Thank you for your email and delightful snaps. While you were frolicking in wine sun and eyeing up all those bronzed bikini clad lasses I have been busy painting and fixing! Yes the scaffolding is still up as you can see from the photos.
We have, however, been taking breaks from the tedious tasks at hand to enjoy the wonderful sunny and warm weather we have been having of late. We went to Southampton for a week to look after the dog while Marnie, Ant and Tris went to Centre Parcs at Longleat. We drove down for a day with them and had a grand time. Tris loved all the animals that visited the cabin where they were staying, deer, ducks, squirrels etc. Unfortunately on the penultimate day of the end of their holiday Tris fell off the couch and fractured his leg! Consequently, he has been in a cast ever since. Fortunately it was only a spiral fracture so Marnie is hoping the cast will come off this coming week.
Marnie, Tris and the dog came down last week for a few days since Marnie had a presentation to give to students at Truro College. She does this every year for graduating students who are interested in perusing a career in teaching. We had some good walks with the dog while they were here. The woodlands are full of English bluebells at the moment and the perfume is intoxicating.
As soon as all the work is completed on the house I really have to get out on the bike to start building up my stamina again! The National Trust has just opened several miles of off road bike trails through the woods at Lanhydrock so Gayle and I will try the trails out over the next few weeks. I can probably use my Tri Cross but Gayle will need to hire an off road bike from Lanhydrock since her road bike wouldn't be up to the roughness of the trails.

Have not heard from Krissy in a while. Sent her a couple of texts but no reply! I know she is supposed to be heading over to Galliano for Shaun and Louise's wedding but not sure if it was this weekend.
We have just popped into Truro for breakfast and then back to tackle some more chores. Will take the afternoon off though and head out somewhere since it is another glorious day. Maur and Bill are in London at the moment and return tomorrow. Bills Aunt has been put into a nursing home after having a stroke so they had to go up to sort out disposing of furniture etc. Best wishes to you all,
Hello High-Rigger House Painters! Must say that I'm more than impressed with scaffolding on Sydney House! I assume you had some company erect structure itself or did you simply Meccano everything together? Loved the perspective shot of Gayle. Where is her hard hat?
You two will be well suited to work on building opposite, here in Vancouver, although am happy to say, particularly for inhabitants, of course, much progress has been made. Most of the west side of the building is finished and most of the plastic covering has been removed from the east side. Still plenty of scaffolding up but gather painting is well underway. Colour Co-ordinater Cora Lee has approved choice of tint, (It compliments our building's colour scheme!), so am sure contractor is relieved that company will not have a Stop Work order issued by our Strata. The Sisterhood, (Flamin', Cora Lee and Joanne), dominate, not only the Council, but our lives, as you well know!
Sorry to hear about Tristan's fall and subsequent fracture but glad to learn that break is not overly serious. Wish our old bones would heal as quickly! Your walks and woodland gambols sound lovely, especially with stunning flowers abounding. Loved my very own garden! While we certainly don't have the stunning garden and landscaping you possess, Cora Lee has added an attractive fir and a lovely hanging basket. Metal pot holder, (fabricated by close friend Big Al, now in film Special Effects but started out as a welder), now sports begonias. On Mother's Day I was dragooned into helping Cora Lee in garden area off our patio.
She put in about seven shade plants. Her Dad ordered the bulbs for her before they left and they arrived day before we left for Mexico! I had to use a small, forked hole digging implement as there are so many roots that it is almost impossible to trowel a hole, even a small one.
Cycling on new Lanhydrock trails sounds terrific. For my part I had a great ride out to Iona yesterday. Weather was supposed to cool with many showers but latter never materialized and sun came out so it was a glorious day in the end. Didn't leave home until just after 1:00 pm and had decided I'd do my usual Spanish Banks, UBC, Marine, CSTB route. Since it was the first day of the long weekend roads were pretty quiet, especially along SW Marine, making for much more pleasant riding, of course. Fairly brisk wind out and back to Iona itself but since it was from the south, more of a cross wind so not as difficult to ride against, for much of the time.
Once I'd finished dipsy-doodling on Richmond side of Fraser I decided I'd return via SW Marine as opposed to climbing back up Cambie. Have been scoping out sidewalk complex under Arthur Laing Bridge, (one to YVR), over last few rides here and felt I could use it to take me back to side street, Milton, which leads to an industrial park off W 75th Ave. I had never actually ridden along 75th at this point but I suspected it would allow me to connect with SW Marine, at some point. What I did find was that once past the various business operations I encountered Fraser River Park, a lovely expanse of open, grassy fields, dotted with numerous wooded knolls threaded with walking trails along the river.
However, 75th itself doesn't connect directly with SW Marine so I had to retrace my steps, looking for some other egress. Took the first side street that didn't sport a No Exit sign, Angus Dr, and was delighted to find myself on SW Marine Dr, although farther west than where I had imagined I would be, at Barnard St. Nevertheless, very pleased with reconnoiter as this new route provides a viable alternative to Cambie, especially on weekends when heavy truck traffic, in particular, is at a minimum.
Was about to jump in the shower when Nicolina and Marvinator knocked on the door. They had come to collect Molly Mop, not knowing that Flamin' had decided to take her along to the Okanagan and that we weren't dog-sitting as had first been arranged. Anyway, invited them in for a drink. Poured Marvinator and myself a G&T, made from Long Table Cucumber Gin and he was most impressed. The Sisterhood opted for a glass of 2013 Black Widow Pinot Grigio, 12.9%, latest offering from this Naramata winery we like very much. We had invited Admiral Barnacle for dinner that evening and he arrived just after I had poured the first round of drinks. We visited for a bit before newly weds left for downstairs. They were staying there overnight as they had tickets to show at the Comedy Club in GI later that evening.
I jumped into shower while Chef Coriandre put steaks on bbq, under close supervision by Ragin' Bull. Once changed, I sliced up some tomatoes and buffalo bocconcini, garnished with fresh basil, drizzled with Balsamic and olive oil and our salad was ready. Earlier, Cora Lee had put three large yams in microwave to soften the tubers and then finished them off in frying pan. We sat down to the tasty meal, enjoying the very quaffable Spanish red, a 2011 Hécula, 100% Monastrell, or Mourvedre, a varietal we like very much, generously contributed by Captain Haddock. Spent a goodly time chatting over course of the meal and once dishes were cleared away we watched Woody Allen's latest, Blue Jasmine, with Cate Blanchett. Quite liked it and think she deserved Academy Award for Best Actress.
Admiral Barnacle toddled home shortly thereafter. He is back on his rum runner, moored at Spruce Harbour Marina, along the Seawall, but a kilometre, (I know distance, exactly, according to my Garmin odometre!), east, towards Cambie Bridge, after having been staying at his father's place, near 12th and Macdonald, while his Dad was not well. Loaded dishwasher and then made straight for bed as cumulative effect of ride and hootch had finally taken their collective, combined toll!
Cooler today with passing showers forecast. Unfortunate, inasmuch as we will be attending a bbq from 2:30 pm-4:30 pm, this afternoon. My barber, (Dino, of Economy Barbershop on 41st and Arbutus), is having a 50th anniversary celebration for his shop. Over the years, we have become friends. Since he is from Greece I mentioned, at one point, that I grew up on Cyprus and it turned out that he was doing his National Service there while we lived on island, back in the '50's!
After that we are to pop in at the home of a former UBC colleague, Jo-Anne Naslund, to celebrate her husband's 66th birthday. I felt she was the leading candidate for the job as Reference Librarian at the Curric Lab where I had worked since 1976. Increased funding, in 1983, allowed for a second position but I had to convince my boss, at the time, to hire her. She is still there, (now re-named the Education Library), and continues to do wonderful, wonderful work with both students and faculty. (I knew my assessment was right but I think that Howard Hurt, my boss, was a bit threatened by her. Howard, (sadly deceased a few years ago now), was a lovely, lovely man and extremely knowledgeable about the provincial curriculum and the history of public education in BC. Although a very, very supportive boss he was rather a conservative administrator and I think he felt Jo-Anne was a bit too "radical"!) Colin, her husband, was a teacher-librarian, but he took early retirement a number of years ago.
On the cavorting/financially dependent daughter front, Krissy and Chloë, and friends, are indeed on Galiano this weekend. Chloë had asked to use my credit card, a few weeks ago, to book reserved ferry sailings and I see that the amount has just been credited to my account! I guess she collected from everyone involved. Now if I can just get her to repay the considerable tax bill I paid on her behalf, this return, I might be able to afford some decent malt! Must away as I have scads of things to do before we head out to bbq. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Buona Fortuna with painting. Hello to one and all. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Galiano; Newly Weds; Admiral Barnacle; Local scaffolding! Should be gone by September!
Hello Paris People! Must say that I'm more than green with envy at your wonderful situation. All those fabulous French wines and cheeses and then cycling in the French and English countryside!
No word from Alaska. We think Elly was eaten by a Grizzly and Antonio has not made this fact known as he probably has something going on with Swedish masseuse aboard cruise ship!. On trip to Whistler Sarge stopped car to let them take a picture of a black bear by the side of the road and Elly jumped out of the vehicle to get closer to obtain a better shot, in spite of shouts to the contrary.
Must away as I have scads of things to do before we head out to bbq. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Buona Fortuna with next leg of riding tour. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pics: Recently hatched Canada Geese chicks at GI; Cucumber Gin; Newly Weds; Admiral Barnacle!
Hi Pat and Dave! Do feel badly that it has taken me so long to reply. Please don't apologize for not writing sooner. You are still working and running a winery certainly requires far more time, effort and energy than being retired. Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Buona Fortuna with gearing up for an itinerary! Given what you have mentioned about likes, etc., Cora Lee and I will chat about some things we think you might wish to do/see. Elly and Tony seem much like you two as they were very happy to "wander" by themselves. That being said, still think an hour or so driving tour of city, (bit of downtown, Stanley Park and then out to UBC), after you arrive from Bellingham, will give you a decent overview of Vancouver. Hello to one and all at winery. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrice, You're right..I probably should have been more sympathetic especially as some of them really weren't very funny i.e. the poor guy falling off the billboard. I figured it was mostly funny so the title was fair and you're right the runaway trailer gag episode would have fit in there very nicely. Too bad there wasn't a film of my ground zero experiment as it also would've been a highlight!.
Hope you are having a great weekend, too bad your Squamish plans fell through but sounds like you have plenty going on anyway. I got to the cabin yesterday afternoon with Jake and his friend as Colleen had come up on Friday as she was anxious to get some painting etc. done while the place was quiet.

Thus the work getting the trailer ready and pulling plants, doors, loading fridges etc. The the drive up and more digging, moving etc., somewhere im there I managed to ram my knee into the trailer hitch and had the most intense flash of pain in a looong time it was very swollen and sore yesterday and had to put some ice on it for the drive up. Got a few plants transplanted yesterday and will do a couple more today. We will have to plan a weekend with you guys as I know how booked up things get over the summer. Take care and talk soon. :^)!
How have you been, not so good at staying in touch we've been busy, excuses excuses! Was a cold winter here in MB were you in hongcouver over winter or still traveling. It isn't in a hurry to warm up yet and has been wet and cool. Jude and I got away to Vegas for a few days weather there was awesome about 75 average rented a car and did a fair bit of driving I tell people Vegas is a nice place to drive away from.
Went to St. George Utah one day to see the Virgin River Canyon beautiful drive didn't find any virgins though tried to get Judy a sister wife while in Utah that didn't work out either. Spent a couple of days at Hoover Dam and Boulder City Judith says that Boulder City reminds her of Ojai Cal. Getting the Kiwi terrorist across the border was interesting I had laughed it off before we left, but did prove to be an ordeal I can't believe that a government could be that paranoid,they get offended when you explain that you aren't sneaking into the land of milk and honey to take up permanent residency that you really want to go home ironic!
Did actually enjoy vegas went to a show one night walked the strip in Vegas fashion bottle of alcohol in one hand and a cigar in the other was different. Terry Fator was quite good got kind of long for my short attention span, after you've seen a dozen puppets you've seen them all, but he could tell I was getting bored so he got a poor bastard from Edmonton up on stage dressed as Lady Gaga was pretty entertaining. Gambled a little lost two dollars, lost interest and grabbed a beer went out on to strip to converse with the call girls. Have been busy at work being an owner changes things but is good making money Larry has been working his ass off I should feel guilty, but I don't it does the geezer good. How has your winter been? Are you coming to Falcon Lake this summer stop in if you are. Going to play a round of golf so should, go hear from you soon if you send to this address I will actually see it
Hi Patrizzio, We are back home now and happy I've got a decent internet and computer (I'm very old school) to work with. Just gave up using the Ipad and various wi-fi. I have had a lot of catching-up to do.
As you can see it was very tropical rainy in the Panama Canal. Very interesting though; you can see the container ship still at sea level (Caribbean) whilst we are about 20 vertical feet or one lock above. We are at the Gatun Locks here which are at the Atlantic or western side. No, I haven't made a mistake -just look at a good map and you'll see why.
The two lads are "my boys" who took 24/7 care of us for 22 days. They have endearing names: the short one is Sigit and the other is Tutut. Poor guys are away from their families for periods like 6 to 10 months -all they do is work hard and send their money home. The captain (obviously a really cool guy) luckily gets to go home after only 3 months and stay there (village near Bath, England) for 3 months.
Really looking forward to your June19th bbq event, please let us know the time and what to contribute and I'll bring the Chateauneuf-du-pape info re Domaine Cote de L'Ange plus another fabulous CDP or whatever you want. cheers, Bill.
Hi Patrick and Corinne What a breathtaking social life you lead, one minute Mexico, next minute deck at Island Inn!
On 6th May I had a rotator cuff repair on my left shoulder, 2cm torn supraspinatus tendon and minor arthritis, Caused by a combination of skiing accident a few years ago and a fall in January whilst skipping over my mother’s garden wall!!! Arm is in sling next to body, stitches out today and sling changed to over clothes. Pain was excruciating for first 48 hours when nerve block wore off but is now controlled with only a few painkillers each day.
Trevor is chauffeur, cook, gardener, housekeeper and dresser for 6 weeks, he is loving it ……NOT. Before the operation he had 5 days in Melbourne with his footy mate Rod so he was prepared. Because of this I am a little house bound so I have not been doing any of my volunteering, bike riding, bushwalking or French lessonsL
We had the girls over the weekend, took them to a Farm day in the forest yesterday, great fun was had by all. Apart from this nothing more exciting, but we are really looking forward to our trip to France in September. Cheers Tina
Fabulous Greek BBQ!
Hello Tina and Dino! I apologize fro taking so long to send along these pictures. Thank you both, again, for inviting us to the simply wonderful 50th celebration! It was a pleasure to meet so many of your friends and family. It goes without saying that the food was fantastic. Both Corinne and I trust it will become an annual affair! All the best. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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