Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do,
something to love, and something to hope for. -Joseph Addison, writer
I learn that ten percent of all the world's species are parasitic
insects. It is hard to believe. What if you were an inventor, and you
made ten percent of your inventions in such a way that they could only
work by harnessing, disfiguring, or totally destroying
the other ninety percent? -Annie Dillard, author (b. 1945)
Great Definition of Free Loaders!!!
Wayne Sutherland
Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do,
something to love, and something to hope for. -Joseph Addison, writer
I learn that ten percent of all the world's species are parasitic insects. It is hard to believe. What if you were an inventor, and you made ten percent of your inventions in such a way that they could only work by harnessing, disfiguring, or totally destroying the other ninety percent? -Annie Dillard, author (b. 1945)
Great Definition of Free Loaders!!!
Wayne Sutherland
Hi Zircon/Jan and Snobby Bobby!
I didn't know you were a "graphias" artist as well as a bible thumper, Zircon! A man of many, many talents! At any rate, absolutely wonderful to see you three, even if I had to give you the bum's rush! Trust rest of your visit goes well. Am sure it will.
Yesterday was much of a blur as you can well imagine. Nevertheless, everything went quite smoothly so am delighted to send fond greetings from the Sunset Princess in Playa! (I'm actually in Flamin's/Sarge's "Platinum" room, "Riviera", scribing, mooching their free WiFi. Poor cousins, from across the wrong side of the tracks, that we are, we don't have such connectivity!) Arrived in Cancun around 4:30 pm yesterday. We were delayed at airport , (Some mix-up regarding transportation.), so didn't reach resort until about 6:20 pm, and missed the Welcome Dinner planned by Nicole. It was a set menu and meal had already started so we just went to our room and unpacked/showered. Met the rest of the gang later in the Sports Bar so caught up with everyone there. Lads are off to Playa this afternoon for Marvin's stag. (The Sisterhood will be carousing at Nicolina's Stagette Party here. We were supposed to have gone fishing but wind is too strong. Don't mind inasmuch as I want to explore Playa anyway. Cheers!
I was up at 7:00 am this morning to go to the very well equipped gym. Flamin' and Sarge were there as well. Did half an hour on the stationary bike and then another 30 minutes on an elliptical machine. Then back to room to shower and change and have breakfast in Dining Room close to where most of wedding party/guests are staying. Wonderful, wonderful buffet, (fresh fruit and cactus juice are both delicious and thirst quenching.), so I'll need to spend any "free" time at gym!
Will be in touch, once back, to chat about visit en route to Winnipeg. Until then, take care of each other. Fondestos from Coriandre and Chloë, already working on their tans at Pool Six! Pics: Tuesday's dinner and Mexico!
Hi Glasgow and Catherine!
Trust you are both well and trip goes swimmingly. How are you handling the heat? Both Coriandre's and Chloë's hair are tangles of gorgeous curls in the humidity here. I love the look, myself. Must away as I want a dip in the Caribbean before I get ready for the afternoon/evening in Playa. Fondestos from the two babes, already working on their tans at Pool Six! Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Sports Bar and one of pools!
Hi Lads! Thank you both for grand ride on Tuesday! Thought of the peloton as we took off yesterday morning, a "spottee" as opposed to a "spotter", into the wind. Would certainly make a head wind more tolerable if we could muster the thrust of a jet engine!
Hi Admiral Barnacle! Thank you for taking on the Great Laptop Caper! Much appreciated. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Instead of whiskey, bring back artesanal mescal from the Playa, but from some mid-elevation and far off Oaxacan village, and i will be happy to pay for it for you. Of course it could reside in the legendary liquor cabinet at the Island Inn. Just let me sip some of it. :) Oh Snobby Bobby, you are so demanding but it is only a "Schnapp's Idee" as they say in German. No obligations.
Not drinking alcohol at present, but a coffee in a the sprawl of a Richmond Mall. Meanwhile Jim is with his aunt and across the way. We go onto BMO at Willow and Broadway next, to meet Virginia. She has the key to the safety deposit box – i lost mine long ago. Have not viewed the contents for a decade. An important VW paper should be residing there, that combines references with my work history there is presumably the last hurdle to finding out what my German pension contributions were.
Am enjoying Jim's visit hugely. Breakfast percolated with interesting conversation. We both steamed off about Rob Ford who just announced that he is going into therapy. The latest video shows him in his suit as always, but actually holding a crack pipe in his hand. Finally! Can we move onto a new topic now? Best Wishes! bob
Hi Pat, We are home now. I just saw the photos. Thanks! My iPad was too slow this morning, out in that Richmond mall We think that this cartoon, which is for your eyes only, is very apropos. Zircon (aka Jim) suggests that you forward the cartoon only at your peril. Thanks, SB
For wedding
Hi Guys,
Wondering if you can pass this along to whoever is delivering these messages at the wedding. Nicole and Marvin,
Congratulations on your big day! Although we cannot be there, you are in our thoughts today as you become husband and wife.
Nicole I will always remember the first time I met you. You were
probably about three weeks old and your Mom walked up our very steep
driveway on Indian Meal Line carrying you in a snuggly. I was outside
playing with my friend and immediately ran over
to take a closer look at the beauty that was in that snuggly. I
distinctly remember the full head of coal black hair!!!! However, what I
remember even more was how I fell in love with you instantly and grew
to consider you family very quickly. I can only
imagine how beautiful you look today. Marvin is a very lucky man.
To both of you, we hope in the many years to come you look back on
your wedding day as the day you loved each other the least. We wish you
all the happiness in the world. Love, Heather, Tim, Emma, and Megan Harrington
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