Arial view of the Douaumont French military cemetery, which
contains remains of French and German soldiers who died during the
Battle of Verdun in 1916
Good Morning, Brenda Louise!
Glad to learn that I haven't completely lost track of timing regarding Dana's pregnancy! Still no word from Jo-Anne regarding Don Currie but will let you know as soon as I hear from her. Cora Lee went to bed after watching one episode of Breaking Bad but I stayed up to take in two more! Didn't go to bed until 2:20 am but had a good sleep when I did.
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Art: Henry Stacy Marks, 1853
[Austro-Hungarian 30.5 cm siege mortar/howitzer being towed by a motor tractor, together with its complete crew.]

Worry, I suppose, enters picture, if one doesn't know individuals in question. However, place I rented in Languedoc is done by referral only, friends of friends, etc., and owner told me that this has always been more than satisfactory. Basically, mature, like-minded individuals who respect the property of others and simply wish to enjoy a comfortable, highly affordable situation in which all parties stand to gain.
Of course, some minor damage/breakage can occur but that happens all the time anyway. Earlier this month, Greg, my brother-in-law was in town, staying with us while on a business trip. Last day here he happened to knock the head off the hand shower! I'm sure it was going anyway but since we don't use that bathroom he happened to be the unlucky one!
Naturally, there are some ornaments or pictures or family momentos/knick-knacks that we are fond of and would not wish to have damaged or destroyed but even these are only "things" and we feel that we simply cannot live, trying to preserve all these material possessions as if we inhabit a museum. My own personal approach is to "use" most everything and if it breaks, a shame perhaps, but at least one enjoyed its intended function rather than allowing it to gather dust in an over-stuffed closet somewhere.
A recent example involves the pewter bowl I bought in Playa del Carmen recently. Filled with a delicious salad prepared by Cora Lee, we took it to Flamin's birthday party this past Monday. I noticed that there were a few small scratches on the inside surface when I washed it after returning home. Not a big deal but metal salad spoons used had been culprits. From now on we'll simply use wooden spoons. Here Endeth The Lesson!
But I digress, Dear Reader! We rent an additional spot for $70/month. Initially we needed it for Corinne's car but since Chloë has been using it after moving to Loft on Wall Street and starting with Aunt Leah's in New West, space is empty, typically M-F. ("Empty" being relative as Freeloading Sutherlands, with three vehicles when eldest son, Prince Valiant is studying at UBC, [He is in Mining Engineering so does six month field stints.], use space as their own and we "renters" often find space unavailable for our own use. Complicated condo life!) She parks on the weekends when completing her shifts at GI Brewery. The latter will come to an end in a month or so as she is giving her notice at brewery. Not quite sure what we will do then as we are hoping/trying to live with one vehicle. On the other hand, having an "extra" space is quite convenient for visitors, etc. Still, expense mounts up.
At any rate, I'll let Cora Lee give her "expert", informed opinion as I'm sure I have most of the details wrong, not being a Council insider! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Pewter bowl with other liquid souvenirs!
OMG when you answer a question, it is thoroughly! Made me feel guilty even asking! So much time taken out of your daily needs etc. Anyway ...the part on renters did give me pause to think. Since we have two renters here and they have been problematic in not adhering to bylaws etc it put me mind to propose a resolution to prohibit any further renting.
Now, after reading, I am in mind to just propose a limit to the number of units that can be rented. Of course there is a provincial bylaw that states that you are allowed to rent to relatives or if you are in financial straits you may make a claim of hardship. I am not concerned about that. The renters are here as the unit was bought as investment property and the buyer has never lived her nor, it seems, bothered to read any bylaws. It has been one hassle after another. I wondered if Corinne knew of any provincial bylaw that I have missed in my searches.
I like your pewter bowl. I have a pewter dish that Mom used for chips that is sitting in the pile of items to be sold in our upcoming yard sale. It is quite scratched but now I am second guessing myself. Lots of love b
Hi again, Guilty Party!
Don't fret as I enjoy writing or at least trying to write well. Hence, I rail, constantly, unabashedly against the limits of Twitter and Facebook! Of course there is much to be said for succinctness BUT I feel many have lost the ability to write, (and hence think), for more than a few paltry characters, usually using such hackneyed, overused and thus meaningless words as "Awesome" and "Amazing" to describe everything in their seemingly, frightfully limited ken. Hallelujah Sister! Let him who's troubled...! Coming the Word Revival Meeting, perchance?
In fact, here there is a limit to the number of rental units allowed and that is what is causing concern as more people wish to rent or engage in exchanges, as I mentioned. Again, I'll forward this message to Cora Lee as I'm not aware of or overly familiar with bylaws, either provincial or Harbour Terrace specific. ("Heartbreak Terrace" came from Whirlygig, sometime ago, when I couldn't make a planned ride as I wasn't "allowed" out by Cruel Task Mistress Lady Coramandel!)
If you like your Mom's dish, keep it and keep it filled with chips or mixed nuts or shredded bylaws or gold coins and scratches won't be seen! Why worry, be happy and enjoy life. Cheers, Trizzio!
Pic: Window of shop in Playa where I found pewter bowl. This barracuda, at fish shop just around the corner, wasn't enjoying life so much!
Hi again I forgot to mention a book I am reading right now by Eleanor Catton. You probably have read it already but I keep thinking, as I read, that you and Corinne would enjoy it. The Illuminaries is a kind of Victorian novel/ mystery set in the 19th century at the time of the New Zealand gold rush. Each of 12 disparate characters knows something of the plot at hand but each bit of information is not necessarily disclosed to the others. All I can say is that the Illuminaries is very circular! B
Hi Voracious Reader!
No, in fact we've not read Illuminaries although we have book. On Waiting List! We heard Eleanor speak at a number of events at the 2013 VWF and were very taken with her. If I didn't have so many demanding questions from pushy friends I'd have time to read! Cheers, Curmudgeon Patrizzio!
Yikes! Look at those teeth! Trust you two to have already met Catton! I do envy your access to sundry events.
I can see the owners of your complex wanting to be able to engage in exchanges. Who wouldn't want to be able to stay where you are situated.
Besides reading and watching season finales ( how will I cope when all is said and done), we have been following with great interest the CHL run to the Memorial Cup. Talk about stilted language and meaningless interviews though. Every sentence starts with "I mean" or "And again" and every answer, "We just have to stick to the game plan. We have to play our game for sixty minutes." Anyway I get what you mean about word revival. However not everyone has the life style you are clearly enjoying. So here are my few "paltry characters " B
Hi Memorial Cup People!
When I took the snaps of the 'cuda, I asked one of the fishermen if I could touch the teeth and he said "Be careful!" Indeed, they were like needles and razor sharp! Makes me shudder just thinking about such a jaw clamping down on a limb!
We actually never met Catton, just listened to her, as I mentioned. She seemed as if she would be very approachable, however.
Anyway, I "stuck to my game plan" this morning. "And again" I had to play my game for 297 minutes, (4:57:14, to be precise!), as I took a wonderful ride out to Iona, an extension of yesterday's outing with Ski and Robo Man. Stats for that ride:
Ski's stats for same ride: 47.19 km over 2:57'03 for an AVG 15.9 km/hr. I have about 5 additional km's on my odometre as I did a fair bit of "dipsy-doodling" waiting for her to stop and take pictures, unjam her chain and just generally meander!
I finally stitched together all the pieces of the ride that I have been thinking about doing ever since returning from Mexico. Basically it involves returning home, via Marine, as opposed to using Cambie, essentially retracing route taken to get to Iona in first instance. Do about 7 km past Cambie SkyTrain Bridge, on return run from Iona itself, on River Road and Vulcan Way in order to have 70 km on odometer by the time I'm back on Kent and heading for 75th and then Marine to UBC. Once on campus I did a few "planned" dipsy-doodles in order to push total distance to 111.86 km. Would have liked my AVG to have been a tad higher, (Was hoping/trying for 23 km/hr but wind and my own legs just wouldn't cooperate to allow me to achieve this goal.), but felt very pleased with ride nonetheless. Always fun to scope out a new route. Stats for ride:
Must away to shower and change as I will be leaving for YVR at around 6:45 pm, to collect Elly and Antonio. Coriandre would like a salad assembled before I head out. Think I'll do thinly sliced tomatoes with bocconcini, topped with fresh basil, drizzled with Balsamic and olive oil. Simple but tasty. Cora Lee will bbq a large filet of salmon that has been marinating in cheap Sherry and Soy sauce. Looking forward o hearing all about their cruise and time spent elsewhere in state. Cora Lee will respond to your questions once she has a moment. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Roma and Leonard!
Trust all goes well! Sorry to take so long to reply. From the sound of it you have been doing or will do a fair bit of travelling. Have never been to the Dominican Republic. Attended a destination wedding in Playa del Carmen in early May. Had never been to this coast of Mexico before so enjoyed the Caribbean. Chloë was along as well. Loads of fun if only for a week.
Never been to China, other than Hong Kong in 2012 but enjoyed city very much. Want to return to take train from there to Shanghai, or further, but that will have to wait as we are currently planning a trip to India in 2015. Many of details and complete itinerary still being hammered out but we imagine we will be gone for about two or three months, (travelling with close friends, Lynne and Peter Lighthall, from Naramata, in the Okanagan), there, leaving late October or early November. Also "toying" with trying to visit Viet Nam and/or Cambodia, perhaps Laos, as part of same trip.
Other friends and neighbours, Flamin' and Sarge, are interested in dovetailing for parts of both so have to try and work out those logistics. Driving to Winnipeg around July 21st. Will be having a large Durston family reunion at Falcon to celebrate Corinne's parent's 69th wedding anniversary on the August long weekend! While in Winnipeg we are also planning having a graveside memorial for Mom, probably on Friday, August 1st. It is complicated as Chloë is flying from Vancouver and Ayn/Los Horridos flying up from LA, (to Fargo and then driving a rental vehicle as flights are much, much cheaper this way), and their time constraints dictate this date. If things work out, I hope that Sally/Filmer and family, as well as Bill, Dallas and Judy Gray and family will be able to attend. Still have to confirm date/details with both Chapel Lawn and minister. All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Colin! Thanks for letting me know. Understand completely. Will
let you know how event went. I have been able to buy a "special" bottle
at Silent Auction in past so perhaps, if successful again, this time,
we can share a drop of same at some point. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Landscape Architect/Ornithologist! Great snapolas of bird, garden results and trailer! Look forward to seeing the North Van LED sculpture. I await you call regarding Dram. Will chat more once you know more. Thanks. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrice, Please put me down for two tickets for the Dram comes true as I will be bringing a friend, Paul Debourcier from work . Thanks, Al
Hi Landscape Architect/Ornithologist! Great snapolas of bird, garden results and trailer! Look forward to seeing the North Van LED sculpture. I await you call regarding Dram. Will chat more once you know more. Thanks. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrice, Please put me down for two tickets for the Dram comes true as I will be bringing a friend, Paul Debourcier from work . Thanks, Al
Hi Trailer Hitch Man! Hope your knee is back to normal now. Grand that you will be attending Dram with Paul. We can work out logistics later. Cheers, Patrice Lumumba!
I just wanted to remind everyone the Master Class starts at 1pm Saturday May 24 at the Wedgewood Hotel and Spa, Vancouver. If by any chance you are not able to attend could you please let me know so we can fill your seat with people from the waiting list.
We will also have a representative from Legacy Liquor Store on hand at the event. Tito will be signing any bottles purchased at the event.
Legacy will be offering a 5% discount off Legacy shelf prices!
Visa and Debit will be accepted only, no cash. Looking forward to seeing you all there! Cheers! Thanks, Wade
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