Hi Pat. Our dinner tonight is at Mama Mia at 6:45pm and the res is for 5 people, to include Chloe if she is interested. Long pants are required for this restaurant. see you through the day, Francesca
Hi Lurch! Thanks for reminder! We'll all be there, all three of us, so thanks again! Just up in Flamin's'/Sarge's room using the Wifi. I gather Nicole is feeling well enough to attend the dress-rehearsal, on as I scribe. Not sure if you have spoken to anyone but she was not at all well last night. Had an extremely high fever and had to cut short her participation in the Stagette. I bumped into her and Flamin' just as I was leaving our building to walk over to Pool 6. They had been to see doctor and he had given her an injection, antihistamine, so not sure what diagnosis, if any, has been made. On top of everything else, she has lost her voice, almost completely. Can barely mouth words above a whisper. At any rate, I am to meet with her, if she feels up to it by then, at 1:00 pm, after rehearsal and after lunch, to go over some of the details for wedding dinner.
See you around 6:30ish if not before. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pat, The pool looks good, the bar reminiscent of the type of continental place the Brits flock to on vacation. Hope you aren't behaving like them. Great weather here for the moment which is soon to change. George and I were planning to ride this morning but he has 2 squash matches this afternoon so we're not on until next week. Sylvia arrived safely in London but had an hour wait at customs while the British passport holders sailed right through. She is out walking in the countryside today with an old friend of mine. It's a Bank Holiday there so they are off to Kew Gardens on Monday. Ray
Hi Raymond!
Glad Mrs Banks is enjoying her Bank Holiday! You hit the nail right on the head when you mention the behaviour of many of the vacationers here, particularly in the Sports Bar, and at the numerous other bars scattered across the complex. Since booze is free many are drinking as soon as bars open and continue all day. Of course, many of the mixed drinks are usually watered down with overly sweet juice. When I do order, I have been taking dark rum, Bacardi Anejo, neat, as it is the best, for my taste, of the free hootch. One can pay for some higher end stuff but even that is not worth the money, given the brands available.
On the other hand, I'm quite happy with the gym and have been each day since arriving. Go at 7:00 am when it opens. Today I rode the stationary bike again, for half an hour, and then switched to the elliptical. Found I actually prefer this machine. Bit like standing up when riding. Stayed on for three half hour sequences so by the time I was finished the shallow indentations for one's feet were awash with my perspiration! Not kidding. I was quite surprised. Even though my tank top was drenched I didn't feel all that much sweat running down my legs. Anyway, a most enjoyable workout.
Just up in Flamin's'/Sarge's room using the Wifi to catch up on things. We had a pleasant enough time in Playa del Carmen last evening. Eighteen of us at Marvin's Stag. We took a large mini-bus into town and went to three bars, drinking buckets of beer, usually two at each place. Not really my idea of great good fun but I did have a chance to chat with a number of Marvin's friends and relatives so it was most interesting to get to know the larger circlea. At the last place we had a bite to eat. It was a SPorts bar so gang wanted to watch large screen TV of Boston vs Montreal game. Here, Grogg, bought a bottle of very good tequila and we all toasted Marvin with it. Most of the lads tossed it back in one gulp but I prefered to sip it as it really was worth enjoying. Anyway, after we ate, (I had very tasty shrimp tacos), we went back to the spot where we'd been dropped and took same bus back to resort. Corey had arranged this on way into Playa.
Back at Grand Princess, the Goils were just getting ready to leave for the Stagette so we visited for a few minutes before they piled into another mini-bus and headed to Playa. Most of the lads were making for the Sports Bar to watch the 3rd period of hockey game but I wandered the open air, night market that is held every Thursday night here. Local vendors from Playa, I assume, and much the same sort of gaudy, overpriced stuff that one sees in all tourist trap places, everywhere in the world, I imagine! After that I made for the sports Bar myself but couldn't find anyone i knew so watched the 1st overtime period and then went up to our room. Had been a long day so I took a quick shower, read a few chapters of my book and then went to bed about 11:30 pm. Heard Cora Lee come in about an hour later and when I asked her how things went she said it had been fun but that Nicole was not well at all. Apparently she had complained about a scratchy throat earlier in the day and gather her condition had deteriorated after that.
Learned this morning, from Corinne, that she had an extremely high fever and had to cut short her participation in the Stagette. I bumped into her and Flamin' just as I was leaving our building to walk over to Pool 6. They had been to see doctor and he had given her an injection, antihistamine, so not sure what diagnosis, if any, has been made. On top of everything else, she has lost her voice, almost completely. Can barely mouth words above a whisper. At any rate, I am to meet with her, if she feels up to it by then, at 1:00 pm, after wedding rehearsal and after lunch, to go over some of the details for wedding dinner.
This evening we are having dinner with The Millionaires, at Mama Mia, at 6:45pm. Being "Platinum" guests they were able to book this "specialty" restaurant well in advance, (Not so the case with plebs like us!), as apparently it is very popular. Grogg has a magnum of some 2005/2006 Spanish Rioja he found at a wine store, Europa, in Playa. No corkage so that is a great policy as far as we are concerned. However, long pants are required for this restaurant so I find this rather silly/annoying. Still, the price one has to pay for dining with the Rich and Famous! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Big Al! No time to take "Donald" Quiz as we are attending a destination wedding in Playa del Carmen. Arrived this past Wednesday. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Mayan Destination Wedding!
Hi Gran Duggaccio! Don't have to worry about celibacy as we are sharing a room with Chloë while attending destination wedding in Playa del Carmen! Cheers, Patrizzio! Hi Snobby Bobby and Zircon!
Absolutely loved the cartoon! What a chortle I had! I've forwarded it to all the wedding party, from Zircon's email address!!! As you know, not really my idea of a vacation for many reasons! In closing, please clarify, SB, which region's mescal I am to search for. Fondestos and Cheers to one and all, Patrizzio! Pics: Local pest control workers!
Hi Big Al! Trust you are managing without Marilyn! Hope to eat at Alux on Monday night. Fondestos from Cora Lee and Chloë. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Whirlage! Trust you are managing without me!!! Cheers, Patrizzio!
I was rudely keeping my eye on the email while talking to Ellie, here on Salt Spring Island. Please could you resend your message with Canadians cavorting in swimming pools and drinking in the bar.
Meanwhile we are sipping on our San Pellegrinos. A nap and one hour "walk around the block" on the country roads beckons. I left Jim and Jan on the ferry and am now here in the house in the woods. Enjoyed the visit. Regards, bob
ps: Ruth Moody tomorrow night at the Southend Grooveyard a roots music concert. Do you know her from Wailin' Jennies fame?
Hello San Pellegringos! Must away as time to beautify for dinner! Cheers, Mescalizzio!
Marvin Angelo Mercado with Nicole Marie at Grand Riviera Princess Playa del Carmen, Mexico ·Quiet night in Mexico before our big day tomorrow
But there is good news!
When I estimated the cost of your computer upgrade, I went on what I
knew Michael paid for his SSD (that’s solid state drive for you non
techs). Turns out, prices have dropped in just the last couple of
months, so I was able to purchase a very decent
bottle of hooch with the unexpected surplus! (mostly consumed at this
time of writing)
So, your notebook is a rocket now. Have a couple of other
suggestions that can wait until you return and recover from your state
of bliss. Please read my tagline and act accordingly!
Branko Peric [*] No habrá paz para los malvados [*] Hola Pat,Your offer is above and beyond; absolutemente! but let me be sure to pay at least! This nectar preciouso can reside in all it's glory, at the Island Inn. I am not counting on you bringing a bottle back but if it happens then that would be el rico. Who cares if there is a worm in the bottle, actually a larvae, that is not importante.
Miro (see) mi attachmente por favor. This graphic, in the spirit (did you get that) of vintage library signage, but of a didactic nature. Of course i forgot to write Mescal at the top in screaming and alcohol addled lettering. I can see you talking to a Mexican bartender who has seen it all and will know a thing or two about this intriguing drink.
Neighbours are coming and Ellie is in top gear, getting things ready. In good weather like this, some of the good folks along Forest Ridge Road, like to sit on an outcrop and have drinks. The Happy Hour with gin and tonics will transport us towards evening. Meanwhile
Now in Victoria. SB made us tuna salad begals to eat on the boat. I preferred that to the pot roast I had at Montana this evening. I am about to settle down to watch Monk debate from Toronto, Tomorrow Mark is in charge of the day. He turns 47. I guess that makes me what's the word--wait for it--OLD.
Had a Bento Box with Virginia and much fine hospitality from SB. All in all, a very successful BC vacation. Watch out for that Mexican Beer.
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