P, Mornin. Let me know where and when. 8AM at the Islay Inn patio? I will drop de Decoded dere dat way. W
Hi Giorgio! Ski is doing yoga on the deck as I scribe. We'll see you on patio at 8:00 am and head out once we've exchanged Decoded fro a small present for Two Two! See you shortly. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Thanks for your message, Pat! Sorry for the delay in replying. I have been back in Stockholm since the 1st of May. Last spring I was pooping blood (hopefully a oner), this time it was peeing. Went on for six days, with intervals, stopped eleven days ago. Appeared after a 3 week cortisone treatment for eksema in one of my groins, combined with an ill-advised and possibly harmful (to the kidneys) over-comsumtion of water (3-4 litres per day), "to humidify my skin". Had a preliminary examination a week ago at the local health centre. So far so good, but still a way to go.
Just back from lunch in town with my dear friend Tomas (my favorite national librarian) who had the same thing three time over two years until a couple of years ago. The found nothing wrong with him. I hope I'll be as lucky. Otherwise, everything is well over here. Anna is definitely back from Canterbury now and is just successfully completing another university term. Bodil is a happy pensioner, like most women in her culturally oriented social circles. One of these days I'll open up the cabin for the summer. As for Jane, she is in a panic as usual, totally obsessed with preparing her move to Courtenay, her favorite place on earth. Keep it up, and greetings to Corinne, Kjell
- Marlo Jurkowski
Hi all, Just booked my flight for my Girl Guide national meeting on June 6-9th. I arrive the 5th at 807am on Westjet 307. Hoping my lovely aunt and uncle would pick me up? And hoping I can stay at one of your places that night? I have to be at the Delta airport next day (Fri) for I believe 5 or so but will confirm. Looking forward to seeing you all! - Chloe Alexis Dunn
so you have the thursday and friday days in the city to hang as well as thursday night? - Marlo Jurkowski
Yes that's correct. All day and night Thurs and Fri day. Then I'm at the hotel till monday. - Patrick James Dunn
Hi Marlo! Great that you will be coming to Vancouver. We will certainly collect you from YVR on Thursday. Probably best to stay at our place unless Chloë is able to get either Thursday or Friday off. We can plan/confirm closer to the time you will be here and once Chloë knows her schedule. Hello to everyone in Winnipeg. Fondestos from lovely Aunt Corinne and Cheers from your lovely Uncle Patrizzio!
P, thanks for the ride. I hope the rest of your ride was as pleasant. Really enjoyed Ski. And grateful for the stuff for Cobby. He will not see it until Saturday. Let me know your plans for riding over the week. W
Hi Lads and Calamity Ski!
As Whirlygig knows, after we left him at Prospect Point, Ski and I proceeded over Lions Gate and made for Spirit Trail. All went well until we made for the pedestrian/bike bridge over tracks at Mckay. I told Ski to gear down for climb but, of course, she didn't so had trouble with gears. Long and short of it was that the chain somehow jammed once she was over bridge, not far from Bodwell High School. I circled, hoping above all hope that she could right problem. Chain Gods smiled not upon me. however, and I was forced to touch The Dreaded Burning Ground at 30 km, putting an end to the "official" ride! By this time she was a little grease monkey. Nevertheless, I was able to to fix problem by putting chain in a lower gear and we were back in business.
She did very well on re-ascent of LG although I had to circle, interminably, at Prospect Point, until she showed. Wanting a drink and a bathroom stop she put kick stand down and rushed off. As soon as she did the bike fell over onto the large rock near-bye. She wanted to come back but I said, "Just leave it! Go!"
As Whirlygig knows, after we left him at Prospect Point, Ski and I proceeded over Lions Gate and made for Spirit Trail. All went well until we made for the pedestrian/bike bridge over tracks at Mckay. I told Ski to gear down for climb but, of course, she didn't so had trouble with gears. Long and short of it was that the chain somehow jammed once she was over bridge, not far from Bodwell High School. I circled, hoping above all hope that she could right problem. Chain Gods smiled not upon me. however, and I was forced to touch The Dreaded Burning Ground at 30 km, putting an end to the "official" ride! By this time she was a little grease monkey. Nevertheless, I was able to to fix problem by putting chain in a lower gear and we were back in business.
She did very well on re-ascent of LG although I had to circle, interminably, at Prospect Point, until she showed. Wanting a drink and a bathroom stop she put kick stand down and rushed off. As soon as she did the bike fell over onto the large rock near-bye. She wanted to come back but I said, "Just leave it! Go!"
Once re-hydrated and bladder emptied, we took off. She
fell behind immediately so I circled back and asked if she was okay. She
said she was so I made for crest of hill and then decided to circle in
the parking lot of the picnic area there. Continued to do so for about
five minutes and couldn't believe she hadn't caught up. Wondered if I'd
missed her when my back was to road so I took off down the hill. Wasn't
sure if I'd find her at the bottom so went as far as turn-off to Lost
Lagoon and came back towards the parking lot near Second Beach
Concession and lo and behold she was coming towards me!
Anyway, I returned to the Heartbreak Terrace and a few minutes later Ski arrive, bike-less! Problem was a broken spoke! She left the Brodie there as gang said they could fix it in about half an hour. She had a quick shower, changed and then returned to Reckless as she wanted to ride downtown to meet her sister. All's well that ends well!
However, poor Ski had had a message from friend who was dog-sitting
for her while she was away. (Her husband, Ron, is actually on St Martin
at moment, teaching a course at the medical school there.) Friend lives
in Halifax and so dog is not used to countryside's fauna thereabouts as
Ron/Ski live on Cape Breton. Apparently the pooch chased a mother
porcupine and animal climbed a tree to escape. Its baby wasn't so
fortunate as pooch killed it, sustaining 12 quills in its tongue and 45
in face! $450 wildlife lesson later! Told her that she should have been
glad she wasn't riding my high maintenance Trek to make her feel better!
Stats for ride:
Ski's stats: 56.58 km over 3:40'17 for an AVG of 15.4 km/hr, includes ride downtown and back, for lunch with Joan.
After Ski left I had a bite to eat and then took a very, very restful power nap, getting up two hours later to help Coriandre finish assembling the new grill. All went quite well, surprisingly, and by 4:30 pm we had the spiffy red bbq on the patio. I then took a quick trip to Young Brothers for fruit and vegetables. Once home Coramandel took off to collect Spumoni from the Delta downtown. Ski arrived shortly thereafter and helped with a few kitchen chores before I showered and changed.
Grains Canada Babes were here just after 6:00 pm and we sat on the patio to enjoy crackers/dips and white wine. Another very warm, comfortable evening so Winnipegger, (Pam), and Thunder Bay Woman, (Laureen, a colleague), were delighted to be outside without parkas! Cora Lee prepared wonderful bbq'd chicken breasts, (done frozen), on her new red Brinkman grill, along with scrumptious, double-baked cauliflower and a tangy kale salad. Spumoni and Laureen, in town on business, brought Cora Lee a magnificent bouquet of flowers and a very tasty 2012 Hester Creek Merlot, 13.8%. Ski stayed for dinner as well and she brought a wonderful McLaren Vale 2102 Shiraz, Punch in the Face, 16%, so we were very well served, having knocked back two bottles of white on the patio with appetizers!
Gang said goodnight close to 10:00 pm as full day for Canola Babes and Ski had to drive back to White Rock where she was staying with her brother for the night. I left Coriandre to load dishwasher as I was exhausted after having to shepherd Ski on her misadventurous ride!
Master Rum Class with Master Blender Tito Cordero
To Invited Legacy Liquor Store Customers,
Dear Wade: If there are any spaces still left I would like to
attend Tito Cordero's presentation at the Wedgewood. Thanks and Cheers,
Patrick Dunn!
Patrick, You are confirmed for the Diplomatico Event, I will send you a reminder a day before the event! Best, Wade
Hi Wade! Much appreciated! Cheers, Patrick!
Hello! Damian is also participating in the Heart and Stroke Jump Rope for Heart fundraising event. He too would appreciate support in raising a few dollars for this worthy cause. Thank you :) Take care, Ariane
Ski's stats: 56.58 km over 3:40'17 for an AVG of 15.4 km/hr, includes ride downtown and back, for lunch with Joan.
After Ski left I had a bite to eat and then took a very, very restful power nap, getting up two hours later to help Coriandre finish assembling the new grill. All went quite well, surprisingly, and by 4:30 pm we had the spiffy red bbq on the patio. I then took a quick trip to Young Brothers for fruit and vegetables. Once home Coramandel took off to collect Spumoni from the Delta downtown. Ski arrived shortly thereafter and helped with a few kitchen chores before I showered and changed.
Grains Canada Babes were here just after 6:00 pm and we sat on the patio to enjoy crackers/dips and white wine. Another very warm, comfortable evening so Winnipegger, (Pam), and Thunder Bay Woman, (Laureen, a colleague), were delighted to be outside without parkas! Cora Lee prepared wonderful bbq'd chicken breasts, (done frozen), on her new red Brinkman grill, along with scrumptious, double-baked cauliflower and a tangy kale salad. Spumoni and Laureen, in town on business, brought Cora Lee a magnificent bouquet of flowers and a very tasty 2012 Hester Creek Merlot, 13.8%. Ski stayed for dinner as well and she brought a wonderful McLaren Vale 2102 Shiraz, Punch in the Face, 16%, so we were very well served, having knocked back two bottles of white on the patio with appetizers!
Master Rum Class with Master Blender Tito Cordero
To Invited Legacy Liquor Store Customers,
are very fortunate to have Tito Cordero, Master Blender from Dusa
Distilleries of Venezuela, representing Diplomatico Rum, hosting a
Rum Class in the Liaisons Room at the Wedgewood Hotel and Spa on
Saturday May 24th from 3:30 to 4:00 pm, exclusive to Legacy Liquor Store
customers only. Dusa Distilleries and Tito won best Distillery and
Master Blender for 2013!
Tito will be tasting the Diplomatico line-up, including Anejo, Reserva, Exclusiva, Vintage (New), Ambassador and Saruro Liqueur. These fantastic rums range from $27.00 to $225.00 and have been aged from 4 to 14 years in American oak barrels. Tito will describe each rum’s distilling process as well as the history of Dusa Distilleries.
Tito will be tasting the Diplomatico line-up, including Anejo, Reserva, Exclusiva, Vintage (New), Ambassador and Saruro Liqueur. These fantastic rums range from $27.00 to $225.00 and have been aged from 4 to 14 years in American oak barrels. Tito will describe each rum’s distilling process as well as the history of Dusa Distilleries.
Patrick, You are confirmed for the Diplomatico Event, I will send you a reminder a day before the event! Best, Wade
Hi Wade! Much appreciated! Cheers, Patrick!
Hello! Damian is also participating in the Heart and Stroke Jump Rope for Heart fundraising event. He too would appreciate support in raising a few dollars for this worthy cause. Thank you :) Take care, Ariane
Hi Ariane! Trust all goes well! Buona Fortuna to Damian with his Jump Rope event. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear Patrick Dunn, Thanks for your donation to Damian Hickey in the Jump/Hoops program. Your gift is greatly appreciated. An electronic tax receipt for your donation will be sent to you in another email. Your support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation is helping to protect hearts and keep all kids healthy.
To Our Guests, I hope your are all excited as I am for this great opportunity with Tito Cordero representing Diplomatico Rum. We currently are at our maximum capacity and currently have a waiting list.
I just wanted to remind everyone the Master Class starts at 1pm Saturday May 24 at the Wedgewood Hotel and Spa, Vancouver. If by any chance you are not able to attend could you please let me know so we can fill your seat with people from the waiting list.
We will also have a representative from Legacy Liquor Store on hand at the event. Tito will be signing any bottles purchased at the event. Legacy will be offering a 5% discount off Legacy shelf prices! Visa and Debit will be accepted only, no cash. Looking forward to seeing you all there! Cheers!
Invited Guest, Sorry I made a mistake on the last email I sent out to you all. Your time slot is at 3:00pm on Saturday 24. NOT 1:00pm as stated on the last email. Sorry for the miss print. See you all at 3:00pm on Saturday May 24. Wedgewood Hotel and Spa, Vancouver! Best, Wade
Invited Guests, Doors will open at 3:00 pm. Master Class will start promptly at 3:30, the session will go for approximately 45 to 60 minutes. The last 30 minutes Titto will answer questions and you will be able to sample a cocktail created by Jason Browne from Calabash. You will also be able to purchase product at this time signed by Tito. Sorry for all the confusion! Best, Wade
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