Queen Victoria was the first monarch to have her picture taken.
Hi How Not-to-do-it Al! Terribly
sorry to hear about your accident, Stanchion Prone Man! I winced in
pain, involuntarily, just hearing about the incident. Nasty, at the best
of times, but especially frustrating, I'm sure, when you obviously have
so much on the go at the moment! Hope you don't put too, too much
stress on afflicted knee until it has time to heal properly. If I didn't
know you better, (or perhaps because I do!), I might think this was a
built in excuse not to ride over next little while! Or else just an
excuse to self-medicate with Booker's Bourbon! Anyway, trust you recover
fully quickly.
Not a big deal but we had been invited to Little Shuswap by Squamish folk as Ruth/Rick have a lovely cabin there, on the spectacular point, diagonally across the lake from Chase. Had invitation been to Squamish we could have managed that trip far more easily in terms of returning to Vancouver on Sunday in time for Dino's party at 2:20 pm. As you might know, day turned out to be simply gorgeous here, in spite of forecast for showers, to the contrary. The gathering was really a lovely affair, food stupendous as you can imagine. It was a delight to meet so many of Dino's other customers, friends and relatives.
His wife, Tina, is a marvellous lady as is the eldest daughter, Aphrodite! I actually knew Stephanoula, the youngest, as she worked at UBC's Aquatic Centre, as a cashier, while in Education there. She has been teaching ever since she graduated and we learned that she will graduate, this Wednesday, with an MA in Counselling Psychology. Also met a chap, Mike Chacholiades, (Think this is correct spelling but not sure! Sounded like "Chickadees" to me!), who knew Robo Man from rugby/football at UBC back in '60's! As well, met another couple, Roland Case and his wife Susan Duncan, who were sitting at our table and both were in Education at UBC and used Curric Lab when I was there! Many of Dino's friends had lived and worked in Winnipeg befoer moving to Vancouver. One real character, Chris, was responsible for grilling whole lamb and small skewered souvalki, and I discovered that he had been a high iron rigger by trade. In 1971 he changed the light atop the Golden Boy gracing the Manitoba Provincial Legislature, in January or February of that year. I asked him if he put ear muffs on the Golden lad's cojones and he laughed. He said he had about thirty cameras with him as various people in the legislature knew about his task and wanted him to take snaps of the Golden Boy's testicles!
Another friend and neighbour, Jim Roberts, a Scot, had been in Cyprus, in the British Army, when I lived there. He was in Intelligence at the time. I didn't learn these facts until we had left as Cora Lee had been chatting with him while I was elsewhere. Hope I bump into him again, as I'm curious to know which regiment he was attached to. Two regiment, The Green Howards and the Gordon Highlanders, were stationed, over a number of years, near the mine/mill operation, (Cyprus Mines Corporation), where my Dad was employed and my parents were often invited to the various messes, (Officer's and Sergeant's), for parties, etc.
I simply loved being inside a real army camp as I was between 6 and 9 at the time. On one occasion my parents threw a large garden party and invited many of the officers they had come to know. One of them removed the bullets from his revolver, a Webley, I believe, and actually let me carry it. I pretended I was a sentry and "patrolled" our house for an hour or so, after everyone had gone inside for dinner! Furthermore, there was a large cooler filled with beer and soft drinks out on the lawn and I was able to help myself to numerous bottles of Coke as I made my rounds. Protecting parents and guests is thirsty work and it took particular glee in my "thefts" as one Coke was my usual limit, (Mom was a strict "enforcer" of such things!), and certainly not an everyday occurrence!
Would have loved to have stayed longer but we had been invited, at the last minute, to pop in at the home of a former UBC colleague, Jo-Anne Naslund, to celebrate her husband's 66th birthday. I felt she was the leading candidate for the job as Reference Librarian at the Curric Lab where I had worked since 1976. Increased funding, in 1983, allowed for a second position but I had to convince my boss, at the time, to hire her. She is still there, (now re-named the Education Library), and continues to do wonderful, wonderful work with both students and faculty. (I knew my assessment was right but I think that Howard Hurt, my boss, was a bit threatened by her.
Howard, (sadly deceased a few years ago now), was a lovely, lovely man and extremely knowledgeable about the provincial curriculum and the history of public education in BC. Although a very, very supportive boss he was rather a conservative administrator and I think he felt Jo-Anne was a bit too "radical"!) Colin, her husband, was a teacher-librarian, but he took early retirement a number of years ago.
Dino's place is near 21st and Vine, (only a few blocks from where Robo Man and Sylvia live), while Jo-Anne and Colin have a house on 16th, just across from Lord Byng, so it didn't take long to get there. However, it was close to 5:00 pm when we pulled and I had said we would probably drop in close to 4:00 pm. Just as we were walking up the sidewalk to the front door I heard a shout, "Patrizzio"! Turned out it was Robo Man himself, on his bike, just returning home from one of the day's tutoring sessions! We had a grand, if fairly brief, chat and I told him about Mike and he remembered him. Waved goodbye, making plans for a ride this coming week, and walked around side of house to back yard as we assumed our hosts might be in their lovely back garden, day continuing to be so sunny.
Turned out
that we were only people invited! (I assumed it would be a reasonbaly
large gathering and so wasn't too, too worried about being late,
especially since Jo-Anne knew that we had a previous engagement. By this
time both of them thought that we weren't coming and Jo-Anne had
actually taken in most of the lovely appetizers she had set out in
expectation of our visit! Anyway, we apologized and set about rectifying
late arrival by knocking back a quick bottle of celebratory sparkling
wine! Had a great time chatting, sipping and nibbling under the patio umbrella as sun was still incredibly warm.
Funnily enough, about half an hour after we arrived, another close friend, Don Currie, came by the back lane. Colin keeps all their recyclables and Don collects them, using refunds to put towards various baseball/hockey field trips that he organizes for teams he coaches. I expected that Don would have been one of people invited as he has been at most of the other gatherings at their place that we have attended in the past. Anyway, it turned out that Jo-Anne's invitation somehow ended up in a Junk folder, a file Don only looks at once a week or so, and consequently he didn't know about mini-party. At any rate, he is a very interesting chap and so we had lots to talk about. After fizzy wine Colin opened an incredible red from Minervois, Domaine de Babio, 2009, 15%. What a velvet dynamite gang-buster!
Region is about an hour from where I rented the house in Languedoc last September and we passed through it a number of times, en route to Carcassonne. Then, as if we really needed it, a few snorts of three different malts, a Scapa 14 year old, a Bruichladdich Port Charlotte and a Speyside special bottling for the Edinburgh Castle! Had had so much delicious lamb and other wonderful food, (stuffed zucchini flowers were a marvel to look at and even better to eat!), that I felt I could drive home so we thanked our gracious hosts and made our way home around 8:00 pm.
Back at the Islay Inn Cora Lee changed into her jams and I made a pot of java and we sat down to watch next episode of Game of Thrones and then more recorded sessions of Call the Midwife and The Bletchley Circle. Wonderful dramas all so it was a terrific ending to a full, full day.
Forecast suggests I might be able to squeeze in a ride after I discharge some "chores" Coriandre has lined up for me. Main one involves dismantling large storage box on the right side of our patio, looking out from living room. Dusty built it to store deck chairs but it gets very wet over winter and plywood has started to rot so Cora Lee wants it removed so she can re-arrange large potted plants and other pieces of patio furniture. This evening we are off to North Van, (by Seabus, so we don't have to drive home), to celebrate Flamin's' birthday at Nicolina's/Marvinator's lovely condo there.
Again, not a big deal, but have you had any further thoughts on attending Dram Come True, Friday, May 30th? Early Bird tickets are $110. Let me know if interested. Sarge and I, and probably Colin, will be attending. Cora Lee would go but is off to Victoria that day as she is giving a presentation at BCLA on Saturday. Will probably have some substantial appetizers here before making our way to Hycroft. Starts at 7:30 pm. Fondestos to one all Sunshine Valley Folk from Coramadel. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Lamb on spit; Portuguese potatoes, spicy!; stuffed zucchini flowers, delicioso; Dino thanking everyone; his wife, Christina, with Chris, high rigger/ chef, to viewer's right; Colin and Jo-Anne.
Hi Colin and Jo-Anne!
Thank you both for the lovely late afternoon/evening! Wonderful to see you both and "party crasher" Don, as well, of course. Thanks for fab appetizers, wine and malt! In case you are truly interested, Colin, here is website for VWF:
Have attached a few snaps of Dino's bbq, along with Stephanoula, (MA in Counselling Psychology), youngest daughter, end of table, holding up her arm; Christina, Dino's wife at end of table; Roland and Susan. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Wild Bill and De-lovely Denise, Panama Canal People Extraordinaire!
Glad you are safely home. Your cruise sounded terrific. Great snaps. Thank you very much for your offer to bring along a CDP. I'm sure it will be much appreciated. We can chat a little closer to the 19th about a contribution but probably a salad or appetizer, at this point. Think there will be about 20 people by the time the dust settles! Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Chat soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Vegas People!
How wonderful to hear from you. We understood that everyone in Manitoba was in cryogenic storage after this past fierce-some winter! Glad you have finally thawed out. We've enjoyed Vegas a number of times, although never taken in a show. Neither of us are gamblers either although I think call girls are quite another matter!
Congratulations on becoming an owner. Does that mean that you can write off all your holidays as business trips? Any chance I could buy in? In fact, need the expense account as we will be driving out, sometime around July 21st. Will be having a large Durston family reunion at Falcon to celebrate Corinne's parent's 69th wedding anniversary on the August long weekend!
While in Winnipeg we are also planning having a graveside memorial for Mom, probably on Friday, August 1st. It is complicated as Ayn and Los Horridos will be flying up from LA, (to Fargo and then driving a rental vehicle as flights are much, much cheaper this way), and their time constraints dictate this date. If you are able to attend that would be wonderful but certainly understand if other plans conflict. If things work out, I hope that Sally and Filmer will be around so we might be able to see everyone for a meal afterwards. At any rate, will be in touch, regarding details, once we have confirmed things with both Chapel Lawn and minister. In any event, we will certainly stop by on way to Winnipeg so thank you for invitation, even if you won't be home!!! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Wall Skipping Champion and Uncomplaining Chauffeur!
Glad you seem well on the mend, Rotator Cuff Woman! I'm sure the pain was excruciating! almost as bad a shaving to listen to Cora Lee and her wind tunnel experiments!!! Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Chat soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
No showboating on the rides you two! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/othersports/cycling/10842025/Amateur-cyclists-celebrations-that-were-his-downfall.html
Ray, too funny. And true that could be someone trying to avoid putting their foot down, doing a u-turn...G
Not a big deal but we had been invited to Little Shuswap by Squamish folk as Ruth/Rick have a lovely cabin there, on the spectacular point, diagonally across the lake from Chase. Had invitation been to Squamish we could have managed that trip far more easily in terms of returning to Vancouver on Sunday in time for Dino's party at 2:20 pm. As you might know, day turned out to be simply gorgeous here, in spite of forecast for showers, to the contrary. The gathering was really a lovely affair, food stupendous as you can imagine. It was a delight to meet so many of Dino's other customers, friends and relatives.
His wife, Tina, is a marvellous lady as is the eldest daughter, Aphrodite! I actually knew Stephanoula, the youngest, as she worked at UBC's Aquatic Centre, as a cashier, while in Education there. She has been teaching ever since she graduated and we learned that she will graduate, this Wednesday, with an MA in Counselling Psychology. Also met a chap, Mike Chacholiades, (Think this is correct spelling but not sure! Sounded like "Chickadees" to me!), who knew Robo Man from rugby/football at UBC back in '60's! As well, met another couple, Roland Case and his wife Susan Duncan, who were sitting at our table and both were in Education at UBC and used Curric Lab when I was there! Many of Dino's friends had lived and worked in Winnipeg befoer moving to Vancouver. One real character, Chris, was responsible for grilling whole lamb and small skewered souvalki, and I discovered that he had been a high iron rigger by trade. In 1971 he changed the light atop the Golden Boy gracing the Manitoba Provincial Legislature, in January or February of that year. I asked him if he put ear muffs on the Golden lad's cojones and he laughed. He said he had about thirty cameras with him as various people in the legislature knew about his task and wanted him to take snaps of the Golden Boy's testicles!
Another friend and neighbour, Jim Roberts, a Scot, had been in Cyprus, in the British Army, when I lived there. He was in Intelligence at the time. I didn't learn these facts until we had left as Cora Lee had been chatting with him while I was elsewhere. Hope I bump into him again, as I'm curious to know which regiment he was attached to. Two regiment, The Green Howards and the Gordon Highlanders, were stationed, over a number of years, near the mine/mill operation, (Cyprus Mines Corporation), where my Dad was employed and my parents were often invited to the various messes, (Officer's and Sergeant's), for parties, etc.
I simply loved being inside a real army camp as I was between 6 and 9 at the time. On one occasion my parents threw a large garden party and invited many of the officers they had come to know. One of them removed the bullets from his revolver, a Webley, I believe, and actually let me carry it. I pretended I was a sentry and "patrolled" our house for an hour or so, after everyone had gone inside for dinner! Furthermore, there was a large cooler filled with beer and soft drinks out on the lawn and I was able to help myself to numerous bottles of Coke as I made my rounds. Protecting parents and guests is thirsty work and it took particular glee in my "thefts" as one Coke was my usual limit, (Mom was a strict "enforcer" of such things!), and certainly not an everyday occurrence!
Would have loved to have stayed longer but we had been invited, at the last minute, to pop in at the home of a former UBC colleague, Jo-Anne Naslund, to celebrate her husband's 66th birthday. I felt she was the leading candidate for the job as Reference Librarian at the Curric Lab where I had worked since 1976. Increased funding, in 1983, allowed for a second position but I had to convince my boss, at the time, to hire her. She is still there, (now re-named the Education Library), and continues to do wonderful, wonderful work with both students and faculty. (I knew my assessment was right but I think that Howard Hurt, my boss, was a bit threatened by her.
Howard, (sadly deceased a few years ago now), was a lovely, lovely man and extremely knowledgeable about the provincial curriculum and the history of public education in BC. Although a very, very supportive boss he was rather a conservative administrator and I think he felt Jo-Anne was a bit too "radical"!) Colin, her husband, was a teacher-librarian, but he took early retirement a number of years ago.
Dino's place is near 21st and Vine, (only a few blocks from where Robo Man and Sylvia live), while Jo-Anne and Colin have a house on 16th, just across from Lord Byng, so it didn't take long to get there. However, it was close to 5:00 pm when we pulled and I had said we would probably drop in close to 4:00 pm. Just as we were walking up the sidewalk to the front door I heard a shout, "Patrizzio"! Turned out it was Robo Man himself, on his bike, just returning home from one of the day's tutoring sessions! We had a grand, if fairly brief, chat and I told him about Mike and he remembered him. Waved goodbye, making plans for a ride this coming week, and walked around side of house to back yard as we assumed our hosts might be in their lovely back garden, day continuing to be so sunny.
Funnily enough, about half an hour after we arrived, another close friend, Don Currie, came by the back lane. Colin keeps all their recyclables and Don collects them, using refunds to put towards various baseball/hockey field trips that he organizes for teams he coaches. I expected that Don would have been one of people invited as he has been at most of the other gatherings at their place that we have attended in the past. Anyway, it turned out that Jo-Anne's invitation somehow ended up in a Junk folder, a file Don only looks at once a week or so, and consequently he didn't know about mini-party. At any rate, he is a very interesting chap and so we had lots to talk about. After fizzy wine Colin opened an incredible red from Minervois, Domaine de Babio, 2009, 15%. What a velvet dynamite gang-buster!
Region is about an hour from where I rented the house in Languedoc last September and we passed through it a number of times, en route to Carcassonne. Then, as if we really needed it, a few snorts of three different malts, a Scapa 14 year old, a Bruichladdich Port Charlotte and a Speyside special bottling for the Edinburgh Castle! Had had so much delicious lamb and other wonderful food, (stuffed zucchini flowers were a marvel to look at and even better to eat!), that I felt I could drive home so we thanked our gracious hosts and made our way home around 8:00 pm.
Back at the Islay Inn Cora Lee changed into her jams and I made a pot of java and we sat down to watch next episode of Game of Thrones and then more recorded sessions of Call the Midwife and The Bletchley Circle. Wonderful dramas all so it was a terrific ending to a full, full day.
Forecast suggests I might be able to squeeze in a ride after I discharge some "chores" Coriandre has lined up for me. Main one involves dismantling large storage box on the right side of our patio, looking out from living room. Dusty built it to store deck chairs but it gets very wet over winter and plywood has started to rot so Cora Lee wants it removed so she can re-arrange large potted plants and other pieces of patio furniture. This evening we are off to North Van, (by Seabus, so we don't have to drive home), to celebrate Flamin's' birthday at Nicolina's/Marvinator's lovely condo there.
Again, not a big deal, but have you had any further thoughts on attending Dram Come True, Friday, May 30th? Early Bird tickets are $110. Let me know if interested. Sarge and I, and probably Colin, will be attending. Cora Lee would go but is off to Victoria that day as she is giving a presentation at BCLA on Saturday. Will probably have some substantial appetizers here before making our way to Hycroft. Starts at 7:30 pm. Fondestos to one all Sunshine Valley Folk from Coramadel. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Lamb on spit; Portuguese potatoes, spicy!; stuffed zucchini flowers, delicioso; Dino thanking everyone; his wife, Christina, with Chris, high rigger/ chef, to viewer's right; Colin and Jo-Anne.
Hi Colin and Jo-Anne!
Thank you both for the lovely late afternoon/evening! Wonderful to see you both and "party crasher" Don, as well, of course. Thanks for fab appetizers, wine and malt! In case you are truly interested, Colin, here is website for VWF:
Have attached a few snaps of Dino's bbq, along with Stephanoula, (MA in Counselling Psychology), youngest daughter, end of table, holding up her arm; Christina, Dino's wife at end of table; Roland and Susan. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Wild Bill and De-lovely Denise, Panama Canal People Extraordinaire!
Glad you are safely home. Your cruise sounded terrific. Great snaps. Thank you very much for your offer to bring along a CDP. I'm sure it will be much appreciated. We can chat a little closer to the 19th about a contribution but probably a salad or appetizer, at this point. Think there will be about 20 people by the time the dust settles! Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Chat soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Vegas People!
How wonderful to hear from you. We understood that everyone in Manitoba was in cryogenic storage after this past fierce-some winter! Glad you have finally thawed out. We've enjoyed Vegas a number of times, although never taken in a show. Neither of us are gamblers either although I think call girls are quite another matter!
Congratulations on becoming an owner. Does that mean that you can write off all your holidays as business trips? Any chance I could buy in? In fact, need the expense account as we will be driving out, sometime around July 21st. Will be having a large Durston family reunion at Falcon to celebrate Corinne's parent's 69th wedding anniversary on the August long weekend!
While in Winnipeg we are also planning having a graveside memorial for Mom, probably on Friday, August 1st. It is complicated as Ayn and Los Horridos will be flying up from LA, (to Fargo and then driving a rental vehicle as flights are much, much cheaper this way), and their time constraints dictate this date. If you are able to attend that would be wonderful but certainly understand if other plans conflict. If things work out, I hope that Sally and Filmer will be around so we might be able to see everyone for a meal afterwards. At any rate, will be in touch, regarding details, once we have confirmed things with both Chapel Lawn and minister. In any event, we will certainly stop by on way to Winnipeg so thank you for invitation, even if you won't be home!!! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Wall Skipping Champion and Uncomplaining Chauffeur!
Glad you seem well on the mend, Rotator Cuff Woman! I'm sure the pain was excruciating! almost as bad a shaving to listen to Cora Lee and her wind tunnel experiments!!! Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Chat soon. Cheers, Patrizzio!
No showboating on the rides you two! http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sport/othersports/cycling/10842025/Amateur-cyclists-celebrations-that-were-his-downfall.html

P, Happy Victoria Secret day! Thanks for the invite to ride today. I was out and about. I have two matches tomorrow but hope to ride Wednesday if that works. W G/P, Would like to ride Wednesday but I'll let you know. I might have too much on. Ray
Hi Lads! Great to bump into you, yesterday, Raymond. Quite a coincidence!
Had a pretty good solo ride today, just out to UBC and back, due to unfortunate time constraints! Nonetheless, the patio is starting to take shape. Stats for ride:
Pleased with rising AVG but pretty minor distance so that puts things into perspectivo. No chance of crashing into verge as it is even hotter than the Dreaded Burning Ground!
Had a grand time celebrating Flamin's' birthday in North Van this evening, at Nicolina's/Marvinator's place. For Wednesday's ride, let me know what you folk might have in mind. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Sarge with Avery; Beckster with Goils; Marvinator with his parents,Bella and Alberto and Jake; cutting the cake!
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