat outside on the covered patio. Had a high table with bar stools right on the far outside corner so Cora Lee was delighted to be so well positioned for people watching. As well, divider walls have planters atop them and they are filled with herbs, chives, rosemary, Swiss Chard or Beets, (Disagreement number 1,256,989 on this point!), and the like, so that is a rather nice touch. As soon as we sat down we were presented with glasses of Stellar's Jay Brut from Sumac Ridge as I gather Cora Lee mentioned it was our anniversary when she made reservation. Enjoyed a wonderful meal. I started with the Carrot & Coconut Soup,toasted cumin, parsnip chips and followed with the Grilled Pork Chop, apple & barley risotto, sauteed rainbow chard, lemon thyme jus. Both were absolutely delicious. Coriandre opted for more Spot Prawns ordering Whole fried prawns, rice flour, green chili aioli, cilantro & thai basil. While they were very tasty she said that ones Chloë prepared on Mother's Day were just as good! With meal we had a very, very quaffable red, a 2010 Moon Curser Border Vines, 14.6%, a mouthful of blackberry and cassis from start to finish. A felicitous blend of Cabernet Sauvignan, 35%, Merlot, 33%, Cabernet Franc, 15%, Malbec, 7%, Carmenere, 7% and Petit Verdot 3%. We'd visited winery, in Osoyoos, two years ago. Tried this past March but it was closed when we were by. Finished off with dessert, a fantastic milk/cream concoction, Posset, speinkled with chopped hazelnuts! Corinne said she only wanted a spoonful of mine but knowing her, after 38 years, I insisted on two!  
More than pleased with friendly, attentive service and terrific food we toddled back to Harbour Terrace and stopped in at the Sutherland's to pick up Molly's food and leash. Had a nightcap there before bidding everyone goodnight. Grand day and a memorable anniversary, shared, in part, with good, good friends. Coriandre wanted to watch a few recorded shows but I convinced her that she was too tired to do so. In fact, she was asleep before I had finished brushing and flossing. I know her like the back of my hand, Dear Reader!!! Anyway, she had to get a good night's sleep as she had to install the Apple TV box I received for "my" anniversary present. I gave her a pair of earrings, tiny keys. On the card, a great reproduction of pulp fiction covers, this one for Butterfield 8, I wrote: "Before Y & R there was Butterfield 8! Love, today and forever and a day! PS: After all these years you still have the keys to my heart!!!

Pat/George, Suggestion - 9:30 or so King Ed./Maple but reasonably flexible for time and place. Ray

Hi Robo Man! I'll be there at 9:30 am, Thursday . Whether Galiano Man will appear is another matter! See you tomorrow at appointed spot! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Patrick, I wanted to thank you for your generous donation in remembrance of your Mother in honor of Mother’s Day. As well I also wanted to ask if you would consider again sponsoring the  Lotto Hat for Aunt Leah’s upcoming Trivia Night, October 18th, 2014.

Last year we raised over $9,000 at our Trivia night ( our most successful to date) and this year we hope to far exceed that amount.

If you have any questions in regards to this event please ask, as well, I believe you will be in town this year and we would love to have you and your family/friends attend. Best, Chloë Alexis
Chloë Dunn Fundraising Coordinator

Dad could you give me her address, email or mailing if you can. Thanks, xx 
Dear Fundraising Coordinator! Thank you for your thank you regarding my Mother's Day donation and then, in the very next breath, another request for funds! Fortunately, for you, the 2014 VWF begins on October 21st so your Mother and I will be delighted to attend the Trivia Night. As soon as I receive reimbursement for ferry reservation charges made to my credit card, by a certain party, I will re-evaluate my finances and see whether a sponsorship of a Lotto Hat might be possible.

Give us a call to let us know your long weekend plans. Must away to Go Green before we can afford to eat this weekend while others are living the high life! Love and Cheers, Dad! Pics: Edibles! 

Friends and Associates, even people I don’t really like all that much ...

At the time of this writing, the most significant sporting event on the planet will commence in 29 days, 8 hours, 33 minutes.  This event, makes every other international sporting event look like an elementary school sports day.  I am of course talking about the World Cup. “Soccer” to Canada & the USA, Football to everyone else.

In honour of this occasion, I am offering all an unparalleled opportunity to participate in my patented World Cup Pool.  You will find attached a zip file containing 2 documents:  The rules and an entry form for stage one.  Should you wish to exhibit your football savvy, I challenge you to enter the pool.  Heck, enter twice.  Or more.

 The fee for each entry (copy of the file with team entered) is $5

Payment options are: get your cash to me by the deadline or else.

The opening game, with all the appropriate fireworks is …

12 June 2014, 13:00 pstArena de Sao Paulo Croatia <> Brazil

So the deadline for entry is: 12 June 2014 12:59:59 pst As usual, much of the group phase is “predictable” … except for the upsets.  I would suggest Group D is this year’s “group of death”.  And it certainly looks like the USA is going to have a very tough time advancing.  

Just check out:

Ignore the part about “apply for tickets”. Too late I think. Any questions? Do not be hesitant to call or email.
Branko Perić

Go Croatia!

[*] El fútbol es vida. Todo lo demás son detalles [*]
     Football is life. Everything else is just details

Dear Fútbol Aficionado, a person I don't really like all that much!

I'm delighted to enter your World Cup Pool scam. Is this a variation of the Nigerian bank transfer? As well, I notice absolute control remains jealously guarded by Pool Coordinator. Perhaps you have more in common with Flat-Top than you realize. I will pay for at least one entry on Saturday, if the TV works! Cheers, 419 Patrizzio!

  • Bella M. Mercado
    Bella M. Mercado

    Hi Patrick, good morning to you. I am sending you a 100 pcs. of spring rolls through the kindness of Marvin and Nicole. I hope you will enjoy them. I still have them though, I don't know when they go to Michele place. I talk to Nicole okey?y
    • Patrick James Dunn
      Patrick James Dunn

      Hi Bella Bellissima! Thank you so much for thinking of us! You are too kind. Of course, it goes without saying, that your spring rolls are World Famous so we are absolutely delighted to receive so many! We have been invited to dinner on Monday, at the Newly Wedded Couple's home so perhaps we can collect them at this time. At any rate, thanks again for your overwhelming kindness and generosity. Cheers from Cora Lee and Patrizzio!

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