Seven blunders of the world that lead to violence: wealth without work,
pleasure without conscience, knowledge without character, commerce without
morality, science without humanity, worship without sacrifice, politics
without principle. -Mahatma Gandhi (1869-1948)
Duck Confit Poutine! |
Hi Folks Our neighbours Ron and Myra Frankling will be through Vancouver twice in the next month, it would be lovely if they could say hello. Patrick, you recall we went to their places for drinks a couple of years ago.
Their dates & times are: 2 June afternoon & evening (having arrived the day before and taking a city tour, they have this free time, their tour book suggests a visit to Granville Island that is not otherwise on their itinerary). Monday 21 / Tuesday 22 June, they disembark from their cruise ship on the Monday morning, then leave YVR early Wednesday 23. They're staying at Marriott Pinnacle Downtown. As you know they aren't people with high demands and expectations, and their time is brief, but if you could say hello I know they'd never forget it. Any way you could get in touch with them? Love, S.
Hello Old Oakites and Nouveau Vancouverites!
Trust everyone is well, whether in the Antipodes or North America! Vibes from Land Down Under and Vancouver environs must have been working their way through the ether as I had been thinking of you "lot" quite recently, in particular, on one of my solo rides out to Iona, this past week, wondering how life had been treating one and all. Aside from the "screaming silence", (I assume, a direct result of very busy lives.), thoughts "Ozzie" have been sparked, in part, by the visit of friends, Elly and Antonio, from Mermaid Waters. You might recall we drove to the Gold Coast after we left you in Hunter Valley.
For our part, Social Merry-Go-Round seems to have been spinning faster and faster ever since we landed back in Vancouver on May 7th! Destination wedding in Playa del Carmen for Nicolina/Marvinator, (Flamin's/Sarge's daughter and her boyfriend, in case you've not met.) Chloë was along as well. Wonderful, wonderful affair and loads of fun if only for a week. Tony and Elly arrived day before we were home from Mexico and stayed next door at Corinne's parent's place. They left a few days later, on a cruise to Alaska. Flew back this past Thursday and depart tomorrow for Toronto, Montreal, New York and then six weeks in France, most of which staying with friends who own a place near Nancy. Added to the mix are close friends, from Dartmouth, Michelle and Doug, here for a conference, but staying with Clan Sutherland before and after business end of travel. Consequently we have been having numerous outings and meals together.
Had a fab time, Friday evening at Long Table, a Small Batch Distillery at the foot of Hornby! Took the Aquabus from GI to take in the weekly G&T evening there. The distillery arranges to have a different food truck outside from 4:40pm-9:00pm so one can eat as well. It was TacoFino this time and food is truly terrific. Wonderful and a great time was had by all, at least as far as I was able to discern, through the Cucumber Gin, (one of their wonderful distillates), mist! Yesterday afternoon, (while assembled company were fish and chipping at Steveston), I had the distinct pleasure of attending a fab rum tasting, (free, courtesy of Legacy Liquor Store in Olympic Village), at the Wedgewood Hotel.
Tito Cordero, Master Blender from Dusa Distilleries of Venezuela, representing Diplomatico Rum, led the tasting of Anejo, Reserva, Exclusiva, Vintage (New), Ambassador and Saruro Liqueur. Tito described each rum’s distilling process as well as the history of Dusa Distilleries. What made it even more interesting was the fact that his presentation was translated, on the fly, by a lovely young woman from Peru, living in Vancouver since 2010. I had a chance to chat with her before event began. She didn't know anything about subject matter and had not met with Tito beforehand so it was quite a considerable feat for her to provide the translation for a fairly technical, at times, and subtle subject. The President and North American Sales Manager were there, as well, and did help out, when necessary, so it was quite a show, aside from the simply astounding lineup of rums that were presented.
After event, I was walking into the hotel foyer and another couple were coming up a small set of steps towards me. I heard the woman say, "But they don't have snow like we do in Terrace!" I said, "Excuse me but YOU don't have snow like we do on the Prairies!", or some such, just for fun. At any rate, one thing led to another and I discovered they happened to be none other than Nora and Barrie Phillips, very close friends of our close friends, Dawn and Gerry Martin, who still live in Terrace but have an incredible apartment on 2nd, just above Kits Pool! N/B have moved to Qualicum and have a home right on the water on Spearfish Road. I have ridden past numerous times when we have been house sitting for The Millionaires! They were going to the VSO otherwise I would have invited them back to The Islay Inn.
That evening a delicious dinner downstairs, salmon bought at Steveston, on bbq. E/T are taking all of us to The Agro Café, on Railspur Alley, on GI, this morning for brunch. Farewell dinner tonight, at The Islay Inn, before Brisbanites depart for eastern climes. Michelle/Doug leave on Tuesday.
So, we will have had a chance to rest up for Myra and Ron. (Are they the couple down the road? He works for a palm oil company in Papua New Guinea, teaching/training heavy equipment maintenance? She teaches English Literature in Bendigo?) At any rate we would be more than delighted to see them and have them for a visit/java, or something stronger, meal, etc., depending on time/schedules if they are interested/available. Monday, June 2nd, afternoon/evening is free, from our point of view. However, Monday, June 21st and Tuesday, June 22nd, are actually Saturday, June 21st and Sunday, June 22nd, here in Vancouver! I know you live in the Fast Lane in Harcourt North but I didn't think that involved the speed of light and time travel! Please confirm dates and we'll plan accordingly.
Nonetheless, the 21st/22nd, whichever universe inhabited, are free as we will have just said goodbye to Pat and David Coffaro, owners of a small winery just outside Healdsburg, in Sonoma. We have been tasting there since the early '90's and have become good friends as a result. They have a daughter in Seattle and visit her, usually once a year. We have finally convinced them to come to Vancouver. They arrive on Monday, June 16th, to stay for two nights at The Hermitage, downtown, and then will be at The Annexe, (Durston's place, as it is called!), for two nights, before returning to Seattle on Friday, June 20th.
Of course, Zoe and Matt, you are more than welcome to join us, (We'd love to see you two, it goes without saying!), for any and all gatherings while the Franklings are here. Again, let us know about dates in question. Look forward to seeing everyone. Fondestos from Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Friday's G&T Long Table bash: various people we chatted with over course of evening, owner, Charles, in striped shirt.
Hi again, Stefano! After further thought, I presume Myra and Ron are the couple who owned the orchards. Do I have it right yet? Anyway, pass along our phone number and ask them to call when they are settled in their hotel and we'll make arrangements to meet, somewhere, somehow!
Ended up not going to Agro as we arrived at 9:30 am and were told that the chef was not going to arrive until 10:00 am. Serious overhang, perchance? On to GI Hotel but although a large dining area, not a table to be had. (It is Memorial Day Weekend in US and apparently hordes of soccer fans were here to see Whitecaps vs Seattle Sounders. 2/2 draw on Saturday, I understand.) Next to Edible Canada where we enjoyed a wonderful breakfast. I had the Duck Confit Poutine! Bit low on calories and cholesterol, however! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Breakfasters and my "lite" nosh! Latest batch of goslings just by duck pond/wooden bridge at GI.
Hey Patrick, thanks for your enthusiastic reply. Yes, Myra and Ron are the former orchardists who live just before our place on the other side of the road. Now serious golfers and lawn bowlers, and all-time great characters. In their mid-seventies now they're doing the travelling they didn't have time for while bringing up the family. I'll give them your number, they'll probably call on the morning of 2nd, but I'll leave it up to them. On second thoughts, I'll advise them to call the evening before in anticipation of you on a morning ride.

I still work at the car yard a few hours a week. Sold a couple of
vehicles - real buzz! Mostly I run around after parts, repairs, panels
and the motor registration branch.
Practising piano 1-2 hours/day. Making satisfactory progress, and loving it.
I've been taking Italian classes. In fact I now run the classes! Our Adult Education program came to an end and I volunteered to organise the extension course that we're half way through, at a room in the Bendigo library.
I'm travelling to Italy and Spain again in September-October, then
coming round west to you guys, where K and I will join the fambly at
Thanksgiving, and then home. Thanks again. Love to all. S
Lovely to hear from you, and what a wonderful vacation you have
just had to Mexico! How romantic! Thank you also for the Easter
thoughts; we were away in Melbourne and I was also in Japan around
Easter and after. We have been back for two or three weeks
I think!
The weekend of 21st/22nd works well for us, however I have signed
us both up for our first half-marathon Sunday 22nd June, so our
preference is for a health-food and teetotal dinner and 9pm bedtime on
that Saturday evening!! Race starts at 7:30am :( who
wants to run at that time on a Sunday!?
I will try to put a call through to Myra and Ron's hotel on 2nd June, I will try and phone you that evening as well to finesse the plan. Ron and Myra are the couple who live on the opposite side of the road from mum and dad, and they own all the orchards and paddocks on that side. Their family has been in the neighbourhood for time immemorial! They also have lots of children who live locally, who are also orchardists.
I will try to put a call through to Myra and Ron's hotel on 2nd June, I will try and phone you that evening as well to finesse the plan. Ron and Myra are the couple who live on the opposite side of the road from mum and dad, and they own all the orchards and paddocks on that side. Their family has been in the neighbourhood for time immemorial! They also have lots of children who live locally, who are also orchardists.
I am very keen to hear about your friends in Sonoma; Matthew and I are planning a vacation there in 2015, we would love to hear about your own experiences there! Have a lovey week, looking forward to catching up soon! Love, Zoe and Matthew
Hi Giggenheimer!
Sorry we didn't connect for a ride on Friday! I gather, having seen you whizzing by, on Foreshore Hill, that you were already out when I left message. At any rate, just as I was leaving The Heartbreak Terrace Flamin' was bringing her friends, Michelle and Doug, in town for a conference, back to their place to stay for remainder of visit. I invited Doug to join me so he used my bike and we set off for UBC. Shortly after we saw you, I left Doug behind as he was struggling with hill. I turned around at Wesbrook Crescent to see how he was progressing but could find hide nor hair. I assumed he had either given up and decided to go back along water or else had been closer to me than I thought and had disappeared around curve further up road. At any rate when I couldn't see him lower down hill I made for campus, thinking he might wait at top. Again, no sign of him so I thought he had headed for home.
I was pretty sure that if this was the case, I'd catch up, at some point, given his riding speed on outward leg. To make a long story short, we never reconnected and when I arrived back at The Heartbreak Terrace both Coriandre and Flamin' were furious: "You abandoned Doug! You dipsy-doodle and never stop! You idiot!" and those are only some of the nicer things they spat out! Quite amazing how quickly, only a matter of a minute or so, reconstructing events later, how disappearing act can occur! At any rate, Doug had called from Marine, close to Totem residences, I gather, asking where he was and where I was!
Fortunately, he was able to find his own way home and in fact arrived but five minutes after I was having abuse hurled at me! He took route along Jericho instead of tackling hill up to 4th so, again, we probably just missed one another by a few minutes or less. Stats for ride prove my "frantic" searching:
All's well that ends well and once both of us showered and changed we had a fab time, that evening at Long Table
Went for a solo ride yesterday afternoon, to work off Gin Cobwebs, while assembled company were fish and chipping at Stevesto. Stats:
Cora Lee and I have some shopping to do for tonight's meal and then a bit of food prep, etc. Not sure what you and Wrathful One will be up to but I am planning to invite Lads to Craft around 6:00 pm, (Two Michel(l)es are off to power shop in Bellingham for afternoon and I assume Elly will want to stay with Cora Lee as she doesn't drink but a sip here and there!), so that we can greet/meet NRBCers when they straggle in and hold a table. If you are interested, you two could certainly join us, (I can even bring cards and we could play a few rounds of bridge!) Unfortunately, Sisterhood has imposed strict time constraints so our party will have to leave in order to be back at Ball Breaker Terrace by 7:30 pm! Let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio!
P, sounds like a fun time was had by all. I am playing a squash game at 4:PM and I will take Kurt with me if he is willing. We will travel without a car and may well join you at CRAFT around 6PM. You are not staying for the NRBC? Do I understand that correctly? W
Hi Giggster! We will be staying for just a bit, unfortunately. Of course, you lads are welcome to pop in, on way home, for a snort or two. Hello to Fiend, Buona Fortuna with doubles and see you at Craft! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi everybody, Unfortunately I won't be able to do it. I got to go work, I tried to find someone merciful enough to switch shifts but I didn't work. See you guys in the next meeting. Cheers jon
Unfortunately I got some kind of cold and I can not come to our meeting. Happy meeting. Moe
Unfortunately I got some kind of cold and I can not come to our meeting. Happy meeting. Moe
Hi Lads! Sorry to hear you are not well, Moe, and that you are forced to slave away in the salt mines, Jon. You will both be missed and given circumstances, The Piglet will not levy fines for last minute absences! Vittorino's case, however, is another matter altogether and his fine will be double as he is cavorting rather than reading, working or recovering! All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Karen, as you know we are having a family reunion to celebrate my dad's 90th and their 69th wedding anniversary. My mother-in-law Anne Dunn has died and we would like to bury her ashes in the Chapel Lawn cemetery beside her husband while we are there. Both our daughters and 2 grandsons will be there as well. We were wondering if you would be available to hold a short service at the grave side. We were thinking of August 1 but it could be another day. Looking forward to seeing you and Esther in Falcon at the party. Hope you are both well. Regards Corinne
Hi Corinne, First of all, my thoughts are with you folk. Any loss is always matter what age or circumstances! And yes, I could do the service on August 1st. We plan to get out later on August 2nd for your parents event. I actually have funeral that morning, but we will get out in time! Just let me know more about what you folk would like at Chapel Lawn and we can go from there. Thanks for your trust in me. Take care, Karen Dear Chapel Lawn:
My father, "Jimmy", (Maurice Joseph), Dunn, was buried at Chapel Lawn, in September 1966, in a plot my parents had purchased. This August, Friday, the 1st, 2014, I should like to arrange to have a grave side ceremony to inter my mother's ashes. (Anne Dunn 1913-2012) It was her wish to be buried beside her husband. I have arranged to have a local minister conduct the service. We would like to have the service sometime around noon, if possible. Please let me know what additional information, if any, you might require and what costs are involved. Thank you, in advance. Patrick Dunn.
Hi Karen!
Thank you for your sympathy and for agreeing to conduct the service for Mom. Certainly much appreciated.
I have sent a message to Chapel Lawn asking about Friday, August 1st, around noon, for ceremony. I will contact you as soon as I have confirmed all the details. In the meantime, I have attached a number of files which will provide you with some background on Mom's life.
As far as the memorial ceremony is concerned, a very simple one is what we had in mind. Haven't actually talked about content yet but I will ask Chloë and Ayn, and our grandsons, if they would like to read something, (a poem, short passage of scripture, or the like), as part of service. I would like to say a few words and/or read something. All of the above would be woven into program as you would outline/organize it.
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